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Hello everyone ! have made two hole sizes for Hand gmt? I know it is from 1.7 and 1.9! the one from 1.7 gives it for 1575! that of 1570 measures 1.9mm? because this would be closer to the 2836 modification which is 2mm! the one from 1.7 widen it up to 2mm ... I'm afraid it breaks! if you know something i have who did the modification work can you explain me? thank you



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ok i saw! but they say only 1.7 the hand gmt .... while there is also a 1.9 .... 1.9 is ideal to modify and bring to 2mm for the 2836! on eBay there are various hands gmt gen and the sellers confirm 1.9 not 1.7 ..... precisely I say they made the hand with 2 different sizes? also raffles says there is one 1.7 and one 1.9mm

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"! have made two hole sizes for Hand gmt? I know it is from 1.7 and 1.9! the one from 1.7 gives it for 1575! that of 1570 measures 1.9mm?"


There is only one part number for 1565 GMT and 1575 GMT 24 hour wheels and it is 8033 so they all should be the same.

I have one spare 8033 24 hour wheel and it is sealed in the original pack so I could not measure the diameter of the hand tube.

All 1565/1575 GMT parts are the same.


"I bought hands gmt gen!  Seller confirmed that it is 1.9mm not 1.7."


I measured a nos 1675 24H hand and it is 1.9mm.


If you run across a used Bergeon 30464 for a few $$, grab it up. 

They are handy.  :clap2:

Image result for Bergeon 30464 Watch Hand Gauge

Here is one that may not go too high...eBay item number  383601599709

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