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How do you plan your purchase?


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Do you sell to buy or buy to sell? I find it hard to part with a couple watches I have but am looking for a watch. Do you do without as you build funds or just buy the watch and then sell off a couple. Curious how others go about.

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I'm very calculating when it comes to adding watches to my collection. I like to keep the collection small and focused, so a watch has to fill a specific role for me (dressy, dress casual, casual, sport, etc). Since I keep a hard limit on the number of watches I'll own at any point in time any new watch requires me to sell an existing piece. Therefore I think long and hard about whether or not the new watch is better then my existing watches that fill that role. If it is I sell to buy.

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I'm very calculating when it comes to adding watches to my collection. ...Therefore I think long and hard about whether or not the new watch is better then my existing watches that fill that role

I'm with IM. I'm very specific about what watches I want. I think pretty hard about what to purchase before I purchase it. What I've found is, anytime I see a pictorial by Lani or read some of the amazing reviews on this board, or see a fantastic photo in the wristie's...I suddenly want the watch featured. No...I NEED that watch pictured. But...when I sit, stew, think, research some more...wait...think even more...my immediate NEED for that piece starts to wane for 9 of the 10 that I see.

Given that I find it very hard to give anything up, selling is not an option for practicalities sake...at least not for me.

I'm looking for pieces that fill voids either aesthetic ones (genre, style) or function (chrono, water resistance). BUT, if I see a smokin' deal, I'll usually jump on that.

@ chronoluvvv: I don't think selling to buy makes you a dealer necessarily, as there are many who keep a relatively strict practice of a fixed number of watches. If a new one is to be bought...an old one has to be sold. Or, as is the case with lots of folks here...selling many reps to buy a gen.

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Say I am pursuing watch X at $2500. I have $1000. I can sell a watch or two to get close to $2500, but watch X is not on the market. Do you sell a watch or two and have the funds in hand for when the watch becomes available? OR Wear the watches, and when the watch comes on the market buy the watch, then sell watches to fund?

I'd like to know the rational and logistics behind one purchase.

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I don't work things out in this fashion. If I see something I want...I assess...reassess, and if I decide to pursue...I just buy it. I don't bother selling.

If you really want "watch X", and it isn't out yet, but you are sure of the price, then I would say accumulate the money and jump on it when you're ready. Others save up the money and have it ready waiting for that special deal that may take awhile to appear. If you have to sell things to make the money...then do it.

I would never buy luxury items on credit if that was the only avenue available to me to pay for the goods. It's either available funds or nothing.

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I keep a spreadsheet of the current collection, items presently on order (with EMS number), items to buy next (with ranking) and a wish list of models I'd like to see made, or ones I'm not really sure about. I also have a section of watches I'm selling or think I might sell.

I have a credit card that I use exclusively with Paypal, anytime there is enough money available I'll buy one of the next on the list.

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It's always an impulse purchase for me. If I like the watch...I get it.....wear it and see if I like it in person...if not....I sell it off. Sometimes I like a watch but the wifey shoots it down (important to keep her happy so that she lets me continue with this hobby :p ).

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When I first found this place 1 year ago.... everything I bought was on impluse, much to my detriment. I used to buy watches and straps on impulse knowing fulling well that I can cover the cost at the end of the month. When the bills piled up, I stepped back and reassessed the whole situation.

I am more disciplined now. I have set a maximum limit of 14 rep watches. I also set aside a small amount monthly to what I call the watch fund. Any sale of my current collection goes into the watch fund. This allows me to pounce on any special piece that appears in the Sales Section. If a particular piece is more than whats available in the watch fund, then I wait or sell a watch to raise funds.

Buy first sell later strategy is okay if you have loads of disposable income, of which I dont have right now.... :(

For Gen purchases, I buy those with extraordinary discounts.... simple.

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I'm very calculating when it comes to adding watches to my collection. I like to keep the collection small and focused, so a watch has to fill a specific role for me (dressy, dress casual, casual, sport, etc). Since I keep a hard limit on the number of watches I'll own at any point in time any new watch requires me to sell an existing piece. Therefore I think long and hard about whether or not the new watch is better then my existing watches that fill that role. If it is I sell to buy.

ditto M and Toad

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