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Problems buying with Intime/Ryan

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Morning everyone.

I would appreciate any useful answers to this one.

As posted some time ago I am in the process of ordering the new one from Intime/Ryan, it's the Baselworld Seadweller 2017.

On ordering yesterday the debit card was refued, I now know by my French bank. Their explanation is that the Intime website is on some form of dodgy website data list- surprise, surprise!!

Since I have an account with Intime and can still log in and see my previous order history clearly displayed, I suspect this is just one more ruse to try and make these purchases as difficult as possible.

So, can anyone confirm that Intime is still Kosher and dependable and is anyone also having the same problems?

If the answer to that question is OK I have several other methods of unblocking this payment, including ordering the bank to make it regardless. I'm not having bloody some French bank telling me what to do with my money, or stopping me spend it how I please.

Alternative methods include Paypal, another debit or credit card (English) etc.

Appreciate your views asap.






If you are on his website, which you are sure it is ?  (seems like it, you logged in) I have heard no reports of Ryan doing anything bad w/ peoples CC info but best to play it safe use PP.


Thanks Mike.

I agree. Having logged on and seen all my previous dealings correctly displayed I'm sure the website was genuine and I personally haven't had any problems with Ryan before, In fact he bent over backwards to get me spares for the DSSD from Noob last time.

Things, of course, can change rapidly in this world, so thought best to check.

Although Paypal is an option, I get the same usual payment protection with the card. Paypal are also an absolute bloody shower to deal with when something goes wrong, the last time being when they billed one of my cards for something I hadn't actually bought!! The time before that it took 3 months to get a refund. I generally avoid them now, life is too short and I have better things to do with my life, such as guessing how Brexit will ultimately fall flat on its face and loose me even more money than the banks did in 2008!!

I would therefore prefer to force the bank to pay the amount, which will give me some added satisfation, as I don't like being buggered about by banks in particular.






You can always tell your bank to proceed but me thinks then no protection . Not from the sale per-say but if info is breached on a sale they advised not to and you forced through.


Yes your possibly right. However, I've had a go at the bank and got the website un-blocked (for me on this transaction) on the basis they can't tell me why it was blocked in the first place. " it was just on a data base of fraudulent sites", they said, but with no details!! No subsequent statement that I'm not covered. I then told them I had used the site several times without problems and it still allows me to log on and retrieve all my details and activity correctly.


As I'm sure you've probably guessed, I suspect this block was done under pressure from Rolex and others seeking co-operation from the banks to make these transactions as difficult as possible. They do the same trying to take down the pirate film/music websites all the time, but for different reasons.


Will report on the outcome, if it all goes through, which may help others. I'm going to re-submit the card details in about 30 minutes.


Hi Richard,


Sorry to hear the banks are giving you an issue, but seems as if you've soon sorted them out! 


I've just dealt with Ryan again for the umteenth time with no issues with the transaction or subsequently the order with him. 




So, finally that all got sorted and Ryan personally sent me a message this morning to say the payment had now been received. Hopefully the new ARF 2017 Baselworld Seadweller Single Red will turn up in a few weeks. Hope it's as good as the Noob V6S DSSD D-Blue I've been wearing for the past two years. After proper waterproofing and a lot of fiddling with the regulation it has performed astonishingly well.


So, for anyone else who may be affected by this issue, here is what happened.

Went on the Intime website and ordered the watch then went through the payment proceedure, which seemed to accept the card, but I couldn't get confirmation. Sent message to Ryan saying that to warn him.

Following day they confirmed it hadn't gone through, so I contacted the bank. They gave the excuse that it had been stopped on the basis it was a fraudulent website and on a data list of similar sites. Now at this point I must point out that I now live in the south of France and the French banks can be a bit strange at best, so it may only be in France that this has happened.

Since I could still log on to my account with Intime using all the correct usernames and passwords and then see my correctly displayed order history, it seemed obvious that the site was still Kosher. This was then further confirmed by members who have kindly replied to this post.

Armed with these facts, instructed the bank to release the payment on the basis that "it's my money, so do as your told." They released the money, payment went through and Intime have confirmed today that they have it and the watch will now proceed to quality control.

Because I have all the proper confirmations of order, purchase, payment etc, if it gets lost in the post god help them if they try to pull the card protection insurance and I have to make a claim.


Therefore, as I said previously, it seems to me that Rolex, Omega etc etc have probably put pressure on at least the French banks and maybe others to try and make things difficult. However, I think if any of you are buying, have this problem and have an account established, then it's simple to see if the site is working properly. That, together with the help of members opinions, seals it for me and provides enough evidence to challenge your bank if they become difficult.


Hope this is helpful




On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 2:13 AM, richard591 said:
On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:01 AM, Mike on a bike said:

Yes my thoughts also Rolex at work.

 As I'm sure you've probably guessed, I suspect this block was done under pressure from Rolex and others seeking co-operation from the banks to make these transactions as difficult as possible.


This is a very interesting and most overlooked topic!!!!


We all got to these forums by having a special interest or enjoying a hobby of some kind to be as affordable as possible so that it does not impact anyone's life and also our lives, like debilitating addictions such as fatal substance abuse or heavy gambling.  I hope I am not touching anyone too personally here in my latter comments. but I am just trying to illustrate a point,


Have we ever considered that the same way we seeked for a forum such as this to fulfil our interest and pleasure, that Rolex has not employed anyone to act as a spy and crack down on what is happening to make life of rwg members more and more difficult?????


Has anyone ever thought if any member is acting as a double agent???  I would hope NOT!!!!


I guess that such measures to protect this is often very difficult, so we should always exercise extreme caution with how we word and perform such transactions to make them as disguised as possible.  I know it sounds very unfair that one has to go through such hardships, but what Rolex does not realize is that most members would already have the genuine or have had the genuine product and at some stage been their patrons.  This would also be an advantage for them as it is also giving them free advertising as there are those willing to buy their product regardless of whether they have owned or own a replica !!!!


Yes I agree with all of that.

As a long time wearer/owner of the real thing since the 1970's I have been a loyal customer of Rolex and Omega for over 40 years. Nevertheless, the lastest generation reps are so good that they open up a whole new vista for those who just can't afford to shell out $10,000 on just one of the real models, let alone several.

Now I agree that Rolex and others may see this as simple forgery, but looking at it from a different direction, you could also say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and there is also a concept that says that there is no such thing as bad publicity. So, if a large section of rep wearers could never afford the real thing, but can afford to wear and display a rep, then the Rolex name is getting about more widely than it otherwise would. Is that really a bad thing? Opinions will be divided on that I'm sure.

Personally, I don't mind and have been wearing my reps as much as the genuines since the first purchase. I don't feel ashamed at that at all.

However, this also raises another interesting question. That is how the hell do the rep makers do it and make profits for the prices they charge? On receipt of the DSSD D-Blue I was staggered at the quality for the money. I then wore the rep when collecting the gen from its latest service at the rolex dealer and as I put that on the other wrist he just looked at me as if christmas had come early, ignored all the other customers and held the door open to bid me farewell, probably thinking "he'll be back soon to have that DSSD serviced also."

But it goes deeper than that and makes you wonder just what is the real price it costs Rolex to make a Sub or derivative anyway. My estimate is somewhere between $1,000 and $1,500, taking into account the time they have been about and the economies of manufacturing scale and technology improvements which kick in accordingly.

So, assuming a purely stainless model, where does the other $8,500 - $10,000+ go depending on model?

Perhaps it's on the plush surroundings we have to put up with when visiting a Rolex dealer, or the prime location of the dealerships. Or, maybe on the exquisite cups of the worlds most expensive coffee we were plied with while waiting; the beans of which had been lovingly passed through and retrieved from the digestive tract of a genetically cloned and reconstituted tyrannosaurus rex. Who knows.

I think the overall feeling I have is that life could just get more difficult as time goes by to get these reps off market as pressure to do so continues. But if someone who lives in a modest house and rides a bike, rather than living in a plush appartment and driving a Porsche, gets the Rolex name out there, isn't that free publicity from a source Rolex never would have had?

You decide.


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