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What happened with asad's 9 PVD post on Psti yesterday?


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Well I visited yesterday Psti forum and have seen asad posting that he traded like 6 Omegas for a PVD 9 Panerai and caused some controversy :o

I have to be honest that the watch from the photos didn't looked like a gen to me but I think that for a member with 2 gen Pams and member of our forums wouldn't be difficult to understand the real deal.

Unless it is another case like we have seen in the past that a rep owner thinks he has the 100% perfect rep and that he can fool the world.

I don't say that this is the case here but makes me wonder why the post has been deleted while I was in bed :p

Maybe asad himself can shed some light or some of you US members who have seen the psot just before been deleted. :)

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Well I visited yesterday Psti forum and have seen asad posting that he traded like 6 Omegas for a PVD 9 Panerai and caused some controversy :o

I have to be honest that the watch from the photos didn't looked like a gen to me but I think that for a member with 2 gen Pams and member of our forums wouldn't be difficult to understand the real deal.

Unless it is another case like we have seen in the past that a rep owner thinks he has the 100% perfect rep and that he can fool the world.

I don't say that this is the case here but makes me wonder why the post has been deleted while I was in bed :p

Maybe asad himself can shed some light or some of you US members who have seen the psot just before been deleted. :)

I saw the initial post, but none of the resulting contoversy, if any. Clearly somone either thought or assumed the watch was a rep or is taking the

"panerai discussion only" rule to an extreme.

Or maybe they're [censored] that an 09 is only worth 6 Omegas? :lol:

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If that is the case than the joke may be on him. :lol: Don't know how I missed that one. Seriously, I hope there wasn't a real ruckus caused. Were they rep or gen Omegas?

Well the normal crowd congratulating him for a lovely watch and they all wanted to have one :p

Asad should have posted Dsn's email with the post :)

They were though 2-3 Pstis (same ones who are lurking around here anonymously) who understood it was a rep (and not even a decent one) and that's the point I went to bed and had sweet dreams :p

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  • 1 month later...
ya, just getting around to this post now. looks like asad has been banned here as well. any information would be appreciated mods!

asad got ip-banned from all major boards (RWI, RG and RWG) for posting rep pictures to gen forum. It has been mentioned in our forum rules, and we are strongly against this behavior. He did it on purpose, and the Geek mods got a request/veiled threat from the Paneristi admins for that asad's post.

Members like asad can seriously jeopardize our hobby as we want to keep as low profile as possible. Yes, we are an open forum but we want to respect the gen boards this way... when we don't go and sh1t into their livingroom - and rub the reps against their collective faces, maybe there's a small hope that they (and the lawyers of Rolex, Swatch, Hublot and Richmond) could leave us alone with our ILLEGAL hobby, involving counterfeit watches. Well, it doesn't hurt trying.

asad probably didn't think it this far, or didn't mean to harm anyone... but we have decided to take this approach. All forums co-operate in this regard. And yes... we can get people's ip's from many gen forums too.

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By-Tor was being kind and generous in his posting.

Simply put, most 'Risti have money. You are going up against businessmen who like to show off what they have and what they can do. Several of them are lawyers with nothing better to do than raise hell when scorned. I know of several other sites that received legal threats after this stunt and similar ones like it. I can't speak for anyone involved on THIS site, but others I know involved in moderating other sites said that it was getting ugly.

Like I said, I can't speak for RWG, I can't even speak for the other sites I mentioned as I don't mod for them and it is just what someone told me, but going on a gen forum and doing something like this is bad mojo folks.

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Suffice it to say - he is gone. And the next time someone is caught no one is going to wait to hear from the gen forums. So for anyone even vaguely thinking of doing this you should view it as your death sentence on the rep boards. It's not like there isn't heavy overlap between the rep and gen boards. ;)

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I wanted to clarify my post above just so my conscience can be clear. I am by no means bashing all 'Risti but was making a generalized statement. Similar to when someone rips on Ferrari drivers as a group for example.

I own several gens of brands and it seems that many gen owners take an elitist attitude because of what they have on their wrist. I have seen gen owners of brand X bash other gen owners of brand X because the first group bought their watches from an authorized dealer and the second group bought "grey market" (think Jomashop, etc. ) or used watches. It baffles the mind. Last time I bought a car I don't remember anyone in my owners group ripping me a new one because I bought one used. I like to think that in any mob or group there are people who can appreciate something for the design and not how much it costs and that if an individual wishes to obtain something of that design then they should be respected whether they bought new or used. Or in some of our cases, Reps, but that may be pushing it.

Anyway, back on topic, I know there are fine and outstanding 'Risti such as our own Uncle Jay, but by and large I would not want to cross most of them.

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