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Omega seamaster 200m pre-bond automatic two tone

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Hello to everyone!

Since my recent pictures on my two tone raised some interest I decided to do a quick review of my only gen omega, a Seamster pre bond automatic!


This watch was serviced by swatch group (for a total price that I admit is more or less the value of the watch..) before my father give it to me and is rarely worn so it is almost perfect!


The watch is 42mm with the crown and approximately 9mm thick and feels really slim. It sits perfectly on my small wrist. The two tone head is adding vintage and cool looks without being too much invasive since it is limited to the head while the bracelet is all steel. The black matte dial is simple and legible with gold markers that match the two tone case and gold hands. The white dateweel has a clean and vintage font. The marker was supposed to be lumed but the lume is almost totally faded, while the hands lume is really strong with make me think they have been relumed or replaced during last service. The peal lume is weak but present. This model could came with rolex like Mercedes hour hand but mine is with stunning sword like hour and minute hand and a beautiful lollipop second hand. The gold bezel bezel is with black inserit and contrast gold numbers. The gold crown matte with polished happy feet omega logo, this one was replaced as well by swatch group since the previous was stripped. The embedded bracelet is awesome and is the peculiar feature of this model. Quite discussed at the time due to the fact that you cannot put a nato or rubber strap now is appreciated and really merge perfectly with the case.

The clasp could came with single or double lock and mine is with double lock with diver extension.


Now too the pics and wrist shot!


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Hello to everyone!
Since my recent pictures on my two tone raised some interest I decided to do a quick review of my only gen omega, a Seamster pre bond automatic!
This watch was serviced by swatch group (for a total price that I admit is more or less the value of the watch..) before my father give it to me and is rarely worn so it is almost perfect!
The watch is 42mm with the crown and approximately 9mm thick and feels really slim. It sits perfectly on my small wrist. The two tone head is adding vintage and cool looks without being too much invasive since it is limited to the head while the bracelet is all steel. The black matte dial is simple and legible with gold markers that match the two tone case and gold hands. The white dateweel has a clean and vintage font. The marker was supposed to be lumed but the lume is almost totally faded, while the hands lume is really strong with make me think they have been relumed or replaced during last service. The peal lume is weak but present. This model could came with rolex like Mercedes hour hand but mine is with stunning sword like hour and minute hand and a beautiful lollipop second hand. The gold bezel bezel is with black inserit and contrast gold numbers. The gold crown matte with polished happy feet omega logo, this one was replaced as well by swatch group since the previous was stripped. The embedded bracelet is awesome and is the peculiar feature of this model. Quite discussed at the time due to the fact that you cannot put a nato or rubber strap now is appreciated and really merge perfectly with the case.
The clasp could came with single or double lock and mine is with double lock with diver extension.
Now too the pics and wrist shot!

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This is a great piece
I know because I’m still in but and sell of vintage omegas
This piece still could easily fetch US$700 and more
Enjoy on good health

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Looks really nice mate. Whilst strangely I’ve never been into vintage divers this one may change that. If it was your fathers it’s even more valuable to you. Wear in good health my friend. 

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