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Posts posted by ironmarshal

  1. @stephane: I wouldn't say "everything is wrong" with it. It's the first time when we see a halfway proper case and HE valve on 16600. It's probably really nice watch, I just think it didn't live up to all that hype.

    It's a decent rep, but after all 1:1 claims and "modeled after the gen" it was a disappointment. Well, at least for me. Perhaps I'm too anal, but it would have been nice to finally see something extraodinary. The rehaut shape simply looks wrong, and this very characteristic look was the most important thing to get right (imho).

    For those us new to the hobby could you please elaborate on the crystal/rehaut profile. The CG's and pearl can be fixed, so I'm okay if they are flawed, but I'd like to know a bit more about the flaws you mentioned. Thanks for any illumination you can provide.

  2. Beautiful watch. I too have been craving a perfect TT rep and have stayed away from them because of the flaws. This however will almost surely change my mind. One question on the bracelet...you stated a solid gold bracelet will run about 3k. Is this for solid gold or for a tt with solid gold midlinks. How much would a gen tt bracelet run?

  3. Currency markets go in long cycles and are largely dependent upon local business climates. The dollar is weak now, but less than 8 years ago all of europe was decrying how poorly the euro was performing versus the dollar. At .86 euros per dollar the discussion was exactly the opposite of what it is today. Just ride the long waves and forget all this discussion of a third world currency. If you think it will keep getting weaker then use the currency markets to hedge your profit loss from currency fluctuations.

    The watch market will be just fine in the long term.

  4. In general I would say $400 is about right for me as well. I'll pay more for a watch modded with original parts as those parts will have lasting value, but for a straight out of the box rep $400 is tops. This of course implies that a true 1:1 rep is worth more to me than a non 1:1 rep as it gives me the option to mod with OEM parts.

  5. I'm sure you could do that in just about any country, but as an American it pains me to say that these people aren't all that unrepresentative of the public at large. I read a newspaper article a few years ago that said most American adults (I think it was 58%) couldn't calculate the change due to them from a lunch at McDonalds if they paid with a $20 bill. We've been in Iraq for several years now and many Americans can't locate the country on a map!

  6. Which rep is your favorite out of the box rep? Just curious to know people's thoughts on this topic.

    Note favorite does not necessarily mean most accurate. It could be inaccurate but have a great look or feel.

    **note: editing post....originally asked best, but as several members pointed out I am really looking for you favorite rep.

  7. Cheaper they may be....but they do NOT provide the same servce as dealers here.....you buy from a CQout / Ebay / Ioffer dealer.....and your item gets seized....or stolen....he'll be waving his postal receipts in your face and the auction sites......quicker than Paris Hilton responds to 'Action"..........especially when it comes to the more expensive items......and let's not forget their positive feedback.....from buyers who are in most instances signifcantly less educated about the differences in reps than members here are......ignorance is bliss...CQOut and Ioffer sellers enjoy the same benefits as scam web sites do....an ill-educated buying public...don't ask me to believe that ALL the newer members here.....didn't browse ANY auctionsites before ending up and remaining here....!

    And the 'fish in a barrel' belief is still a crock of [censored]....the phrase is meant to outline the lack of opportunity for escape....ANYONE can avoid the fishing hooks in here.....!

    As a member who only recently found this site (after coming across several scam sites and looking for better information) I have no illusion about the range of collectors out there. If the collectors on this board have high quality watches that I like then I don't mind them making some money off the deal, especially if I can be reasonable assured of quality service if something goes wrong. It's all about the value proposition...I'd rather pay a little more and get good service from a reputable collector than save a few bucks and take my chances.

    It all seems like simple economics to me....the collectors try to find a price point that maximizes profit. If the price is to high and the value proposition isn't there then enough people won't buy and they'll lower prices.

  8. I just don't understand everyone's obsession with double AR. Even if the gen has it, it has no place on a sport watch, which will see any kind of active use. The gen manufacturers use material and techniques that are not available to the rep manufacturers or aftermarket coaters...and their AR still scratches and looks like crap.

    I'm not the only one who thinks so...Have a looks at this PO review, from respected WIS John Holbrook, II.

    I agree with your point about the fascination. I'm only curious to see if he somehow figured out a way to make it scratch resistent. Personally I'd rather just have it on the inside than have a double AR and have to worry about the scratches all the time. But, if he somehow figured out a way to pull it off, then I might be interested.

  9. I was without internet for a WHOLE 16 HOURS, DBR. It was torture!

    Certainly not. Why, will become apparent later on when I post my Wristies. ;)

    (In fact, I've yet to shoot them. They'll have to wait, as it's pouring rain here)

    I agree they have some deserved success. Flukey or not, real champions always know how to pull one out of no where, when needs be.

    Yuck. Makes a travesty of anything achieved by Sir Matt Busby...

    I am in the unfortunate position of being the only cousin in my family who does not support Chelsea. All the rest of the Esher-living, Brie-eating, champers-imbibing typical Rent Boys-loving kin, do.

    My cousin serving in Afghanistan actually took his Chelsea shirt, flag and other tschokes there, and draped it over his whole tent-quarters. May God forgive us.

    EDIT: BTW, my father highly dislikes any club from London, including mine. He's a Stoke supporter, and also used to like Bristol City. (Wait for it) And still does. :lol:

    DO NOT dare equate the NASL with MLS. In so many ways, the former was so much better than the latter, although I for one am thankful that MLS today do not have to rely on foreign star-power (save Becks) for their league. They are doing the best thing they can for their own players' growth, and experience. Thank goodness.

    As for that other Victoria B...well, we had a recent thread about that, didn't we. I made my feelings plain. :yuk:


    Ever since his Millwall days...

    You watch him be England manager one day. Mark me.

    The man is Brazilian, black, was born to a family of 10 kids, and was so poor growing up, he improvised by making his father's socks into "footballs".

    Hope he rakes the money in, buys three more penthouses in NYC, and does Viagra adverts until he dies.

    I find it curious how sometimes this happens, don't you? One player lauded, one almost exiled or an afterthought. Same with Puskas in Real Madrid versus Sandor Kocsis in Barcelona...the latter is considered near saint there. Puskas, though admired and remembered, will always be second (third?) banana to Di Stefano at Real.

    You think the girl who is a film AND footie buff hasn't? ;)

    I am a fan of Zizou.

    I do agree he's the best European player of the past 20 years. But I think Platini was a better overall player, who sadly, didn't do with his France side what Zidane did with his -- I was present in the WC 1998 Final, and will never forget his goals in that match.

    Hope he re-establishes himself though, because he was a nasty player.

    Sorry to hear about you cousins supporting Chelsea....at least Man Utd have historically kept the core of their squad from the British Isles, unlike Chelsea and Arsenal....hard to find and Englishman on the pitch when they play!

    And vbarett I do agree with you about Sheringham, I could see him as England manager someday. Classy guy, not one of thouse publicity seeking hounds who pretend to be footballers.

  10. Great review, Watcher, and thanks for taking one for the team. I just don't think there's a way to make the sub/SD we all dream about w/ a 2836.

    I don't know why, but I have a gut feeling that they''re going to make a good 2892 sub pretty soon. Maybe what's holding them back is the availability of the movements, but I bet most of us would be perfectly happy w/ the decent asian "2892" though.

    That's what I'm hoping for. I'm holding off buying for the next six months hoping to see a really well done sub with a 2892 movement.

  11. In general I prefer reps to gens. Some of the more complicated movements, the stuff they can't rep would be worthwhile to buy, but even then it would have to be a rare occasion to pull it out of the box. With a rep you can mod it, make it your own or wear it as is out of the box without worrying what happens if it gets a ding or a scratch. I'd be paranoid about wearing a gen everyday.

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