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Posts posted by DemonSlayer

  1. I absolutely hate doing small repairs/fixes on A7750's because I have had pretty much bad luck in re-inserting stems in this movement. I had a close shave with my Slevin once, but after several attempts I managed to get the stem seated in properly.

    The "correct" method that I recall is to slowly wind the stem in, when it stops press the release button and push the stem all the way in. Sounds good on paper :p but I find that many things can go wrong for me. Either the stem stops too early, or when I press the button and push the stem in it won't go in etc. etc.

    It would be great to be able to confidently work on fixes/repairs on A7750 watches. So please share your tips here guys or methods that you successfully use.

  2. I have thought about getting it serviced, but first I want to make sure its a watch that will be a definite keeper. I usually buy watches, and then "test" them out, could be a few days, weeks or months. Once I've got a feel for the watch, I either sell it if I feel its not for me, or I keep it.

    I want to give this one a little more time, but its well on its way to being a keeper :) I am really liking it so far. This is why I wanted to know if this problem with the movement is really major, i.e. is there a risk that the movement can die any day if I continue to wear the watch without resolving the issue asap.

  3. This is not causing the low PR.

    According to Francisco, low PR is a symptom of this issue:

    The majority of times the cause of this problems is the “revising wheel”. This wheel, as show later, is a double gear. Some times these gears are gummed. The solution is, of course, cleaning the wheel. Other times cleaning is not enough to solve the problem and the reversing wheel has to be replaced. Movements with this problem tend to show low power reserve and may be not reliable.

    Get a replacement from your dealer. Looks like it's simply a bad one.

    I am kinda hesitant to return it :lol: because the watch itself is virtually perfect; no dust/speck at all on the dial or crystal, hands and markers are completely free of prints and the bezel insert is perfectly aligned!

    I'm thinking if I return it I could end up with one that isn't as clean :D But I'll shoot the dealer an email and see what we can work out.

    The watch is very nice, one of the first in quite a long time I've really enjoyed wearing. Someone in Ebel is doing something right :)

  4. Nothing shines like Rolex 904L steel ;):p Seriously though, if what Ammandel says is true, that only the case is 904L, not the bracelet, then this so-called "white gold look" or "white hue" or "white sheen" or white whatever of the bracelet must merely be the result of superior polishing/finishing technique.

    I recall RobbieG often mentioning that his Rhodium DJ looked whiter than 316L rep steel, and that it had a white hue to it. Maybe the bracelet on his DJ was made of the white gold looking 904L after all!

  5. An update. I've just tried to manually wind the watch, the rotor spins as I turn the crown. Exact same symptoms as described by Francisco in his tutorial here:

    Repairing when you manually wind and the rotor spins

    Unfortunate that this problem has occured in a brand new watch, but it goes to show that while the watch may be new, the movements may not be. The required skill to perform this fix is way beyond my capability to fix. Is this an issue that needs to be resolved immediately, i.e. if left alone would cause major movement problems in the future?

  6. I've had great luck with A7750 movements so far, until now. I purchased a Ebel Discovery 7750 recently and received it on Fri 22nd May. I wore it on that day, the next day (yesterday) I glanced at my wrist and noted that the time read 4:30, when in actual fact the time was 6:30 PM. I worried that the movement is losing a pretty large amount of time, either from being magnetized or other issues.

    It occurred to me that it might be a power reserve issue; that the watch might have stopped whilst I was sleeping the night before. So I carried on wearing it yesterday and took it off at 4:30 am this morning and put it inside the watchbox. I woke up a couple of hours ago and went to check if it was still ticking, unfortunately it stopped at around 6:30 am. So from 2 whole days of wearing this watch only 2 hours of power reserve was the result.

    I don't want to get the watch serviced yet as I don't know if it will be a permanent keeper, and also with money issues recently I can't really afford to. Does it sound like an easy fix for a watchmaker, or am I left with the two options of either getting it serviced or purchasing a new movement? I appreciate any responses.

  7. Thanks for your input By-Tor. Both are really nice, the BCE AR is a lot better, but I really do prefer the pro bracelet on the Skyland more and it is cheaper by quite a bit.

    Half of me wouldn't mind a trade but the other half is saying I need the cash! :D In any case I haven't ruled out a trade, but I don't think you would like the 7:00 and 8:00 lume markers, they haven't been perfectly applied (tiny flake of lume sticking out.) Could be removed easily I suppose with a toothpick or something, but I haven't gotten around to doing it, besides I'm scared I might mess up :lol:

  8. I'm in the process of selling watches that I no longer wear enough to justify me keeping them, or simply aren't for me.

    From my 2 Breitling chrono's, I've decided that either the BCE or Skyland has to go. The BCE has the far superior AR, its on par with k222's latest double AR.. BCE v3 is probably marginally better made in terms of finish and parts. The Skyland v3 AR is too blue and more reflective, the other downside is that the crystal can't be removed on this model so I have to live with the current AR and any scratches that might occur in the future.

    The main thing I like about the Skyland over the BCE is the bracelet. The BCE bracelet is a bit too dressy or jewellery-like for me, I prefer the design of the pro bracelet and feel it suits me better. I think I also prefer the numbers on the dial instead of the stick markers on the BCE. However the graphite color on the BCE is stunning and I like the red writing on the dial.

    If I were to keep the BCE, I could also wear it mostly on leather so thats the bracelet issue solved. The Skyland has a super thick case which is practically impossible to hide under a cuff, which doesn't win it any points in discreetness.

    I'm stuck as to deciding which one should go, so I would like to know member's opinions and would be grateful if you could please cast a vote. Thanks!



  9. The insert is the actual black ring with the numbers and markings on it, its glued onto the bezel. Aftermarket meaning that its not produced by the original manufacturer. UPO's have the pearl glued onto the actual bezel, and not onto the insert. So if you were to ask for extra inserts from your dealer, they wouldn't have any pearls attached onto them, just an empty hole where the pearl goes :)

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