JoJo35 Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Observing the recent award, one may consider incredulity at the debasement of the prize. It seems now that words are deeds , that the unceasing torrent coming from Obama is like a magic potion, curing all . But so far nothing has changed and all indications are that things are even worse than before in the Middle East, in Venezuela, Pakistan , Afghanistan. Sooner or later people will be taxed even higher in USA to pay for that grandiose stimulus package which has done not much in real terms. Now GM is selling off its divisions to the Chinese! How mad can they be? And I assume the Obama Gov. approved of this transaction? It is really the problem to live in a world over concerned with information. TV and the press have taken hold of our souls and will not let a normal human dialogue develop. We are at their mercy, awaiting the latest news, the results of this and that International debate (look at the current Bangkok conference on Global Warming to see imbecility itself). In a normal world the Nobel Committee would have never dared to do what they have done, because they would have had to acknowledge facts and actions, not the gossamer words that are being offered in their stead.
kbh Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Personally, I find it quite refreshing to have gone from Mr. Bush's "shoot first, ask questions later" philosophy to one of constructive dialogue between the nations of the world.
cornerstone Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 "I say, let's cure cancer!! Let's do this thing! Yeeha!" Cornerstone, Motivational Scientist. 2010 Nobel Prize Winner for Science. "Hey Palestine - Hey Israel. C'mon Group Hug!" Cornerstone, International Aspirational Peacemaker. 2010 Nobel Prize Winner for Peace. "Guys, when we go out in the second half, let's score more goals than them!! Woo Hoo!" Cornerstone, Soccer Coach. 2010 Nobel Prize for Soccer. etc., etc. Also look out for the upcoming Oscar for Best Film for an idea on a napkin....
Demsey Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Personally, I find it quite refreshing to have gone from Mr. Bush's "shoot first, ask questions later" philosophy to one of constructive dialogue between the nations of the world. That's right kb. I whole heartedly agree. I do, and that much of the administration I am enjoying. I am. Only a repressed, brainwashed, war mongering, sabre rattling, subjugated population of bent minded automatons in the politically misconstrued name of a benevolent diety would not embrace the wisdom and outreach of the olive branch. Unfortunately the world is full of nations like that. They will only take unfair advantage of 'civilty'. Therein lies the rub. "We were the good guys" by our lofty subjective standard is noble. But not worth much when sabre meets neck. Or jet meets building. What to do? What to do? I'm scared. I have been for the better part of two decades that started well before the reign of W. I don't scare easily. "I say, let's cure cancer!! Let's do this thing! Yeeha!" Cornerstone, Motivational Scientist. 2010 Nobel Prize Winner for Science. "Hey Palestine - Hey Israel. C'mon Group Hug!" Cornerstone, International Aspirational Peacemaker. 2010 Nobel Prize Winner for Peace. "Guys, when we go out in the second half, let's score more goals than them!! Woo Hoo!" Cornerstone, Soccer Coach. 2010 Nobel Prize for Soccer. etc., etc. Also look out for the upcoming Oscar for Best Film for an idea on a napkin.... Man, that was funny. Good post JJ.
kbh Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Only a repressed, brainwashed, war mongering, sabre rattling, subjugated population of bent minded automatons in the politically misconstrued name of a benevolent diety would not embrace the wisdom and outreach of the olive branch. Unfortunately the world is full of nations like that. They will only take unfair advantage of 'civilty'. Therein lies the rub. "We were the good guys" by our lofty subjective standard is noble. But not worth much when sabre meets neck. Or jet meets building. What to do? What to do? Being civil doesn't mean we have stopped hunting down and killing Al Quaeda. That war would probably be a lot closer to over by now if we weren't side tracked by W. taking revenge on Saddam and chasing his elusive and imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. The one's that truly hate the US are now pouring into Afghanistan by the thousands. Make a stand and kill them there. Leave the nation building in Iraq to the Iraqi people. What is the alternative in the cases of N. Korea and Iran? Either war or strategic isolation through sanctions imposed by a coalition of world powers? War with N. Korea would most certainly become nuclear in the first day. War with Iran would almost certainly turn off the oil spigots from Saudi Arabia and lead to a regional war that we can neither afford to fight nor do we have the manpower in our armed forces to win. Israel would almost certainly be dragged into the conflict. Yes! What to do? What to do?
fakemaster Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 I have been for the better part of two decades that started well before the reign of W. Funny how people don't realize that. Or maybe they do but it's just easier to blame the most recent guy.
Demsey Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 Or maybe they do but it's just easier to blame the most recent guy. Or maybe they never opened a history book and take some inane OpEd piece in the New York Times to the bank or from 'on-high' because that's the periodical that is thrown on their driveway each moring and as far as their thought process takes them. Anyway Fakey, my reference to the past two decades goes back to the Gulf War, but, I could beg the statement and go back further. I don't know how old you are, but remember this charming piece of goat [censored]? If anyone is at a loss, Google 1972 Munich Olympics. Gloss over the Mark Spitz stuff and expand your search to 'terrorists'. Well, the fact he, an American Jew won seven gold medals didn't help, but it's a real sweet little primer to 'the screwed up thing this world is' to this, then, twelve year old. I'll tell you, those images scared and scarred me more than any Frankenstein movie I'll tell you. All this; "Oh great, W. stirred up the hornet's nest and now all our babies and women are going to die. That moron!" Is ignorant. It doesn't even deserve a debate. From me. And no, it wasn't #41 marching into Kuait City, nor Clinton emasculating the CIA and defense and letting Bin Laden slip through his fingers on a legal technical, nor Reagan calling them 'shitheels' for not returning the hostages on schedule and lobbing shells from the six fleet into Lebanon, nor Carter for his mishandling of Iran and the hostage situation or any of these 'last guys''s basically down to two criteria; The West's alignment with Israel (there's another Google; Balfour Declaration, that's right New York Times readers, the British first suggested and pushed the State of Israel. In 1917. And had less to do with Zionists than it did with proffers to the Crown to screw over Arabs (hell didn't anyone watch Peter O'Toole in that film? 'Lawrence of Somewhere) and alignment with the House of Saud. Oil wealth going to belly full infidels as Arabs starve. That's gotta step on your war nerve. So now it's PRESBO's turn. Undo all the world's history from Alexander on. Good luck. Say, can a Nobel Prize for Peace be recanted by the Norwegian Committee when the whole [censored] house goes up in flames in the Middle East? They might have to get on that if, no, when, Obama drops the ball in Afghanistan. We have to be fair though, it won't be President Obama's fault. It really is bigger than the man. And campaign speeches. There just are people in this world who need killing. Hell, I've known that since I was twelve. I'll coin it here first, maybe I'll submit it to one of those far Right periodicals. Think of me when you read it; Nobel Peace Prize? Obama's Nobel Peace Price. Ohhhh, I likie.
dluddy Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 I'll tell you, those images scared and scarred me more than any Frankenstein movie I'll tell you. We're the same age and I echo that....scared the crap out of me....It was the Olympics for friggin sakes...wasn't that supposed to be neutral...ah, the naivety of a 12 year old
JoJo35 Posted October 13, 2009 Author Report Posted October 13, 2009 "Obama's Nobel Peace Price" Check this out ...and then this one
Demsey Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 when, Obama drops the ball in Afghanistan "Obama's Nobel Peace Price" Check this out ...and then this one Well, OK, maybe not a 'ball' at all more like lipstick tube shaped things......... Dayum, that's a serious piece of ordnance. And the Russians developing one as well? Hmmmmm, the Russians, Afghanistan, they wouldn't. Would they? Payback's a [censored]. Well, if Obama is second guessing troop deployment into the region and thinks a hail storm of these will do the trick? I suppose. I'd prefer an 'Air War' approach. The pundits have maintained; the terrain there is no place for standard troop deployment. It has to be more tactile. It could also be win/win for the Democrat party. If enough of these super bombs go off, often enough, the resulting shift in the Chandler Wobble could seal the deal on that global warming thing. Sly boots, that President Obama.
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