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where to look for ETA DJ and noob YM


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hello all,

as a student making the dive into the rep collecting obsession, i'd like to say hi to all!

i'm a dental student looking for a couple reps before x-mas. YM is for myself and the pink datejust is for my girlfriend.

i've read some reviews on the noob YM and it looks like it's one of the top value rolex reps available. on a student's budget, value is a very friendly word! i've heard that the asian 21j movements are sometimes crapshoots so i'm looking for one with a 28.8k quality ETA movement. we are required to wear professional business attire everyday so i'm looking for something that goes well with dress clothes better than my nixon watch.

as for the pink datejust, i'm looking for one that also has a stable 28.8k ETA movement. haven't seen too many datejust reviews so i'm open to all suggestions. look for a pink or black face. she's a petite girl, so a smaller watch would work best (don't know if they come in varying mm's). she's in med school, so she also needs a watch that goes well with dress clothes as well.

how much should i expect to pay for both and where could i find these?

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how much should i expect to pay for both and where could i find these?

Hey Johnnyallthetime, wassup!

The forum is more like a repository of information, where you go to the various sub-forums (say, here Rolex) and scout around there for information oneself, rather than be given the info which would be unwieldy daily, if all newbies were to ask the same. :)

But once you do, almost certainly you will find folks who have posed similar questions to you, and you have several choices after that -- PM the members, or go in search of the collectors in their various galleries.

It depends if you're in the EU or the USA, or wherever, to get you that right watch. Whomever you choose in the collector's forums will certainly be a person of confidence. Any problems and you have the board to share your travails (hopefully none).

Another excellent option is for you to go scout around the member trade forum (you can buy but not sell as a non-RWG Supporter).

Just recently, e.g., member Gioarmani had a pink-dial lady's Rollie for sale, dead cheap. I myself don't like the salmon-dials, but it was certainly snapped up quickly, so you know they're popular. :)

As an ex-Med School student myself, it's best to have a non-obstrusive watch, with seconds hands, so not too sure Rolexes are the way to go there, but again, it's your gal's call. My profs always got sniffy when they thought you were putting on airs that way. I actually used a Swiss Army watch, on velcro...but to each their own, right?

If absolutely pressed, may I suggest either Andrew of TrustyTime, or Joshua of Perfect Clones, both in China. Narikaa/Precious Time if you're in the UK.

Again, these are but a smattering of collectors here, so fill yer boots. ;)

Good luck! This is a mantra with me, these days, but PM if needed!

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thanks for the warm welcome and suggestion. i didn't mean to break protocol! i'll definitely be on the lookout on these sub-forums.

Nah, no protocol. And I asked the same thing on my newbiest post too!

Consider this forum like Home Depot (which I always thought was the unofficial motto of the United States of America too):

You can do it. We can help.


Good luck! PM offer stands forever. :)

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