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Gen Tropic 39 Superdome values?

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I had seem some recently go off for what seemed like insane money to me, I have a NOS in my drawer. I almost feel bad putting it on my MBW DRSD now, feel like I should sell it. How much is it really worth though? Is $500 out of the question or just the new market price?

Posted (edited)

Yea... actually all the vintage Rolex crystal prices went up quite alot...

eg. i paid for the tropic 21 and tropic 127 below $40 per piece... now it's about $120/piece...

For the superdome Tropic 39, thats even more rare... It might hit the $1k mark in a few years time...

Damn i should have stock up then... :p

Edited by SpinMaster

I can see my two Trpoic 39's being sold to fund a couple of nice reps at this rate. I'd always intended to use them for MBW's but I'd struggle to justify it at that price.



The really screwy thing is, I have a gen SD39 on my rep MBW and a flat T39 on my gen! Sheesh.


The really screwy thing is, I have a gen SD39 on my rep MBW and a flat T39 on my gen! Sheesh.

Talk about the love of reps... lol... :p

How are you doing? it's been such a long time... nice to see you around... :)


Thank you friend! I'm busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs but you know it's best that way. One of my scouts finished his Eagle Scout project last weekend, and another completed Eagle and is now at Annapolis. What a great program Boy Scouts is... it takes a lot of time but man I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Besides that it's starting to get cool again... we had snow on the mountains in July and it's down around 40F at night. Winter's coming back and none too soon! :tu:

Here's my ancient MBW with its Superdome 39, and the gen SD with its (gen and boring) flat tropic 39. DBR keeps ribbing me that I need to swap these two crystals. I don't mind surgery on my MBW but it sure makes me nervous to take apart my gens.



Agree with the value... It has skyrocketed a lot. Been seeing on eBay, even the questionable one sold for high 200-300USD.

Well... As for the crystal, I don't think flat top T39 is boring ;) Infact I like it better than the superdome version.


Isn't that like comparing Cameron Diaz and Marilyn Monroe?

Isn't that like comparing Cameron Diaz and Marilyn Monroe?

lol... sort of... :p

I'm sure your genuine SD will look so much sexier with that superdome... make the transplant! and show me some pictures... :)

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