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Dealers reviews: Why should we be so enthusiast or negative?

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Dear All,

I noticed something.

- When one receives the new long expected watch, the post here at RWG is almost instantaneous.

- It is often very positive about the dealer.

- After a while, allthough the first post was positive, one can read a lot of negative comments: "blabla does not ..."

Why not wait for at least a couple of days to post a dealer review?

Just my thought but I am feeling that some of the most respected dealers are becoming less respected these days.

It is thus not helping the community at all to post too fast.

Dealer reviews should be helpfull for us, consumers.

Of course, the same is true for members initially posting bad reviews....

What is your opinion?




That is fantastic advice, buyers should give them a cooling off period so they can look at their new item in a completely objective way before posting a review.


That is fantastic advice, buyers should give them a cooling off period so they can look at their new item in a completely objective way before posting a review.


Take an example: Pug's SteelFish (or "Poisson d'acier" for Frogs)... :rolleyes:

I was about to order it from PT today because I was saying to myself: order now or it will not be available anymore.

[censored]. Business is business. There will be plenty of these available for months.

I didn't yet order it thus.

And, suddenly, today too, I got a mail from PT about a watch I ordered from him and that will be on my wrist next monday.

I don't even think about ordering a SteelFish anymore now. I might do so, but after all my current orders are delivered.

Am I a little sad about not getting the SteelFish like everybody else here ? YES.

What I mean is that we do order and review way too fast because we are enthusiast (which is great) and that we would never act like that in our own professional lives.





I also completely agree with you. :clap:

We need time to check and have a complete look :cc_detective: before to make any comment and decision.



I think that you are right, Stephane, and I'll behave accordingly since now.

(sorry, OT - but):

Nice to see you back here, Clive! :)

Yeah I noticed a sudden presence the last day or two wb :)

Back on topic... I must admit I would never post a neg on a dealer unless things had gotten way out of hand, luckily its never come to that as far as I can remember, well apart from Pauls "crazy sale" fiasco a few years ago but that was just joining in with everyone else, but I'm still glad that people do post neg stuff because I like to be informed, and I also think it often speeds up a resolution of their situation, but I agree there should be a certain cooling off period before going overboard.

P.S. Stephane I've found that Speedy Moon watch you wanted for spares.


I think that some dealer reviews sound a lot like over-reactions and that sometimes a cooling off period is good. However, and this is where the problem lies, I believe that everyone else should wait and I can post immediately. I suspect everyone feels the same. :D

Your example is unusual as my Poisson d'Acier review isn't a dealer review. I would hate to wait two to three days to do a pictorial of a new watch as the freshness of the angles is important. I usually shoot over 30-40 photos from all sorts of angles, distances, speeds and apertures. If the watch is new, I can easily find the 3-6 shots I want to post up, but if it's not new, I'll be too used to the details and nuances.


I'm 100% with you Stephane. That's is exactly why I wait 6 weeks to post my REVIEW.

A bit off topic...I also see many members post a "positive review" simply because they receive a watch in 4 days. Yeah....4 days from CN to IceLand is very impressive but they forgot they paid extra $30 bux for the EMS mail service to do that, imo the credit should goto your local post office and not the dealers.

Dear All,

I noticed something.

- When one receives the new long expected watch, the post here at RWG is almost instantaneous.

- It is often very positive about the dealer.

- After a while, allthough the first post was positive, one can read a lot of negative comments: "blabla does not ..."

Why not wait for at least a couple of days to post a dealer review?

Just my thought but I am feeling that some of the most respected dealers are becoming less respected these days.

It is thus not helping the community at all to post too fast.

Dealer reviews should be helpfull for us, consumers.

Of course, the same is true for members initially posting bad reviews....

What is your opinion?



I think that's a terrible idea!

I think that's a terrible idea!

No, wait I don't. I think it's a great idea!

Sorry, just a bad joke. But seriously, I agree that people should try owning the watch for a few days (preferably longer) before posting a review of the dealer. However, I tend to think EL, TTK, Josh, Andrew etc. have pretty much established their good and bad points where individual glowing or scathing reviews, hasty or otherwise, probably isn't going to change the status quo much for them.

What is more annoying to me is the newbie "I haven't got my watch yet and I've been waiting four whole days, this dealer is a liar and a cheat and you all are in on the scam!!" rant posts. Keep it between you and the dealer a month before you start calling people out, is what I say . . . :thumbdown:


Many things have said regarding "Dealer's reviews".

Some members (mainly the newbies) post a review almost immediately when they get the watch ( I was doing that 4-5 years ago).

On the other extreme "the veterans" almost never post a dealer review.

At this very moment, all of our dealers here, are/can be considered as "good dealers" (that does not apply to private sellers though).

- The majority of our dealers here carry almost the same models.

- Their communication is more or less good.

- They are trying to solve the problems in most of the cases.

- Their prices are more or less the same.

- Bad dealers dont survive here cause they banned by Admin and Mods (sooner or later).

So were are really the differences on our dealers ???

- On how presice they are on what they sell (watch specs and white lies)

- The number on defective watches they send out.

So let's concentrate only in these two aspects.

Note: of course they can be some exceptions to the above were in this case the "Dealer review" has a significant meaning for a particular transaction.

What is more annoying to me is the newbie "I haven't got my watch yet and I've been waiting four whole days, this dealer is a liar and a cheat and you all are in on the scam!!" rant posts. Keep it between you and the dealer a month before you start calling people out, is what I say . . . :thumbdown:

- That is what I meant precisely. It's these negative TITLES of posts that I see more and more when hiting "View New Posts" that sometimes makes me close the RWG window and wait for another couple of hours to come back.

What Richard says about negative reviews aswell of course.

- Pug, I took the Poisson d'Acier as an example of a compulsive buy. Not as a dealer review. My Froglish is my froglish and sorry if I'm sometimes not clear enough.

And yes, everybody here wants you to post as much pics as possible and the quicker the better. :D

- In general, with the time and experience I learned about compulsivity

I can wait 2, 3 or more weeks to get my order, it doesn't (almost) bother me anywmore. :rolleyes:

And, unless a big big problem occurs in the future, I am posting neutral reviews of dealers and positive of members.





Posting dealer reviews is important to the members of the forum.

It is a moving average - it is a weather vane that measures and marks the current state of affairs of the quality of the current watch models being purchased, the attentiveness by the dealer to provide quick service, the willingness to deal with issues and it notes any significant changes in the dealer's attitude to his clients and his service. They have to be fair reviews and they have to note the good and the bad.

I read reviews all the time and they guide me on my next purchases. I find them very useful.


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