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There is a news story on Dateline NBC about countefeit drugs. This is a US program. Vert interesting that they are amazed at the accuracy of the copies. If they only knew. At the same time pretty scary that this rep pharmacy is so prevalent.


Posted (edited)

I'm watching it now too. I did research on this myself last year for a report. This is the main reason why imported drugs are illegal in the US. Like people that wanted to buy drugs from Canada for fractions of the price.

They actually mentioned Reps in their visit to China. They showed the "menu" of items just like you see on a visit to Canal St, NYC.

I think the problem is the demand not the supply! The highest counterfeited drug is Viagra! There is a drug for everything now in the US, but pot is illlegal. Sometimes I have major issues with my own government! Its OK to get waisted on prescription pills and boose but you can't smoke a joint and watch a movie in your own home!

If we Americans didn't demand these drugs they wouldn't produce counterfeits. Maybe as American's we are just doomed.


Edit: Just to add though, what happened to the elderly lady is tragic and horrible. The scum that allow these to enter the legitmate market should be shot! Sad part is they are probably employee's of these drug companies!

Edited by Bignasty
There is a news story on Dateline NBC about countefeit drugs. This is a US program. Vert interesting that they are amazed at the accuracy of the copies. If they only knew. At the same time pretty scary that this rep pharmacy is so prevalent.


Eddy, what do you mean by 'if they only knew'?

As for myself, I know that these drugs are being distributed widely in Africa. Certainly Asia as well.

Can range from Indian generics (ok) to 0 active ingredients, to pure poison.

So again, and since you are an M.D., what do you mean?

Eddy, what do you mean by 'if they only knew'?

As for myself, I know that these drugs are being distributed widely in Africa. Certainly Asia as well.

Can range from Indian generics (ok) to 0 active ingredients, to pure poison.

So again, and since you are an M.D., what do you mean?

All I meant was that they seem to be hinting that fakes can be distinguished by the average joe on the street, but now they are making the fake drugs so well that even the serial #'s and imprints on each capsule are very similar to the gen drug. But we have been seeing this in the rep watch world for a while. I for one had no idea that fake drugs were so prevalent in the US even being an MD. We just prescribe the drugs, we don't dispense them. Thats done by the pharmacists. But when i think about it I was naive. The US is the biggest market for everything in the world, so no wonder that the counterfeiters wouldn't want to sink their hooks over here as well.



I was in Burma a few weeks ago... :blink:

People chase you up and down the street trying to sell you Viagra and Levitra, 100TBH for 10!!!

That's $US2.65!!! Holograms and all... They gotta be baking soda, or something much worse! :thumbdown:

Eh, drugs here are such a rip-off compared to canada!

I tried some "replica" levitra on my girlfriend once. Quite the ride!

is that stuff any good? wanted to try viagra once, but i was afraid of getting a heartattack or so

is that stuff any good? wanted to try viagra once, but i was afraid of getting a heartattack or so

Yeah the levitra is amazing for a fun time.

I have tried viagra too but you are right about the heart. My girlfriend asked what was wrong; it was out of control and I am in excellent shape - don't see how old men take it. Viagra also makes you sniffly in a bad way; not the biggest turn-on.

Yeah the levitra is amazing for a fun time.

I have tried viagra too but you are right about the heart. My girlfriend asked what was wrong; it was out of control and I am in excellent shape - don't see how old men take it. Viagra also makes you sniffly in a bad way; not the biggest turn-on.

Yeah, scary stuff... A friend of mine has used it and says it's great but it gives him a headache. I think I'll take a pass :thumbdown: Heard too much bad stuff about it.... Plus, I have visions of my poor wife being pulverized into the mattress and her head popping off :blink::lol:


Viagra is a vasodilator. It was being developed as a antihypertensive when pfizer discovered that it had the strange side effect of causing unwanted erections. So people taking other blood pressure meds should be very careful when taking Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra. Also people with any kind of coronary artery or other cardiac diseas should be cautious also, because it can cause a drop in blood pressure. But a healthy young person who takes recommended doses of Viagra should have no deleterious effects.

BTW the stuffy nose is a unwanted effect of the vasodilation which in turn causes the desired effect. It can be cured by a run on the slopes. ;)

End of Pharmacology Lesson.


It was being developed as a antihypertensive when pfizer discovered that it had the strange side effect of causing unwanted erections.

:lol: He said unwanted erections :bounce::lol:

Reminds me of when I was eleven or twelve and I saw my first nude sunbathers... walked right up to them to ask what time it was :blink:

Had a pup tent in my bathing suit like you read about and the thing didn't go down for what seemed like hours, very embarrassing, but funny as hell when I thinink about it :D

Guest HeWhoIsLikeGod

never heard of t his before, but it is probably being done by the same factory that builds are watches

never heard of t his before, but it is probably being done by the same factory that builds are watches

No; big chem houses there churn all of it out... although someone has to package it.

is that stuff any good? wanted to try viagra once, but i was afraid of getting a heartattack or so

The rep Viagra only gets you 99% of the way up...

The rep Viagra only gets you 99% of the way up...

A cure for recessed cannon pinions though.....

I'll get my coat.......


There are many unwanted side effects as a result of Viagra administration, most of which are based upon the vasodilation that Sevo mentioned. It is a rection to the drug at Ach receptors and stimulation of such, there are many variances depending on your own body. Some people it just simply doesn't work for.

There are many natural substances that stimulate receptors to give the desired result and Viagra is merely a pharmaceutical alternative to these.

We once went to a Wedding Reception before which one of our party had been given Viagra, we were running a book on at what time he would get wood lol. It started off as just our little group however quickly turned into all of the party and then he had girls who had bet, trying to induce said wood lol.

Very good night, and in the end nothing happened, probably due to the copious amounts of alcohol consumed, which can negate the effects of viagra by acting as a vasoconstrictor. He still ahd a great night, he got all the women coming up and writhing on him and trying to win the bet lol. The kitty was spent on more beverages lol.

As for rep drugs they are not good at all. They in many cases do much more harm than good, having no pharmacological effect whatsoever, or worse still having detremental effects on the human body, posing even more health problems for the patient.

As an aside it is technically NOT possible to overdose on Paracetamol. I keep seeing articles in which people have apparantly Overdosed on Pain Killers (paracetamol) this is NOT possible.

Paracetamol if taken in excess is not toxic, however if injested with alcohol is extremely harfull to the liver. It is not an immediate problem as there is no toxic overdose and hence people do not die immediately as in many other toxicity related overdoses. They instead die a slow and extremely painfull death as their body simply shuts down bit by bit, after the liver fails. It is in fact this liver failure that kills you and not inherant toxicity related effects.

Just an aside on something that I find a touch annoying as a misrepresention.

Anyway that's the end of my pharmacological rant, sorry for the spiel.

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