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Sorry for not doing this in English, but this is just for my fellow Norwegian board members:

Er det noen her fra Norge som har bestilt noe fra Perfect Clones i det siste?

Jeg har bestilt og betalt fire klokker i midten av desember, men får beskjed om at det er problemer med å få sendt til Norge. I mellomtiden har jeg mottatt andre forsendelser, blant annet fra Sash.


Har ikke kjøpt noe ifra Perfect Clones, men har fått pakker uten problemer både ifra Ruby og "boardmembers" som sender ifra Hong-Kong etter jul.

Kjøpte noe ifra River igår, og han nevnte ikke noe om shippingproblemer.


Vet ikke hva dette kan skyldes. Mottok en pakke fra Kina senest i går. Finnes sikkert en god forklaring på det, selv om det høres rart ut.

Sorry for not doing this in English, but this is just for my fellow Norwegian board members:

Er det noen her fra Norge som har bestilt noe fra Perfect Clones i det siste?Jeg har bestilt og betalt fire klokker i midten av desember, men får beskjed om at det er problemer med å få sendt til Norge. I mellomtiden har jeg mottatt andre forsendelser, blant annet fra Sash.

Don't have to be speak Norsk to understand you're worried about different dealers shipping methods and the possibility of a nice Customs officer 'admiring' a package addressed to you. :unsure::black_eye:

Just out of interest, shipping aside, what's your country's policy on travelling through customs/possession of reps these days - zero tolerance like drink-driving (an excellent policy of yours BTW) or fairly relaxed? No strange draconian laws I ought to be aware of, like in dear old France? :rolleyes: Heading right up to beautiful Lofoten to see friends later in the year - hence my question.

Don't have to be speak Norsk to understand you're worried about different dealers shipping methods and the possibility of a nice Customs officer 'admiring' a package addressed to you. :unsure::black_eye:

Just out of interest, shipping aside, what's your country's policy on travelling through customs/possession of reps these days - zero tolerance like drink-driving (an excellent policy of yours BTW) or fairly relaxed? No strange draconian laws I ought to be aware of, like in dear old France? :rolleyes: Heading right up to beautiful Lofoten to see friends later in the year - hence my question.

doc... you were way off ;)

Reps for personal use are allowed.


Norway is very "nice" when it comes to rep policy at the moment :)

Only if someone (Rolex/Nike official importer in Norway etc) have gotten a court order to stop spesific "fake" imports can customs take anything. So they can check a shipment with 100+ IWC watches, but as long as it has been declared as "watches, 100pcs", and a realistic value for cheap chines watches they have to let it pass after VAT etc have been paid. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Customs have asked for new rules, but this can take some time.

So you can be totally safe as a private person carrying 2-3 used watches.



I came from Turkey last summer, and it being a high-risk country for drug smugglers, they checked our luggage quite thoroughly.

I had 5 reps and 2 genuine watches with me and they were all looked at on entering norway, and put back in my suitcase. So I think we can say they are pretty laxed about it. :)

They asked for a receipt on my digital camera, but when I said I didn't have one they didn't pursue it.

BTW: I spend half of my days at sea in and around Lofoten, it's a beautiful place in the summer. :)

These days it's uninviting, dark, craggy and cold.. I hope you'll enjoy it!


I came from Turkey last summer, and it being a high-risk country for drug smugglers, they checked our luggage quite thoroughly.

I had 5 reps and 2 genuine watches with me and they were all looked at on entering norway, and put back in my suitcase. So I think we can say they are pretty laxed about it. :)

They asked for a receipt on my digital camera, but when I said I didn't have one they didn't pursue it.

BTW: I spend half of my days at sea in and around Lofoten, it's a beautiful place in the summer. :)

These days it's uninviting, dark, craggy and cold.. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Thanks Ape (still a bit bruised from our Cup games this week :black_eye:)

I have to say Olso airport was one the most stress-free I've ever been through, although my paranoia stems from the fact that I did get 'inappropriately frisked' by some scary butch uniformed woman on my way out last time - I know some people pay good money for that kind of thing but trust me it wasn't a pleasant experience. :unsure::lol:

As for Lofoten, I've been up there before in summer a few years back as I have friends there (one of whom is getting married this summer!). Just an idyllic place, a dream to spend every summer there (I remember this one beach, the most perfect beach in the world) and can't wait to go back.


So you know your way around here then :)

I always loved sailing past the little coves with their white sandy beaches, thinking that some of them must be relatively untouched by people, as the nearest roads and houses are 10kms away or more. If it had not been so far from my home I'd take my girls boating and set up camp in one of those norwegian lagoons. :)

The sea is rarely warmer than 12-14 degrees though. :cold:

I have friends in Svolvær, and I've been to the fishing festival there a couple of times. Good Times! :fishing1::drunk::fishing::drunk::thumbsupsmileyanim:

I decided not to talk to much to my Liverpool supporting buddies.. And they have literally been avoiding me until today. :)

I'm not one to rub it in too much, so I'll let this one go. My own elation is more than enough, so I don't need to put people down.

Thanks Ape (still a bit bruised from our Cup games this week :black_eye:)

I have to say Olso airport was one the most stress-free I've ever been through, although my paranoia stems from the fact that I did get 'inappropriately frisked' by some scary butch uniformed woman on my way out last time - I know some people pay good money for that kind of thing but trust me it wasn't a pleasant experience. :unsure::lol:

As for Lofoten, I've been up there before in summer a few years back as I have friends there (one of whom is getting married this summer!). Just an idyllic place, a dream to spend every summer there (I remember this one beach, the most perfect beach in the world) and can't wait to go back.

Thinking of Utakleiv Beach ??

Yes, it is something very special. Green 3.000 feet steep mountains, white powder beaches, North Atlantic Ocean directly at the beach and 400 miles noth of the Polar Circle.


Norway is very "nice" when it comes to rep policy at the moment :)

Only if someone (Rolex/Nike official importer in Norway etc) have gotten a court order to stop spesific "fake" imports can customs take anything. So they can check a shipment with 100+ IWC watches, but as long as it has been declared as "watches, 100pcs", and a realistic value for cheap chines watches they have to let it pass after VAT etc have been paid. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Customs have asked for new rules, but this can take some time.

So you can be totally safe as a private person carrying 2-3 used watches.

Not to hi-jack, but to fill in a bit further..............

Friend of mine works in Norwegain Customs.

Norway is obliged to same regulations of counterfeit goods as in EU, but do not act upon this as much/hard as some EU countris.

My friend says that only a few (some 4-5 brands/manufacturers) have this agreement with Customs to stop replicas. What will happen if such an aggreement exists, is that Customs will take the suspected replicas in custody and call for an expert from brand company who will check the item to determine. If found to be replica it is up to the brand company to file for legal action or file for sivil legal action. Customs never prosecute by themselves. As far as i can remember never heard of a real case where anyone has been prosecuted in Norway (does not imply that it has not happened). Probably cases is solved by brand company confronting the item owner with their finding, and giving he/she the deal of either let brand company destroy the item with no further legal action or to be prosecuted with a claims of both destroying and fines. No one will choose the latter IMO.


Tilbake til min post :wounded1:

Jeg betalte for to klokker i midten av desember, og fikk sporingsnummer noen dager etterpå. Jeg tok kontakt etter ytterligere noen dager, for den ene av disse klokkene skulle være en julegave, og jeg begynte å bli bekymret når den ikke kom frem på sporingen.

Da fikk jeg beskjed om at den var sendt, og at det tok litt tid før den dukket opp. Slik fortsatte det frem til 20. desember, hvor jeg fikk høre at alle Fedex pakker til Norge hadde blitt holdt tilbake. Og at han skulle forsøke å sende de med TNT. En uke senere hadde jeg fortsatt ikke hørt noe nytt, sendte ny mail, og fikk tilbake at han jobbet med saken.

Slik har det fortsatt helt til nå, en mnd senere, hvor jeg fortsatt ikke har fått klokkene, og heller ikke får svar på mine mailer.

Jeg har sikkert kjøpt 20 klokker fra han tidligere, og jeg har sjekket med en del andre nordmenn her som både har mottatt klokker i samme periode fra Perfect Clones og fra andre i Kina / Hong Kong.

Jeg har selv også mottatt en pakke med to klokker via Fedex som han påsto satt fast sammen med mine to andre klokker som enda ikke har kommet.

Dette går ut på norsk, fordi jeg til nå har hatt et godt forhold til PC, og jeg ønsker ikke å poste noe negativt. Men jeg ville gjerne vite om andre nordmenn her på forumet hadde opplevd å ikke få pakker fra han i det siste. Han påstår selv at det er snakk om 9 forsendelser.


Vel, som jeg sa i PM'en så opplevde jeg akkurat det samme som deg, bare med TWG. Sporingsnummeret virket ikke, og jeg ba han sjekke om det var riktig. Det var det, 100% sikkert var svaret.

Det endte med at jeg etter 14 dager fikk beskjed om at den var sendt tilbake. Den ble deretter sendt på nytt med TNT, og da var alt ok ila 3 dager. Venter ennå på en pakke som jeg ikke har fått hverken sporing eller noe annet på, men tar det rolig foreløpig, selv om det holder hardt da jeg er en av de mest utålmodige jeg kjenner...

Det virker som det ordner seg til slutt, det tar bare lengre tid, men skjønner likevel at du er bekymret, Insane.

I have friends in Svolvær, and I've been to the fishing festival there a couple of times. Good Times!
A very small world ;) And yes, I learnt to fish up there that last time (Henningsvær actually, where better?!), just amazing seeing your catch rise up out of the crystal clear water. Also tried my hand in that inlet 'maelstrom' - scary! Happy times indeed. :fishing1::drunk:

Thinking of Utakleiv Beach ?? Yes, it is something very special. Green 3.000 feet steep mountains, white powder beaches, North Atlantic Ocean directly at the beach and 400 miles noth of the Polar Circle.

Looks familiar. Is that the one near Hakland? There's so many, I remember us walking to get to Kvalvika (to see midnight sun) but there's another one very long white sandy beach, not a cove but I can't remember name of :doh: God, I hate winter in January, rain, cold, wind - will have to look at some photos :D



A very small world ;) And yes, I learnt to fish up there that last time (Henningsvær actually, where better?!), just amazing seeing your catch rise up out of the crystal clear water. Also tried my hand in that inlet 'maelstrom' - scary! Happy times indeed. :fishing1::drunk:

Looks familiar. Is that the one near Hakland? There's so many, I remember us walking to get to Kvalvika (to see midnight sun) but there's another one very long white sandy beach, not a cove but I can't remember name of :doh: God, I hate winter in January, rain, cold, wind - will have to look at some photos :D

Nice photos and nice weather.

I am not local to the area and have not been up there for some years now. Think the Utakleiv beach is close to municipality center Flakstad, close to Ramberg on the map.

Have been thinking of doing a summer-week in Lofoten this or next year, but after a long and wet (used to be snow, but this winter has been rain only) Norwegian winter, places further south with more stable and sunny weather has it's attractions too. We'll see.




Samme med meg.

Bestilte fra Joshua før jul, men fikk klokka rett før helga nå.

Dette pga problemer med fly som gikk innom usa et sted eller noe, der det var store sjanser for beslag.

I tillegg har de hatt litt drittvær der nede.

Fikk hvertfall klokka mi til slutt, så regner med du også får din om få strakser!

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