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I was just wondering if frequent exposure to light ( eg., charging up for lume pictures) would cause the lume in the watch to degrade at a faster rate when I came across this article.

Lumiosity in Watches

I immediately knew I had to share it with the family. Probably old hat to some here, but maybe it's a good source of general knowledge, I think.


I was just wondering if frequent exposure to light ( eg., charging up for lume pictures) would cause the lume in the watch to degrade at a faster rate when I came across this article.

Lumiosity in Watches

I immediately knew I had to share it with the family. Probably old hat to some here, but maybe it's a good source of general knowledge, I think.

Thanks for the article.. been a while since i read this one. Now if only there were nice write ups with BIG pictures on the process of luming the dials and hands..


Thanks for the link my friend, good stuff. :good: The title of this article should be called "All you wanted to know about lume but were afraid to ask", yikes :shock: talk about Infomation overload :D Mike



It seems tritium is the way to go....

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