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i've bought several watches from paul in the past. things were ok, i enjoyed cheaper prices...

until now..... i sent 200 bucks for panerai almost 2wks ago and haven't gotten tracking or any response.. paul appears to be simply ignoring my requests once he got my money... i'm just sharing my TRUE experience.... it's up to you to disregard my msg.


i dont understand Paul, he has the potential to get a great business running (from the watches i see) but his customer service doesnt seem to be too great. Did you have a little email based chat with him first to check that he isnt on holiday and everythings alright? I would always do that before playing for something.

Good look.

He's the Walmartisation of the rep market. He left here saying how he didn't need us and wrote some very harsh posts about how many sales he had away from the replica sites and that we were nobody. Then he comes crawling back, insulting Precious Time, Josh, TTK, Trusty, etc., and runs a free-watch-for-a-review scam (did anyone get the watch?) and runs another carsy sale after the disaster that was the first one, including a picture of a watch with a price that was a price for a completely different watch.

You can go through and see the edited posts if you look hard enough.

All in all, if you want a cheap watch and are willing to write it off if it has any problems, then sure, use Paulmart. Just make sure you're using the right one of his four websites as they all have different prices.

Oh, let's not forget the "Hi, I'm [censored]" [censored] he foisted upon us, pretending to be a new dealer:


Come on, his business methods are despicable, and if I don't keep harping on about it, maybe we'll forget, and one day, we'll look for a friendly trusted dealer and they'll all be gone, like the local grocery store put out of business by Walmart.

Could you provide a link to those edited posts. I have searched and read multiple pages of topics and posts and have not found the posts you describe. I can not afford to spend any more time trying to find them.

Could you also describe in what way paul ripped you off. I assume he wronged you personally( because of your passionate crusade to inform us of his misdealings ).

I am also curious how he was able to get approved to be listed as a dealer here if he is so unreliable. Once this forum starts letting scam artists sell here, then it is no better than the replicascam.com sites.

I am not trying to defend paul personally. I have only been here a short while. But I have read many more good things about him than bad. His business practices may be questionable, but every dealer here operates a "questionable" business.

I would like to see the harsh posts he left here. I have already seen the "[censored] post" and the "free watch for review posts" and the "trusty pic post". I would also like to add that in my business it is common to reward customers who recommend us.

I do not think it is good business to use other sites pictures or to pretend to be someone you are not. But I can not be that critical, I am buying counterfeit merchandise. To me the most important things are price, quality, fast delivery. And I must say that wo-mart exceeded my expectations.


Could you provide a link to those edited posts. I have searched and read multiple pages of topics and posts and have not found the posts you describe. I can not afford to spend any more time trying to find them.

Could you also describe in what way paul ripped you off. I assume he wronged you personally( because of your passionate crusade to inform us of his misdealings ).

Edited posts: Well, they've been edited so you'll not find what they started like. This one, for instance: "This post has been edited by 00-Aspire eshop: Jun 2 2006, 07:37 AM"

You'll have to take my word for it that it had an ETA IWC Aquatimer picture and a low price (I seem to remember it being $79 or so) printed on it. When you tried to buy the $79 watch, it jumped to $149.

As for my being ripped off, I've never bought anything off Paul. My passionate crusade comes from the number of people that have been ripped off that get forgotten. This forum can be too forgiving at times, and I don't want to see Paul get away with his cheating tricks. We're supposed to be protecting people from being scammed here, and that's what I believe I'm doing. :D

Oh, and let's not forget his ETA-2892 movements that turned out to be Seagull movements.

You'll have to take my word for it that it had an ETA IWC Aquatimer picture and a low price (I seem to remember it being $79 or so) printed on it. When you tried to buy the $79 watch, it jumped to $149.

I believe you.

That would be deceptive if it was intentional. I would like to point out, that is a common mistake. I tried to order some marketing merchandise that was marked on special once for $.59 per piece. It turned out that the special was "supposed" to be $.59 off of the regular $6.99 price. So the fact that he had a watch marked with the wrong price does not bother me much. Now if he was charging peoples credit cards for a larger amount than they agreed to, or sent a different watch than was ordered that would show that he was scamming people.

As for my being ripped off, I've never bought anything off Paul. My passionate crusade comes from the number of people that have been ripped off that get forgotten. This forum can be too forgiving at times, and I don't want to see Paul get away with his cheating tricks. We're supposed to be protecting people from being scammed here, and that's what I believe I'm doing. :D

Oh, and let's not forget his ETA-2892 movements that turned out to be Seagull movements.

Are there any posts about this? Do you know how he handled this?

I would be upset if this happened to me and the dealer would not correct the problem. But in all fairness this may not have been Paul's mistake. It may have been a mistake from his manufacturer. I am pretty sure that he does not take apart each watch and inspect it. For the prices he charges, I don't expect him to. But I would expect a replacement if I recieved a product that did not match what I ordered.

FWIW. The watch I got from wo-mart did contain a 2836-2 eta movement. :)


I'm part way through my first deal with Paul for ages.. and so far its all pretty good. Have just got the tracking number. Communication has been slow but steady.

Btw the Wo-mart hotmail address tends to overload so if you're sendin WU info back to them make sure its actually sent and you don't have a failure notice sitting around in you in-box. I had to re-send the info a couple of time before the message would deliver.

btw Paul is hardly the only dealer here to have sold watches with 2892's that turned out to be Seagull's. Many of the biggest name dealers here have done the same.

Posted (edited)

I do get the feeling that some people are riding Paul for his past more than for his present... it's easy and tempting to hold grudges, and it's important to not let people forget the past, lest it repeat, but it's also important to consider what's really happening...

I mean even if Paul was a straight crook before, if he is providing good fast service now for decent stuff it's only fair to say so. I see some people having issues, but accounting for the fact that people who are unhappy tend to be more vocal than those who are happy it seems like Pauls is living up very much to his walmart namesake...

90% of the time things go fine. You get what you want at the price listed.

10% of the time something goes wrong, and then you start to get into possible trouble

So far I have seen some posts where people are happy with pauls service (he did them right in the end) and sometimes I see people say they have been shafted and ignored for months (which I believe but the whole story may not be getting told - none of the dealers likes getting a nasty email from an impatient buyer, heck I would hate to see what TTK does to someone who pulls that on him, and some of those who claim Paul is ignoring them sound like they may well be in that group).

In all fairness when any other dealer takes weeks or months to respond/deliver it's always "relax, it's fine, they have a life, maybe it's a holiday, if you are impatient you need to not be here" etc.

Same thing with Paul brings about no such statements despite the fact that there really isn't a shortage of people happy with their dealings with Paul.

In fact most of what I see relating to him is that his items get there FAST!

It seems everyone EXPECTS other dealers to take weeks or months and that's just how it is and that's ok. But no one seems to credit Paul with (apparently) delivering in about a week for a lot of his orders...

I don't know, I am still new, but I have read a lot, especially dealer reviews, and it seems like Paul is getting the red headed stepchild treatment... It almost seems like I could take a slightly complicated transaction, slap Pauls name on it and everyone would lambast him. But take that exact same statement, edit Paul out and put Josh and everyone would be defending him and ragging on the buyer, not the dealer. In essence not really being fair to the situation and letting partiality to a dealer cloud the facts... which I don't think anyone wants as this site is supposed to be about giving the straight skinny so everyone can get the best deal, not giving hand service to a certain dealer.

I mean one has to look only as far as Pugwash (I don't mean offense by this Pug, I respect and appreciate your contributions to the forum) but as a very vocal Paul watchdog he hasn't even bought aything from Paul... that doesn't really seem fair...

I am fully aware that I was not here for his past antics, but it hardly seems valuable to keep him in the past if he is reformed...

And from what I can see the cost/return level for Pauls stuff seems to be about on par. Pay $50-100 more to get top notch service from Josh or some of the others, pay cut rate prices to get ok service from Paul.

That doesn't seem at all unfair or bad... it just seems like a valid choice you can make. Very much the same you make when you choose Macy's or Walmart...

Edited by Devedander
Oh, and let's not forget his ETA-2892 movements that turned out to be Seagull movements.

He wasn't the only one to pull that trick! To be fair Paul actually warned me away from the '007 with 2892' when another dealer with a name that sounds like water was tring to get me to part with close to $300 for one of them.

And then there was the 'trustworthy' dealer who when he first got hold of Asian Unitas copy movements was blatantly advertising and pricing them as Swiss....

We are all dealing with humans here, and no human is perfect (although, TTK is a pretty impressive specimen..... :whistling: )


I did business with Paul only once, and perhaps I was lucky but it was first class service and the watch is flowless. I also had good experience with some other "cheaper" delers like Adam and Jay; not to name names, but the only watch that didn't really leave up to my expectations came from one of the most reputable and expensive dealers. Could be luck, but recently I didn't not see any bad publicity...but lots of good reviews, more on TRC then here though.


I've bought many from paul. some had issues (just like other dealers) and he resolved them promptly.

To be fair, he has baggage from his crazy sale last year. But, I've read many,many posts from satisfied customers recently.

He is walmart.............but then again, why do you think walmart is so successful?

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