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Ordering more than one watch from our "collectors"

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Just curious. I find myself possibly ordering a few watches from one of our trusted collectors.

I wonder if there is more risk in it getting thru customs, than the typical solo watch. Obviously the package will be bigger.

What has your luck been?

(Please do not discuss disguise methods here)


The rule with vet dealers is no more than 2 in one parcel.. max 3.. it does raise red flags with "certain" agents.. like anything else the vet agents go with the flow.. the newer ones we are seeing.. go by the book.. actually talking to a friend who works for Home land Security he echoed the same sentiments as my dealer.. ship 2 .. it's fine.. 3 is pushing it.. but it depends on logistics/customs..anymore than that is frowned on.. not saying that it won't get through.. but better safe than sorry..so that is the number I stick with.. as does my dealer..


Anyone know what it means "handed to customs" does that mean it has been confiscated?

No.. it just means that it is pasing through customs as all international parcels from borders outside of your country needs to be.. SOP.. it should read next.. Outbound customs or something of that nature..

read the FAQ's on parcels.. I have in the GD section..


I ordered 4 from Josh last week....got it today in two separate boxes!!!! 2 in each!!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


No.. it just means that it is pasing through customs as all international parcels from borders outside of your country needs to be.. SOP.. it should read next.. Outbound customs or something of that nature..

read the FAQ's on parcels.. I have in the GD section..

thanks! You've been very helpful

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