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Clarks Crystal 25-295C2 -vs- BP sub c factory crystal


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Not much to report here. Clarks crystal is better because it doesn't seem to have any blue tint what so ever. Not sure why, perhaps different materials?
Also, the gasket I got with the clarks crystal (2.7mm), does fit the BP sub. It needs a little squeeze, but does fit, and doesn't need the stock gasket which people have gone on about before. (I accidently deformed the original gasket so I had no choice but to make it fit)
I only got this crystal because I chipped the last one, but even if I had not chipped it, this is a well worth it mod for any BP sub C owner out there. With the clarks, you can tick off another flaw, the annoying blue tint.
Heres a link to the crystal I bought. They may be sold out, but he restocks them frequently.
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