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Helping out the Noobs


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I finally got PM'ed by a newbier member than I, being asked for reputable dealer sites that I could recommend. I felt so good that finally I was contributing a little to the forum, since I am no where close to being knowledgeable as you guys are, and can't pay anyone back with info.

But here's the rub: often, I notice that people are coy about posting details about reputable dealers ("You don't get in touch with Narikaa, he gets in touch with YOU", etc. said half in jest).

Only after I returned the PM, did I remember that that is one of the perks of a VIP membership (currently open to all). So is that the reason?


Is there a more sensitive reason people don't list all the dealers' sites out in the open? As in, the legality of the businesses; not wanting to draw attention to them by eavesdropping authorities, etc.

Don't worry. I'm fine with it, and I'm happy I was of service. But just running it by you guys to see what the deal is here. PMs welcome.

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The latter.

The 'VIP membership' name maybe needs to be changed because it gives the impression that it's about 'perks' or getting something. It just means you chipped in for the running costs of the server, which in turn keeps the forum running for everyone.


Ah, right. I myself had that erroneous impression until now (although of course, I realised and had been told it was for the servers). Thanks for that, Cornerstone.

And Fitmic, collectors, gotcha. Will definitely amend the vocab, cheers. :)

-- BTW, I used a copy-paste from another forum's list of reputable vendors. That also gave me the jitters, in case I had transgressed in some way --

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Good work Lady V........I had heard a rumour that you were fond of helping out the noobs......:D

Thank God you didn't typo that to "[censored]"! :D

P.S.: And you're not so bad yourself. When the purchase goes down with you know who for you know what, I will be sure to mention your incredible info in that dealer review!

Thank God you didn't typo that to "[censored]"! :D

LOL! Oops, I guess the script censors rude Britishisms as well.

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