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how to screw your country by buying reps


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Unfortunately, the hand outs don't stop there.

A proposed tax rebate (scam) targeted solely at the large home builders has an approximate price tag of $12 billion. The mom & pop independent builders are mysteriously excluded.

There is an additional proposal moving through the House of Representatives to bail out home owners through the FHA. The estimated price tag is $400 billion.

Add all these up and we're starting to talk about some serious change, $562 billion by my calculation. :o Of course, they will be funded with an addition to the national debt which is quickly approaching $10 trillion.

On a positive note, looking forward to your franken post. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Lucky they don't use the true billion of a million million, and have dumbed it down to 100 million....

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Lucky they don't use the true billion of a million million, and have dumbed it down to 100 million....

Nope, a billion (US) would be 1,000 million, a trillion (US) would be 1,000 billion (or 1 million million).

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I said the guys BEHIND Home Depot, they are not exactly affiliated with the store. For those outside of the U.S., these would be our hardworking illegal visitors from the South.

Ummm... actually, they are right out front at a lot of them, expecially the ones that have built "temp hiring centers" out front for them...

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Nope, a billion (US) would be 1,000 million, a trillion (US) would be 1,000 billion (or 1 million million).

Yes, I missed out a zero in error!

But still, lucky the debt isn't a true billion ;)

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The U.S. economy seems to be in a real bung hole right now, but we are not alone.

Have you read or heard about the food riots in many third world countries because basic staple food prices have doubled? I balk when I look at produce prices in my local market, but at least I can still make intelligent choices (picking items that are on sale) and eat and drink comfortably enought to have to worry about my weight. What about places where staples such as rice or beans are suddenly out of reach?

I just filled my wife's (Honda Accord) gas tank yesterday for $45+ bucks, and today's fillup on my Camry Hybrid came in at $49.95. Jeesh. I know these prices are nothing compared to what our friends in England, Germany, or even Canada pay. But I always thought only an SUV/premium gas person would pay prices like that. When I bought my Camry a few months ago I'm really glad I didn't opt for the premium-fueled and mpg-challenged Infiniti or Audi.

And at least I have the luxury of saying I can pay these bills. I could join a van pool, but the schedule would really suck, so I choose to drive 18 miles each way solo (when I can't VPN and work from home).

My "stimulus" check will probably go toward a Vespa or similar scooter. It won't get me to/from work, but my wife has wanted one for years and it will be a fun and fuel-efficient alternative for local/downtown trips.

Still, the overall worldwide economic picture is scary. Prediction: Just wait until China experiences significant social upheaval around the summer Olympics.

As for reps, my last purchase was in August of last year. Since then I've invested in service (thank you The Zigmeister and Jennifer) and a few straps, but I don't know when I'll make my next rep purchase, or what it will be. It certainly won't come from my stimulus check.

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Maybe its time to reconsider the lasik !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry couldn't resist :) its been in the sig for like 2 yrs :)

That deserves a


I only had 1 eye done and it was lasek ;)

I really should edit that signature... still no luck with Greek girls ;)

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The U.S. economy seems to be in a real bung hole right now, but we are not alone.

Have you read or heard about the food riots in many third world countries because basic staple food prices have doubled? I balk when I look at produce prices in my local market, but at least I can still make intelligent choices (picking items that are on sale) and eat and drink comfortably enought to have to worry about my weight. What about places where staples such as rice or beans are suddenly out of reach?


I just filled my wife's (Honda Accord) gas tank yesterday for $45+ bucks, and today's fillup on my Camry Hybrid came in at $49.95. Jeesh. I know these prices are nothing compared to what our friends in England, Germany, or even Canada pay. But I always thought only an SUV/premium gas person would pay prices like that. When I bought my Camry a few months ago I'm really glad I didn't opt for the premium-fueled and mpg-challenged Infiniti or Audi.

Change the dollar sign to a GBP sign for the price in the UK...

My "stimulus" check will probably go toward a Vespa or similar scooter. It won't get me to/from work, but my wife has wanted one for years and it will be a fun and fuel-efficient alternative for local/downtown trips.

Cool! Americans used to make fun of Italians for their Vespas, good to see you're not one of them!

Still, the overall worldwide economic picture is scary. Prediction: Just wait until China experiences significant social upheaval around the summer Olympics.

They already have workers going on strike due to pay and conditions... wait til they organize and unionize and stand up to the thugs that try to stop them... rising prices and cost of living...

As for reps, my last purchase was in August of last year. Since then I've invested in service (thank you The Zigmeister and Jennifer) and a few straps, but I don't know when I'll make my next rep purchase, or what it will be. It certainly won't come from my stimulus check.

I hear you.

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It don't matter wether you purchase a REP directly from China or buying any goods Stateside......you're still buying Chinese! So what's the difference?????? :bangin:

You're just cutting the middle, middlemen!

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Cool! Americans used to make fun of Italians for their Vespas, good to see you're not one of them!

Scooters have actually become fairly popular in the U.S., particularly in cities where traffic and parking are major hassles.

The nice thing about scooters is that you don't need a motorcycle endorsement on your drivers license to use one, although that limits you to staying off highways and squarely in the slow lane.

When we do buy, it will probably be a Vespa because people pay a premium for the brand name alone. Honda makes some nice retro-style scooters that are a bit more reasonably priced.

I'm curious whether other stateside forum members own scooters and what your experiences are with them.

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