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Why Watches are set to 10:10 in advertisements

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Actually it varies from company to company slightly. Pug, your Rolex pic isnt an official Rolex pic.

Rolex often use 10:11:31 with the Date 28, for example.


Ubi, that is absolutely hilarious.. but I personally think it's small OCD 'flinches' like that, that explain your eventual extreme attention to detail in many ways. It's like.. a level of particularity.. you know?


Yeah... It's kind of funny. My wife is always busting my chops about it. And, in some instances, I might have the entire box set to 10:10 save for a single piece which is being worn.

What can I say? I'm a bit particular when it comes to that stuff...


I think Mental floss nail'd it. It's just looks and keeping the hands away from the date window and sub dials.


And keeps the dial balanced too... ;)


A lot of watches usually have a logo beneath 12, so I guess setting them at 10 past 10 also doesnt obscure the logo.. as well as keeping clear of the sub dials and date windows, as already stated above...

I always set my watches to 10:10-ish when they're wound down and relaxing in the watch box. Just my OCD kicking in...

I am the same way, except that my absent-mindedness usually trumps my OCD impulse, which tends to result in something a bit shy of time-set perfection (I think a couple of them are close)



Also, with digital watches, 10:08 is the setting with the most component line segments illuminated (or darkened, depending on whether it's LCD or LED). That would also be true of the date numeral "28".


Aha! but ubi..

How much of a perfectionist are you? ;)

I ask because, Daytonas are more difficult.. in Rolex marketing Daytonas are set at 10:11 with Reduced seconds at 31


Chrono seconds at 54

Chrono minutes at 6

Chrono hours at 9




my absent-mindedness usually trumps my OCD impulse

!!!!! Careful! That's a recipe for 'normal' or dare I say; 'ordinary', or God forbid; 'common' shiver..........

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