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Tourbillon Galore... getting the royal tourbillon treatment at an AD....

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So I find myself in Zurich, Bahnhofstrasse for business. My work colleague happened to be good looking, perfect arm candy.. so I spot this A Lange Tourbillon Watch (very high ticket item) in a window.. and I start drooling. So my friend says.. lets just go in... I was like this watch is VERY EXPENSIVE.. but she just pulls me in. So we go in, she asks right away to see THAT WATCH.. that watch happened to be a Tourbograph


That must have been quite an experience... Lucky you to be have been given such a treatment. Must say that the staff went beyond the normal service standards.

Glad to know that excellent customer service is still available in this day and age.




I really enjoyed your adventure there.

i've only once seen a tourby and that was in an IWC Portuguese. They are absolutely stunning, but I wish I could see what you saw!!


He told them: Holy Grail?? I've already got one...

ARTHUR: Well, it doesn't matter. Will you go and tell your master

that Arthur from the Court of Camelot is here.

GUARD 1: Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow

needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?

ARTHUR: Please!

GUARD 1: Am I right?

ARTHUR: I'm not interested!

GUARD 2: It could be carried by an African swallow!

GUARD 1: Oh, yeah, an African swallow maybe, but not a European

swallow, that's my point.

GUARD 2: Oh, yeah, I agree with that...

ARTHUR: Will you ask your master if he wants to join my court

at Camelot?!

GUARD 1: But then of course African swallows are not migratory.

GUARD 2: Oh, yeah...

GUARD 1: So they couldn't bring a coconut back anyway...

[clop clop]

GUARD 2: Wait a minute -- supposing two swallows carried it together?

GUARD 1: No, they'd have to have it on a line.

GUARD 2: Well, simple! They'd just use a standard creeper!

GUARD 1: What, held under the dorsal guiding feathers?

GUARD 2: Well, why not?


Thanks for the feedback...

yeah.. by the way in my post I meant I know a lot about tourbillons... somehow that got left out and ended up as -I know everything about watches-... certainly not the case. But somehow I can't edit my posts.

Back to that experience.. what was mind boggling, as I was holding that $800,000 watch in my hand was that this was the most valuable ($wise) thing I have ever held in my hand... (so far my highest was a 12kg bar of Gold, or half a million in currency - but all that was a lot heavier or larger)... also the polish on that platinum case.. was insane.. perfection (polishing is an art by itself, don't know if you know that).. when we were sitting there we were joking that's the price of a house... and a real nice one at that.... imagine the equivalent of an entire house... in my hand.. just sitting there ticking away innocently... a house..... Kind of mind boggling....

Also what I liked is that with precious metals.. its just the what it is.. as a substance that makes it precious.. while with that watch it was the man hours, the engineering the time spent. It apparently took over a year to build one of those 51 watches... it came out in 2005 and they said they are still building it.. don't know how far down they are... the particular model we looked at had serial number 5 - apparently that particular dealer always gets the 5s...

For the Lange model and this type of watches they are pure investment pieces. People buy it, then walk across the street to the banking vaults and drop'em off there. I then asked.. is there anyone that actually is using these as daily wearers.. and if that would't they lose value. They said that's perfectly possible... and occasionally they have someone like that. In regards to losing value, once you're done wearing it, you can simply have the watch serviced once the unit is all dinged up or whatever (u have to think about that for a second - we're talking a $800k watch) you just bring it in, they send it in, it gets a full on overhaul.. and you'll get it back brand spanking new... ready to be sold... like it has always been in the vault... (obviously you pay for that service..)

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