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Adding depth and creativity to photos - Phobands new "floors"

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so, i have been spending a bunch of time on my back, unfortunately not the old fashion way earning money, but the new fashion way, because i threw out my back.

Anyway - i have had alot of time to think, one of the things i thought about was expanding some of the things i want to do with my light box. one of the ideas that seems to be working is creating new "floors" to the box to give a different flavor with other photos. My recent photos were done with things found around my house, but i decided to go out and see what else i could find.

I went to home depot and got some wood floor samples. they are small blocks that cost a dollar a piece. I put them together and got some clear high gloss poly coat, which went on pretty easy cause the floor didn'ttake it well so basically gravity just made a nice clear coat.

Here are some very ruff and dirty shots no touching up or even cropping. Finished shots would have to be cut, the lines between the tiles "erased" using cloning but the basics and first tests are promising.

by the way, one of the secrets here is the use of a polarizing filter - the polarizing filter can change where reflections come from, so i can dial down or dial up the watch reflection - or at parts i was getting a hard core white reflection from the side of my lightbox- which would either be photo shopped and cropped out or adjusted with the filter.

So, here you go for like 6 to 10 bucks you can get these different setups. - by the way, i first saw TTK doing this with the wood reflection a few years ago. It basically is mimicking a nice poly coated high end watch box. I think it gives a very Rich look to the photos.

Please note with these photos - you click once to get the large version, if you click the large version you get a Super Large Version







That is interesting. It does provide a nice background and the polarizing filter works great.

Agreed...those filters really do make a difference!

great pics. Now I'm going to see if I can do one on a stone surface of some sort with a Ti watch. sorry you injured your back though. Get well soon.

BE VERY CAREFUL - you can easy scratch your watches doing that, lankai and i were talking about that over the weekend.

i also picked up some linoleum tiles that look like rock - no damage to teh watch. i'll post those soon too. I want to do some comparison shots to illustrate what i'm talking about - however, i can only spend so much time sitting up taking photos before the pain draws you back to teh floor .:)

Corgi- THANKS! very nice compliment :)

samuri re; the filter - i got one of the cheap ones :) it was only like 15-20 dollars brand hoya . cheap but respectable. you can buy them up to 100 dollars. if you have a dslr, get one that is in line with the value of your lens, me i have the stock canon lens so the hoya was fine. if you spent 1k on your lens :) maybe another one would be appropriate :)

if you have a point and shoot camera, you can actually use a pair of polarizing sunglasses.. just put them in front of the lens and turn it, you will see the reflections change..

i'm also going to try to do some more photos showing just how cheap my setup is, and that some of the photos i am most proud of was taken by just regular stuff you find around the house.


forget the images.. My rooms need this.. :D

Serious Pho... great stuff.. imagination is 90% of the work.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

and yup, I used unfinished granite once and had to refinish my clasp on the omega Speedmaster ... it dosen't take much to scratch the brushed finish..

I seriously gotta find some mango wood to send you !!

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