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You must live in a fantastic place

It's called Europe and a lack of right-to-bear-arms means that our criminals don't all have guns.

I'd love it if we didn't need these things to protect our homes, but the reality is, we do.

You need them because anyone can get them. It's a proliferation issue.

In Europe, if you have a gun, you're either in the armed forces, law-enforcement or you're a criminal. It's really that simple. The penalty for carrying a gun is so high that it turns a petty crime into a potential life sentence, even if you don't use the gun.

If you never had a right-to-bear-arms, you'd not be in this situation right now. But, because you have that right, you need to exercise it. :blink:

I wish you had been here post-Katrina when bands of hodlums were roaming the streets

Well, thanks for wishing me harm.

How many did you have to shoot?

It's called Europe and a lack of right-to-bear-arms means that our criminals don't all have guns.

You need them because anyone can get them. It's a proliferation issue.

In Europe, if you have a gun, you're either in the armed forces, law-enforcement or you're a criminal. It's really that simple. The penalty for carrying a gun is so high that it turns a petty crime into a potential life sentence, even if you don't use the gun.

If you never had a right-to-bear-arms, you'd not be in this situation right now. But, because you have that right, you need to exercise it. :blink:

If we never had the 'right to bear arms', then we would still be an English Colony! By the way, these criminals roaming the streets of New Orleans had baseball bats. The last time I checked, I don't think that we had 'Baseball Bat Control laws'. :bangin:

The last time I checked, I don't think that we had 'Baseball Bat Control laws'. :bangin:

You should have........in fact you should have 'Baseball Control Laws' as well!


If we never had the 'right to bear arms', then we would still be an English Colony!


That has to be the worst understanding of American history I've ever seen, and I'm British!

You introduced the right to bear arms in 1789, well over a decade after you stopped being a colony.

Well, thanks for wishing me harm.

How many did you have to shoot?

Not wishing you any harm, I just wish you could have witnessed it first hand. Might have opened your eyes! :whistling: Didn't have to shoot anyone. Thank God! I think a German Shepherd and a AK-47 was a pretty good deterrent. Intimidate the Intimidaters! I don't live there(Big Easy) anymore, nor does about 300,000 other people. One cannot fathom the devastation unless witnessing it first hand. Where were our law enforcement officers, oh, many of them were busy looting themselves, helping themselves to Cadillacs and hauling ass, etc. The ones that stayed behind and did their job, my hat goes off to them. Back to attack dogs, the original topic, many a home was not looted because the home owner had a attack dog inside. Most criminals don't want to to go one on one with a Rottweiler, etc.

Not wishing you any harm, I just wish you could have witnessed it first hand. Might have opened your eyes!

It's ok, I've already been to third-world and developing countries. I don't need my eyes opening.


That has to be the worst understanding of American history I've ever seen, and I'm British!

You introduced the right to bear arms in 1789, well over a decade after you stopped being a colony.

Had we had gun control laws at the time, then we still would have been a colony today was my point. I could type the next 8 hours about this, and if you want to discuss it further, then start a new thread. You brought guns into this discussion in the first place, a thread about dogs. I suppose you are for gun control, and so am I. But until the time fits the crime, no way I'm giving mine up. Criminals with guns hardly ever do any time. Overcrowding and Liberal Judges. Totally different topic for a new thread also. We see a need, that's our right, like it or not, we have to live with it. Hasn't violent crime risen in the U.K. even with gun control? Another topic also.




I remember that one. Started with a picture of a Rep and a Pistol. Personally, don't want to go there either. I'll stick with attack dogs and trying to figure out how I can afford a Audemars Pigeut one day, or at least a Rep.

When I was recently asked if I preffered dogs or cats, I of course answered dogs, because cats taste of fish :yuk:

Cheers Johnkaz. :whistling:

Actually cat taste like Coon, or at least that's what I've been told by those who have eaten it. In fact, it taste so much like coon that in order to sell a coon, I heard you need to leave one paw on it to prove it is a coon, and not a cat. Yes, they eat a lot of Racoon around here. See, I live in a Third World Country called Louisiana. My college roommate was from Korea, and he loved to eat dog. Didn't think twice about it. It always made me nervous when he would pet my dog and look at me and smile. :yuk:

Actually cat taste like Coon, or at least that's what I've been told by those who have eaten it. In fact, it taste so much like coon that in order to sell a coon, I heard you need to leave one paw on it to prove it is a coon, and not a cat. Yes, they eat a lot of Racoon around here. See, I live in a Third World Country called Louisiana. My college roommate was from Korea, and he loved to eat dog. Didn't think twice about it. It always made me nervous when he would pet my dog and look at me and smile. :yuk:

Never tried coon but if ever I get that far south I will given the opportunity, but what does it taste of apart from cat.

Cheers Johnkaz.


I think the solution to pitbull dilemma should be focused on ownership. I own both a Sheppard and a Pitbull; the Pitbull has never bit anyone. The Sheppard has – but I was being attacked and robbed at the time so it was OK. The key question is responsible ownership. I believe the answer lies with registration and insurance requirements. It’s one thing being told you can’t own a certain type of dog, and an entirely different thing not being able to afford one. Proper and responsible pet ownership is expensive any way you view it. My Pitbull has her own credit card to pay for her vet bills. Granted it would be another expense but such would be the case of owning a high-risk dog.

Gun vrs Dog for home protection. After experiencing the situation first hand and being the owner of multiple types of firearms, it was noted that before I could react by arming myself the dog had the situation well in mouth. Had I been armed, I feel the perps attention would have still been focused on the Sheppard.


Much has to do with the heredity of the dog, as well as the stupidity of the owner. There are such things as bad lines...dogs bred to bite/attack/fight/kill. Specific traits are passed down the line and become hard to "breed out". Unfortunately, there are too many people breeding dogs...dogs that should NEVER be considered for breeding.

I raised and trained Schutzhund. All my dogs were pink papered, imported from Germany, and were trained to either SchII or SchIII level.

I would consider a Pit a good dog if-and only if- the parents were Schutzhund trained to at least a II level. There is no way on this earth that I would ever have a Pit in my home otherwise. I feel the same about Rotties as well. There are just too many stupid dogs that come from stupid owners and breeders.

What really pissses me off is to see some dumb-ass walking his Pit or Rot with a spiked collar, the dog is not neutered, fat, and limping from hip dysplasia. Oh…and the Rotties with skinny heads…you just KNOW those are poorly bred dogs!

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