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oh lord I can't imagine what local passers-by were thinking while he was filming this... probably "why is someone videotaping that poor epileptic child while hes having a seizure"

Dayum, this guy stole his moves down to the seizure bootyshake. :o

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The song is basically the rantings of a wee Ned. For instance, he mentions that he would like to copulate with one's mother and that he likes Buckfast Tonic Wine. You Nugget.

His accent is pure weegie Ned, as is his dress-sense and subject matter.

"Haw, big man. Geis a swally o yer buckie, nat. Av goat a chib."

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I rather like chavs, actually.

A "Ned" is a Chav, in Scotland (so I believe). When he says "I'm gonna rip your jaw", I suddenly thought of alledged threats made to the Admin team by a certain recently departed Scottish dealer ... :D

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A "Ned" is a Chav, in Scotland (so I believe).

Soz I read. :p

Non-educated delinquent, a quasi-government definition. God, officialese is even more stupid than the people they describe, don't you think?

When it's self-attributed, like UB40, it's so much better.

When he says "I'm gonna rip your jaw", I suddenly thought of alledged threats made to the Admin team by a certain recently departed Scottish dealer ... :D


Actually, he was much on my mind when I was posting the Billy Connolly thread too. I could've seen him replying and exchanging banter with members... :(

@FF: He wears a PAM! He's just so cool. They said Queen Mum loved him to bits. ;)

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Soz I read. :p

Non-educated delinquent, a quasi-government definition. God, officialese is even more stupid than the people they describe, don't you think?

When it's self-attributed, like UB40, it's so much better.


Actually, he was much on my mind when I was posting the Billy Connolly thread too. I could've seen him replying and exchanging banter with members... :(

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Chavs are soooo yesterday !! :D

@Victoria - sorry, I missed your Billy Connolly thread ! :mellow:

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Non-educated delinquent, a quasi-government definition. God, officialese is even more stupid than the people they describe, don't you think?

Eh? That's a backronym if ever I've seen one.

Ned is most likely derived from skinhead.

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@TeeJay: Well, I don't LIKE them-like them. But I sense chavs want something better out of life. They just don't have the right direction. They're different from the anarchist punks, animalistic football hoolies, and retarded skinheads of the 70s and 80s. The former, fatiguing though I liked them too. The latter, anathema.

Eh? That's a backronym if ever I've seen one.

Actually, that's what Wikipedia suggests too.

Their other suggestion is closer to what I thought...

Ned is most likely derived from skinhead.

...that Ned is a corruption of Ted, for the original hooligans -- the Teddy Boys.

Only problem is, the Teddy Boys were very well dressed. These Neds...well, maybe they aspire to be fashionable with their Burberry togs. But they are limited in scope and imagination. :p

Why can't British society produce Gothic Lolitas like Japan?

"Little Bo Peep"


"Little Bo Peep the Card Shark"


And...apparently the love child of Frankenstein and Prince Albert.


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@TeeJay: Well, I don't LIKE them-like them. But I sense chavs want something better out of life. They just don't have the right direction. They're different from the anarchist punks, animalistic football hoolies, and retarded skinheads of the 70s and 80s. The former, fatiguing though I liked them too. The latter, anathema.


You've been out of the UK waaaaaaaay too long :lol: Just watch an episode of Jeremy Kyle... The problem with chavs is that they don't want anything better out of life. Making a nuisance of themselves, shoplifting and harrassing people in the street, is what these human parasites live for. They're now graduating into murder. Not more than a week ago, a 15 year old chav was sent down for kicking a 20 year old woman to death. Because she "was a goff". About a year ago, a pack of chavs murdered a father playing cricket with his son, by stoning him to death (while he had a heart attack, if I recall) Oh no, chavs don't want anything better out of life. This is as good as it gets for them... Time to start sending out 'BladeRunners' to take care of the problem ;)

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Man, even when I'm being surprisingly egalitarian, people laugh! :p

I know what you're saying, TeeJay, but how are chavs different from any underclass in Britain, at any time? You think navvies in the 1800s wanted better, or behaved better?

They were all DRUNK from the gin, and found "interesting" means of sustaining their lifestyle (bodysnatching for one, in the case of Burke & Hare, murdering their victims first).

People forget just how bad living in London and the bigger towns in Britain was back then. Garotting and pickpocketting were as common to them, as the wanton cruelty by chavs is today.

But I have been out of England too long. My like of chavs probably has to do with a rosier, homesick view I have, with my old homeland. Even the "bad", isn't that bad. :)

@Pug: Why was the Wee Man wearing one then?

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Only problem is, the Teddy Boys were very well dressed. These Neds...well, maybe they aspire to be fashionable with their Burberry togs. But they are limited in scope and imagination. :p

Neds? Burberry? You may have mistaken Neds for Chavs. ;)

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