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Posts posted by cougar1

  1. Hi Mush, That 90min araldite should do the job, but if you can get the slow set araldite then even better. The reason I said JB weld is because it's probably the strongest of all the epoxies but the others will do fine also. Try ask him to be a bit more liberal and put the glue on both sides and see how it goes. The more you can get the glue into a kind of thick paste the better, runny glue consistency isn't good for these jobs. Use as  much as necessary to fill that gap. Any excess can be removed after, just try not to get it inside the tube.

    You can clamp if you want to, even a clothes peg will do. I just usually leave the watch on its side with the tube facing upwards, it's perfectly stable like this if the glue is pasty enough. The main thing is to make sure the tube is straight. Hope he can get it right, once its in place it should be rock solid after a day.

  2. Sorry to hear that Mush, try using something like JB weld, the gen tube should be left alone for about 24 hours to cure, ...Is he doing that or is he testing within an hour or two?...cos it may not be enough time?...  I'm not sure why it's not holding in this case... which rep tube was it? ...the one with internal treads or one of the rarer ones with external threads? ....reason I ask is because the external threaded rep tube one leaves an even larger gap to fill than the internal threaded one.

    Either way it should be just a case of putting extra epoxy on to fill hole then do the tube as normal.  I'm sure someone in the US should be able to help.

  3. Interesting! wonder are these the 35mm or the 38mm, the 38mm would make a nice dressy alternative, there aren't many in the rep world so more choice is welcome!

    The 35mm would be a great choice for ladys watch...another area were reps are few and far between.

  4. another member posted pics of his 45mm a day or 2 ago and the crystal AR looks amazing...a new batch maybe? who knows...but yea sending it for a coating is an option, id prefer the 45mm too, but the pics ive seen of the 42mm are damn sexy!


    No change yet, what you're seeing is pics in different lighting, I've been asked a few times in PM if the 45mm AR is as bad as 'I made out' :) I'll stick by what I said originally that the watch is great but the 45mm AR is nowhere near the gen or the 42mm rep. ...i.e. it has almost no anti-reflective properties whatsoever, just a slight blue tint on certain angles.

    As it is, it is still a great watch but I'm still hoping the factories do something with it (make it the same AR as the 42mm!)... in the long run as I'd hate to think we see it as acceptable that they coat one version and not the other. At the end of the day it's up to people what they are happy with.

    AR is one of those things that is hard to compare 1:1 in pics, but overall when the 45mm has AR similar to the 42mm then we will notice that 'no crystal effect' much much more.


    btw seraphe great pics, the watch looks superb! 

  5. Should be an edit this post button, but sometimes they don't show up after a few posts are made on the thread. Contact a mod and they should be able to remove them. Good luck with the watch btw those SA are really good reps!



    Edit: Not a mod in sight, jesus they are never around when you need them :)

  6. Sorry but the fact that the topic went for 4 pages means that many people had an interest, but it is less about hanging either the buyer and seller in this thread out to dry and more about how in general rep transactions are handled and what are the general rep aftersales 'rules' (if any!). Both are good guys case closed, no issue there.


    Most sellers live by the 'once it leaves my hands then you own it' rule. No comebacks whatsoever, no responsibility for postal damage etc. For rep sales that is more than enough imho. The trouble is it it becoming pretty obvious that a seller almost needs friggen pics of the watch from all angles and a video showing the watch working at the time of packing to back them up should something happen later. Sign of the times I guess!

    • Like 1
  7. Judging by some of the rep transactions that go on these days I think both of you communicated pretty well and just didn't see eye to eye this time on how best to resolve this one.

    Some of the communications that happen in other sales are downright awful atm, it's a bit of a minefield. This one at least ye both tried to get your point across and resolve it in PM. Lately in lots of cases buyers will just go straight to paypal dispute and on the flip side often times sellers won't even bother giving a dignified response if there is an issue. As you say put this one down to a learning experience amanamongmen. Stick around, I'm sure you'll have a better experience and some other not so good ones. Hike is a good guy really.

    Judging by some of the stuff that happens in rep transactions this situation is pretty minor.

    • Like 1
  8. I have less drama selling $6,000 gens.  Good Lord.


    Well if a scratch like that happened on a $6000 gen I would be fcuking livid, and expect some compensation for non disclosure. At the very least a shipping back refund. I guess we all have different approaches.

  9. Thanks for the feedback Hike! At the end of the day I don't think either of ye did the wrong thing. A simple misunderstanding. The refund offer should have been the end of it. ...I can however see the buyers reasoning also, even if it did seem a little skewed initially to not to want to return. ....The fact is buyers always come off the worst financially out of a refund so I can't blame him for trying to try 'choose another option'. For a start he looses initial shipping, then he loses shipping back. and if it was me where I'd have to stand in the post office for 45mins during lunchtime queue to get served I'd be happy to work around, there is also the issue of paypal fees adding up back and forth... I could see his reasoning that a small discount might be just the easier resolution on both sides. 

    No right and wrong answers here unfortunately, Hike did the natural thing offering a refund, may have been a bit rigid in not bending in this case? ... buyer was just trying to be reasonable and work around another way but could have been a bit more forthcoming on the return aspect also.... both did not meet in the middle!

    Personally a slight refund would not have been the end of the world but everybody's different!

  10. Yep offer of a full refund is where it should end. But as with any sale between two parties they have the discretion of working out a satisfactory agreement between the two of them if something is off. I don't think anybody is saying there should be a discount of any sort or even that we should get into these scenarios where buyer comes back and says "Hey I'm not happy with the endlink fit, I wanna discount" or "The lugs are slightly scratched from a bracelet change...I wanna discount" ....these sorts of situations arising in rep sales would be just a nightmare scenario. The caseback scratches personally wouldn't bother me too much, but as said above they really should have been disclosed. There is also a massive difference between what is tolerable on a $200 rep vs what is tolerable on a $1200 rep??. Any link to the sales thread??

  11. I'm a little bit torn in these situations as I bought a watch last year where the seller said it had been worn for a week and looked in excellent condition from the selective photos. When I received it there were lots of scratches and small dinks all over prominent areas of the nicely brushed case.... so I hate non-disclosure with a passion. I asked the seller if in that week he had worn it building a house or laying motorways?  One persons minor wear is not the same as another person and this is where problems can arise.


    I'm sure in this case it is more of a situation of simple error rather than selective concealment. Hike is a good guy and has been around a long time isn't the 'type' that does that above.

    However I do agree with above that refund is not always the end of the perfect solution to these situations, simple agreed discount is often better as full refund ends up with both parties back where they started and still loosing postage/fees and time.

    • Like 1
  12. @cougar excuse my noobism but what exactly do you mean by half turns?


    :) Either half turns or (full turns) of the crown rotation when screwing it in from the time it grabs the tube threads until it is fully screwed in (stopped) ....some people call it in full turns, or half turns, half turns is probably due to how far the wrist can rotate the crown (180 degrees). Just wondering how yours is on that one?

  13. Having lived with my new 42mm for a couple of days now.

    Looks great to me from a cosmetic point of view, any minor flaws (and there are a few that others have mentioned already mainly with the omega lettering) are minor enough for me to not have any hang ups about wearing it. Also very pleased how easy it was to adjust the bracelet myself, having read all the old horror stores about breaking pins etc etc - just a few tiny screws and pins to worry about.

    My only issues are the vagueness of the crown and tube when screwing it back in. Bit worried that may cause some grief in the future, for now it's ok, but I won't be putting this baby anywhere near the water. Also the clasp doesn't give a nice big snap when closing, it's shut but I have a feeling this may work loose in the future.

    On balance, glad I waited 12 months for the ceramic version, and very happy with Josh's service - order 1st feb, arrived 11th. Not 100% perfect, but not a million miles away.



    Missed this earlier, only seeing it now. ...Thanks for the solid feedback Wooln!

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