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what payment method does everyone use on these rep sites?

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What payment methods are you using when buying at these rep sites? Didn't know if it was safe to use a credit card since most don't take paypal. Thought about getting a prepaid credit card for close to the amount I want to spend and use that.



Personnaly, I used to pay with my Visa card but now 90% of my payments go through Paypal...Most trustful dealers accept Paypal now. Moneybookers seems to be another good choice.

Western Union is definitely too expensive..


PP is used by ETZ.. one golden rule to follow for PP.. never put anything in the message box having to do with watches!!!

Nor should you consider a dispute when things are not to your liking.. things can always be worked out..with the parties in question .. if you are in doubt.. ask here, before you pull the trigger

member sales usually go the PP route, check always with us until you know exactly who you are dealing with.. there are misunderstandings that can well be avoided when buying from members that post their watches for sale.. a better price does not always mean a better watch.... and if you do not know the party I would suggest not using "gift" until you are 100 on the trustworthiness of the party..

Edit Add:.. one detail to be aware of .. if a member has a very low post count and is selling in the trade forum definitely check with us here before making any decisions..that should be SOP for all of us when dealing with a member that has just registered and is selling his watches ..

Dealers take CC and I have not had an issue with mine.. they pay high rates for secure payment servers.. but if a prepaid card makes you more comfortable.. then the choice is yours..

STick wtih the dealers listed on the board.. they are here for a reason.. and RWG is here for your safety.. first and foremost..

when in dobt.. like you are doing now.. ASK

Some dealers only take Western Union or Moneygram.. MG rates are lower and it is what I use for DSN and other dealers that take only money transfers..



If no PP then Pre-Paid credit cards. Commonly available at your local super market. Load it up with how much you need.

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