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I have to laugh


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And then hacks into 'Moderator's Controls'. This happens all the time to Bob. Apparantly.

whoa, whoa, whoa... :bangin:

first off 1) i'm into 'Breitlings' (mostly), 2) name's Rob, not Bob, 3) emphatically, not apparantly... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

back to the point of this thread...i'm all over this "inner most self" thing?!...what do all you guys think?!...you don't have to have perfect crown guard horns or perfect lume dots to reply... ;)

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Well, at least everyone stayed on topic, which was, which was uh, uh, well, at least there was no repeat of important infos from WIS. I think. I pretty much just skimmed through the responses tho', but made sure I read my own a few times for spelling, punctuation, content and composition. I'm that committed to RWG.

Plus, no one played the race card. I just thought I would mention that, as it seems everyone else was reticent to bring it up. It's important. An important thing to mention. K.

Unfortunately, I did receive a PM from a very old guard member who had been around these boards, as well as TZ, and VRF for about twelve years and was actually a fledgling supporter of RWCC (Replica Watch Collectors Club) that begat TRC and the rest. He included that he still reads, and collects, but no longer posts. On any watch forum. The OT here struck a chord in him and he felt compelled to send a PM with regard. I remember him and his TRC handle. It is our loss. He hadn't taken any umbrage with the membership at large, but from a feeling of ingratitude or unappreciation for his efforts. They were MANY, he sent me links, they are laborous, laborous works, mostly on genuine, that must have taken hours to compose and research. His frustration mainly came at the hands of the obstinate that would rather preach than confer or debate, and a few flat out trolls, but no acknowlegement at all is a slight in and of itself. It has to be wearing if you are that passionate. He fell away and it is as if no one cared. Twelve years.

It seems in our zeal to absorb and contribute often times the real dedicated WIS' contributions are overshadowed by the 'quantity' of the static. Not so much their 'Topics' that are gold, and propers plenty, but also their lesser contributions. 'Ubiquitous' posted a topic not too long ago with regard to base 'manners' toward "Thanks". When the WIS takes the time to read a post, often times from the rote query of the novice, and replies, it would be good form to at least acknowledge it enough as to not repeat it. If WIS says "Tropic 19 is correct" on page one, suggesting "Tropic 21? Would a Tropic 21 work here?" three posts later is a type of 'slight'. If you don't have the time to read the thread because your boss or supervisor is hovering in the hallway, wait until you get home to read the thread. At night, after surfing soft porn. That's what I do. There is no member here that is so dedicated that they would not fall away if they thought it genuinely not worth the effort or if no one was listening. Not one. It happened on the old RWG when it was at it's apex. The premier watchsmith of these boards whom we've all turned to for the standard decided to pack it in. A falling out with an obstinate troll was the final straw, but it came after a long period of feeling largely taken for granted and his work seemingly as well. He returned, on his own terms, and it's good he had. The landscape here would be less, and the pursuit of the hobby that much more laborous, if not impossible in certain aspects, for the rest.

OK let this thread die. I think everyone who posts hereafter just doesn't get it. Especially those long winded bandwidth stealers, that go on, and on, and on. Like Doc mentioned. They know who they are. Jesus, get a job on newspaper if you love the sound of your own typing so much. No one ever won a Pulitzer prize for journalism on a watch forum for christsakes. Get a life. Losers. I hate those guys. Those are the guys who should friggin' pack it in already. I'm here to tell ya'. Jeez.

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Excellent. Now I can skip over to RWG1.1 to see if anyone has shoutboxed in the last 30 minutes, then on to The Drudge Report, or Yahoo News, or KBH's fish picture...

One last tip: the comma. 41 in post #31; you've been using fewer lately, but still too many. Slows Dear Constant Reader down. If we're expected to read everything you clickity-clack, your prose should flow.


Edited by AllergyDoc
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