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What is going on in America and the rest of the world...

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here you go. Your potential president and his crew. How can you trust these puppets and what they say on TV after this???

JohnG, are you still sure that usa politicians are not getting paid by large corporations to lobby their interests?

Show me where I say that lobbying does not influence the political landscape in the United States and I will buy you any rep of your choice.

Come on... I'm waiting. Oooops, I DIDN'T say that. I guess NO FREE WATCH FOR YOU!


But I have no doubt that the position of the U.S. in the South Osetia conflict is simply based on keeping control over strategical resources, just the same as with Iraq.

Iraq is much more complex than just oil - there were a host of interests being served and more than a few egos. But you are absolutely correct about S. Osettia - the United States would make a cookie-cutter condemnation about aggression, national sovereignty, etc., but were it for Georgia's strategic importance. That is why the U.S. has been courting Georgia and why now diplomatic pressure is being brought to bear on Russia (and Georgia).


yes, Iraq was always about american business, american ego's, american propaganda. it was NOT about terrorism or saving poor iraqi from saddam. they just needed a good reason and public approval to get in there, which they did and americans still love them to death (literally, im afraid)

Iraq is much more complex than just oil - there were a host of interests being served and more than a few egos. But you are absolutely correct about S. Osettia - the United States would make a cookie-cutter condemnation about aggression, national sovereignty, etc., but were it for Georgia's strategic importance. That is why the U.S. has been courting Georgia and why now diplomatic pressure is being brought to bear on Russia (and Georgia).
  • 3 weeks later...
..AND they are now trying to put a chip in your body to make you into a domesticated sheep...


John, isnt this is what they are trying to do? Easy way to know who you are and where you go? What stops them from puting these readers anywhere they like "for your convinience"? Go ahead John, sign up for the program, LOL :

Scientific American Magazine - August 21, 2008

If you live in a state bordering Canada or Mexico, you may soon be given an opportunity to carry a very high tech item: a remotely readable driver’s license. Designed to identify U.S. citizens as they approach the nation’s borders, the cards are being promoted by the Department of Homeland Security as a way to save time and simplify border crossings. But if you care about your safety and privacy as much as convenience, you might want to think twice before signing up.

The new licenses come equipped with radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags that can be read right through a wallet, pocket or purse from as far away as 30 feet. Each tag incorporates a tiny microchip encoded with a unique identification number. As the bearer approaches a border station, radio energy broadcast by a reader device is picked up by an antenna connected to the chip, causing it to emit the ID number. By the time the license holder reaches the border agent, the number has already been fed into a Homeland Security database, and the traveler’s photograph and other details are displayed on the agent’s screen.

Although such “enhanced” driver’s licenses remain voluntary in the states that offer them, privacy and security experts are concerned that those who sign up for the cards are unaware of the risk: anyone with a readily available reader device—unscrupulous marketers, government agents, stalkers, thieves and just plain snoops—can also access the data on the licenses to remotely track people without their knowledge or consent. What is more, once the tag’s ID number is associated with an individual’s identity—for example, when the person carrying the license makes a credit-card transaction—the radio tag becomes a proxy for that individual. And the driver’s licenses are just the latest addition to a growing array of “tagged” items that consumers might be wearing or carrying around, such as transit and toll passes, office key cards, school IDs, “contactless” credit cards, clothing, phones and even groceries.

RFID tags have been likened to barcodes that broadcast their information, and the comparison is apt in the sense that the tiny devices have been used mainly for identifying parts and inventory, including cattle, as they make their way through supply chains. Instead of having to scan every individual item’s Universal Product Code (UPC), a warehouse worker can register the contents of an entire pallet of, say, paper towels by scanning the unique serial number encoded in the attached RFID tag. That number is associated in a central database with a detailed list of the pallet’s contents. But people are not paper products. During the past decade a shift toward embedding chips in individual consumer goods and, now, official identity documents has created a new set of privacy and security problems precisely because RFID is such a powerful tracking technology. Very little security is built into the tags themselves, and existing laws offer people scant protection from being surreptitiously tracked and profiled while living an increasingly tagged life. (follow the link to read the rest.

link at scientific american: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=how-rf...&print=true

John, isnt this is what they are trying to do? Easy way to know who you are and where you go? What stops them from puting these readers anywhere they like "for your convinience"? Go ahead John, sign up for the program,

I don't have to sign up. According to you, Rockefeller is going to put them in our bodies whether we want them or not.

But since newcomers who talk trash about the man are top of the list, you better get used to the idea that the black helicopters are coming for you first!



John, when did i say that it was Rockefeller???

I do believe that there are people with money and power who have their own agenda, and who have their own vision how things should be in "certain countries and world in general ". Some people when they get very rich, just spend money on houses, cars, entertainment etc. they dont need nothing else; another category of people get hungry for power that comes with money, and when you have billions $$ you can do a lot of things. Now combine $ + hunger for power + some sick vision of the world for all of us ...

John, when did i say that it was Rockefeller???

Ummm..... your very first post in this thread of yours?

Haven't you actually WATCHED the Aaron Russo clip you endorsed?



John, please quote me saying that.

the videos i posted give people a different point of view about the way this world is operated. Rockefellers (or Rothschilds) are an example of what one single organization (family) is capable of doing on the large scale.

the whole point i am trying to make is that people need to stop trusting the authorities 100% and develop opinions based on their own thinking and research. Recent conflict in georgia demonstrated how pro-USA media/propaganda can turn the reality 180' from truth and make the agressor (Georgia) look like poor innocent country that was invaded by Russia because of Georgia's desire to be a part of NATO.

What we have now is 150,000,000+ people that hate USA even more, because of the decisions made by those at power and not in the interest of the nation as a whole. and i am sure neither you nor me or your neighbors wanted or approved such policies. this is the problem, the goverment no longer represents the interests of regular americans and something needs to be done. unfortunately upcoming elections will not change anything on the large scale, no matter which party is elected.

Ummm..... your very first post in this thread of yours?

Haven't you actually WATCHED the Aaron Russo clip you endorsed?



Do you think they will stop after implementing RFID tags on the mexican border??

no, they will continue, the reason will be the same - war on terror & convinience for all of us. Stay tuned!

John, please quote me saying that.

Do you think they will stop after implementing RFID tags on the mexican border??

no, they will continue, the reason will be the same - war on terror & convinience for all of us. Stay tuned!

Keep digging!


I wonder if these chips will be rigged with explosive anti-tamper devices B)

No, they won't need them. They will make you into a docile sheep whose only desire is to lick the boots of every police officer he sees. Oh, and report on the activities of people being critical of the U.S.


No, they won't need them. They will make you into a docile sheep whose only desire is to lick the boots of every police officer he sees. Oh, and report on the activities of people being critical of the U.S.


Well that's just not fair :lol: I want explosive anti-tamper devices :lol:

Well that's just not fair :lol: I want explosive anti-tamper devices :lol:

Well, eventually it will come to that - just be patient. I am sure that someday, if you think a negative thought about U.S. foreign policy or the Rockefellers, your cranium will just explode in a shower of blood and grey matter.

Happier now?


Well, eventually it will come to that - just be patient. I am sure that someday, if you think a negative thought about U.S. foreign policy or the Rockefellers, your cranium will just explode in a shower of blood and grey matter.

Happier now?


Oh yeah :D

I hate the USA

\ <_< ........................................ :blowup:


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