TeeJay Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 For those people who are not familiar with this act, it's directed at US citizens and basically takes away some more civil liberties. Ideologically -based violence???WTF? The internet is also being targeted on this bill. They can identify you as a terrorist even if you have an idea that doesn't conform to a society norm. They can throw you in jail for having an idea?? The bill is written so vaguely that it's interpretation can be applied to just about any individual or group. If they throw you in jail you do realize we don't have Habeus Corpus because you would be identified as a enemy combatant (military commission act signed into law by George W). Why on earth did no new agency cover the story of how our right to trial by jury has been taken away for bills like this. What happen to innocent until proven guilty? Here is some definitions from the bill itself. For purposes of this subtitle: `(1) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term `homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. `(2) RADICALIZATION- The term `radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically-based violence to advance political, religious, or social change. `(3) IDEOLOGICALLY-BASED VIOLENCE- The term `ideologically-based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs. =@ God save us all. I hate politics and I really want to refrain from posting political crap. I just feel like people should know the junk being written and put before our law makers. I think this is who they've got in mind...
rocket754 Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 The only purpose was to inform others of possible would be laws. I am aware of how a bill becomes a law, my post is only for informational purposes. This has passed the house by a 404 to 6 vote. All sorts of bills are drafted almost daily but this sort of bill seems to be getting made into law at a more alarming pace. Military comission act Patriot act National ID act FISA
ubiquitous Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 Yes, it's obviously a 2D barcode, but what does it mean? I don't think I'm geeky enough to understand. Is it a pixelated interpretation of goatse.cx or sumptin?
TeeJay Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 The only purpose was to inform others of possible would be laws. I am aware of how a bill becomes a law, my post is only for informational purposes. This has passed the house by a 404 to 6 vote. All sorts of bills are drafted almost daily but this sort of bill seems to be getting made into law at a more alarming pace. Military comission act Patriot act National ID act FISA It's scary the laws which are being introduced, which, in theory, should make the country (and the world) a safer place, but infact, just take away people's Human Rights
Tom Hawkes Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 (edited) As long as people don't give a sh*t ignorant as they are, nothing is going to change that path. Well, you can try to protest now. Maybe your story will end up in paper just like this one... Btw: jeff dunnnnnn haaaam.. hilarious! Edited September 3, 2008 by Tom Hawkes
TeeJay Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 As long as people don't give a sh*t ignorant as they are, nothing is going to change that path. Well, you can try to protest now. Maybe your story will end up in paper just like this one... Btw: jeff dunnnnnn haaaam.. hilarious! The sketch is awesome, and, I'm sure I read somewhere here that he's a rep collector as well
JohnG Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 The only purpose was to inform others of possible would be laws. I am aware of how a bill becomes a law, my post is only for informational purposes. This has passed the house by a 404 to 6 vote. All sorts of bills are drafted almost daily but this sort of bill seems to be getting made into law at a more alarming pace. Military comission act Patriot act National ID act FISA McCarthy and Co. did a lot of scary stuff in the 50's. The 50's were followed by the 60's. See where I am going with this? The ACLU and in fact the entire concept of judicial review are still alive and well. I wouldn't start getting ready to lick any boots just yet.
Pugwash Posted September 3, 2008 Author Report Posted September 3, 2008 I don't think I'm geeky enough to understand. Is it a pixelated interpretation of goatse.cx or sumptin? It's not a goatse, no.
archibald Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 Fromt the news story: Unlike what the hippies would have you believe, law enforcement officers don't just raid the houses of people they dislike. They also raid the houses of people they regard as the political opposition. These kinds of initiatives political intimidation tactics require lots of resources, and are based on evidence fabricated documents gathered through painstaking research and investigation illegal wiretapping conducted by leading experts and professionals. Republican operatives. Of course the edits and opinions above are mine an not Corgi's.
lanikai Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 I have not taken the time to read the entire thread... but "Freedom" is not free.. it comes at times with a grave price tag.. Today being the 7 year Anniversary of 9/11..( excuse my choice of words as I would rather use another euphemism than "anniversary") Let me call it the 7th Remembrance of 9/11 .." We should Never Ever Forget!!" The World has changed from 7 years ago.. and before that the Oklahoma city bombing .. and before that the slaughter of the Israeli Athletes at the Munich Olympics.. and the Sky Jackings before that.. I do not like to talk or discuss 9/11 as I get extremely ANGRY ... As a contractor going on Military bases ... how they have changed... airports ... Colleges .. (remember Viginia Tech?).. Law enforcement is surely on edge.. and rightly so.. Why are we still in Iraq? ... Have you seen documentaries of children missing limbs as a result of land mines ?? American Families whose Father will not come home because he was blown up by a roadside bomb.. so we could "Live Free" A Friend of mine who was born and raised in America .. had millions from his offshore account siezed immediately after 9/11 because of his religion and last name.. and yet he volunteered his contracting company to assist with the "clean up", and himself took part in that operation.. He neither quit nor has ill feelings towards "His Country".. Now.. i along with everyone else in the World can bitch and moan about the beauracracy ... and Government.. But the bottom line is I am "American" .. and right or wrong.. this is the "LAND OF THE FREE !!!!!!!" .. and we will continue to pay WHATEVER PRICE to Live and Die FREE !!
Watchman Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 It's not a goatse, no. Is it by any chance a pattern produced by the AL simluation "life" ?
Watchman Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 I have not taken the time to read the entire thread... but "Freedom" is not free.. it comes at times with a grave price tag.. Today being the 7 year Anniversary of 9/11..( excuse my choice of words as I would rather use another euphemism than "anniversary") Let me call it the 7th Remembrance of 9/11 .." We should Never Ever Forget!!" The World has changed from 7 years ago.. and before that the Oklahoma city bombing .. and before that the slaughter of the Israeli Athletes at the Munich Olympics.. and the Sky Jackings before that.. I do not like to talk or discuss 9/11 as I get extremely ANGRY ... As a contractor going on Military bases ... how they have changed... airports ... Colleges .. (remember Viginia Tech?).. Law enforcement is surely on edge.. and rightly so.. Why are we still in Iraq? ... Have you seen documentaries of children missing limbs as a result of land mines ?? American Families whose Father will not come home because he was blown up by a roadside bomb.. so we could "Live Free" A Friend of mine who was born and raised in America .. had millions from his offshore account siezed immediately after 9/11 because of his religion and last name.. and yet he volunteered his contracting company to assist with the "clean up", and himself took part in that operation.. He neither quit nor has ill feelings towards "His Country".. Now.. i along with everyone else in the World can [censored] and moan about the beauracracy ... and Government.. But the bottom line is I am "American" .. and right or wrong.. this is the "LAND OF THE FREE !!!!!!!" .. and we will continue to pay WHATEVER PRICE to Live and Die FREE !! It took a long while for me to decide if I should reply to this posting or not. In the end I decided for posting to counterweigh your view as an "American" as you put it with one that would typically be attributed to us libertarian and wimpy "Europeans". I am not going to "discuss" 9/11 because I think there is nothing to discuss about it. It was an abominable crime of mass murder and whatever reasons there may be in the world to resent the US policies of the past, not any of these could ever justify such an act. But...I simply do not get what you mean by "Freedom isn't always free". What kind of freedom are we talking about here ? To me it looks we are talking about the freedom of the American and also us European people to indulge in their lifestyle at any cost ? Then you are right. For this freedom the US and the world is paying a high price. But I seriously doubt that this is the freedom that comes to ones mind when we are talking about freedom in a true and meaningful sense. Freedom is the ability to own your own destiny, within the limits of ethics and morality. It is the freedom to speak ones mind without having to fear repressions. And it is the freedom to go about in your life without being threatened. Today people from many western countries, not only americans, who are travelling to certain parts in the world has to fear for his life. Is this freedom ? Today communication is being tapped, privacy invaded, people are being denied due process ... is this freedom ? Today the "terror threat level" is constantly (deliberately kept?) somewhere between yellow and red. People are scared. Is THIS freedom ? So, what freedom are YOU talking about, Lanikai ? The freedom to pour 30 gallons of gasoline into the tank of an SUV ? So, why is the US still in Iraq ? Because they went their in the first place, under false premises I might add. That is THE ONLY REASON why US troops are still in Iraq! They went there, made the country an even bigger mess than it was before and now they have to clean up this mess. And anyone who believes that there was any good reason to go there, is just gullible. The Bush administration WANTED that war and they GOT it! Yes, landmines are bad. But did you know that the US is one of the few countries that refused to sign the international ban of landmines ? And is one of the most prominent exporters of landmines ? Or that the US has picked up producing landmines again just a few years ago ? And don't you think that the frequently belabored "innocent little girl" torn apart by a "smart bomb" gone astray looks as revolting ? And, forgive me if this sounds rude or insulting: Anyone believing in "my country ... right or wrong" is a displaying utmost ignorance and is no better than any German Wehrmacht Officer who pledged allegiance to the Reich and thought this to be sufficient justification for his doings. Don't get me wrong. I am not calling anyone a Nazi. I am just trying to show where unconditional obedience leads. Ethics and moral do not stop at the border of a country.
JohnG Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 And, forgive me if this sounds rude or insulting: Anyone believing in "my country ... right or wrong" is a displaying utmost ignorance and is no better than any German Wehrmacht Officer who pledged allegiance to the Reich and thought this to be sufficient justification for his doings. Don't get me wrong. I am not calling anyone a Nazi. I am just trying to show where unconditional obedience leads. I think that Lanikai meant that he values his country and the ideals that it (to most Americans) stands for, even when it is wrong. I don't really know him but I suspect he would acknowledge freely that the United States makes errors of judgment, has many structural and institutional defects, and even suffers its share of corrupt and self-serving behavior. But recognizing that a nation composed of human beings must necessarily be imperfect does not negate the nobility embodied not only in many of its most sacred founding principles but also in the hearts of the vast majority of its citizens.
Watchman Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 I think that Lanikai meant that he values his country and the ideals that it (to most Americans) stands for, even when it is wrong. I don't really know him but I suspect he would acknowledge freely that the United States makes errors of judgment, has many structural and institutional defects, and even suffers its share of corrupt and self-serving behavior. But recognizing that a nation composed of human beings must necessarily be imperfect does not negate the nobility embodied not only in many of its most sacred founding principles but also in the hearts of the vast majority of its citizens. Point taken.
milsub5517 Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 Freedom that comes at the expense of other people lives is wrong. this is the "LAND OF THE FREE !!!!!!!" .. and we will continue to pay WHATEVER PRICE to Live and Die FREE !!
milsub5517 Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 hahaha AKKKKKKHHMED!!! This was mad funny!
milsub5517 Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 priceless.. he values his country and the ideals that it (to most Americans) stands for, even when it is wrong.
Fish Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 (edited) We Edited September 11, 2008 by Fish
JohnG Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 priceless.. If I misunderstood what Lanikai was trying to say, he is a big boy, I am sure he can correct me himself. But thanks anyway.
JohnG Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 If even in Germany (with Merkel sticking in GWB
milsub5517 Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 Today on NPR they were talking about what other countries think of what really happened on 9/11 and it is pretty much what here in usa John and other people dont want to hear... i am glad to hear about germany. im sure many other countries are picking this up too.
JohnG Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 it is pretty much what here in usa John and other people dont want to hear... You mean your pet theory that Rockefeller flew the planes by remote control? Come on, do you REALLY believe that? Tell me you have just been pulling my leg.
milsub5517 Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 jonh, whatever you smoke is no good for you... You mean your pet theory that Rockefeller flew the planes by remote control? Come on, do you REALLY believe that? Tell me you have just been pulling my leg.
Fish Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 (edited) There definitely are unanswered questions about 9/11. And there are a lot of reasons to doubt that the US stands for the freedom it claims to protect. Many civil rights are going down the toilet in the U.S. Now if you say: Well, perhaps there is really a danger for our beloved democracy the authorities have every right to fight it... Patriot act, homeland security, human rights dienied for certain people, the U.S. government standing above the UN and civil rights, Guantanamo, Abu Ghoreib, now mass arrest camps prepared in the U.S. whenever there are demonstrations expected, the government claiming the right to record telephone calls, evidences in a law suit no longer need to be found in a legit and legal investigation to be accepted by court, the U.S. is in fact under war rights since 9/11 with the president having additional authority concerning changes and restrictions to civil rights. Civil rights are no longer birth rights but they Edited September 12, 2008 by Fish
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