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Thoughts For 2009 RWG Fund Raising Calendar


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Weather we see the Fund Raising Calendar come to fruition .. I would like to keep the idea alive !!

Some thoughts for it ..

Vintage Months:

Pics From...




Too Much Gear


Whom am I missing ? Laz .. who else ??

edit add..Can't forget Nanuq ...


A collage [sic]





anyone else ??

Photo wiz's

Bytor is in the review section



Bazz .. his UPO water drops..

who else ??

Best Reps of 2008 ...

there's enough of these..


Ziggy's .. image of workbench.. Lume shots .. etc.

Chieftang ... AR

Anyone else ??

A Month for Avatar's ?

Weather we can make this happen sooner than later .. let's get some idea's rolling ..

Try to keep it simple.. this is our first attempt ...

I for one would really like to see this happen .. even if it's not going to be a large number in production.. it's a start..

discussion please.. :)


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Are these going to be physical paper/card calendars or printable computer files like pdf or jpeg?

Essentially you need 12 pictures correct?

Corgi.. leaning towards pre-printed calendars for security and control purposes.. but if we can stay on point for now.. the tech experts will work on these issue.. I posted this for the base of ideas not on the tech side..

ie. each month does not have to be jus one pic .. it can be an assortment .. (jus an idea) .. multiple images on one page .. and not necessarily 12 months..

but for now we lay off the tech aspect..

jus trying to get the "meat and potatos" for the images.. :D

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Perhaps add trivia and silly horological facts to every month as well.

That's a great idea S ... we need some input on this.. there are soooo much things.. maybe you can think of one or two to get it started.. ^_^

would it be historical facts on watches ??.. reps..?? ie. vintage history .. movements. ??

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It all sounds good so far, although quite ambitious for a calendar - almost more of a book already with how much you have thought of so far. Not sure I am going to be able to help much with the supplying of information or pics, and there are likely to be people around who have a better grasp on the printing side of things too, but I will definately be in for the final product.

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great idea lani. I like the horilogical fact idea.

I used to have a daily 'fact or crap' calender. everyday was a different question and you had to guess fact or crap.

Maybe me have a weekly horilogical 'fact or crap'. We could have a weekly thread that ties in with it even.

another thought would be to have important dates in watch history. kind of like when they put the holidays on. for example on october 23, 2008 rolex unveiled the gaytona II. obviously that wont happen for at least 2 years but if we could find say the release date for the first rolex gmt, we could put it in the calander. we would only need 20 dates at most. just a thought though.

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Maybe a month collage with a few gen vs. rep comparisons as part of the quiz...some vintage...some modern.

Maybe a month with some uber-Frankens...some uber-movements like Freddy's El Primero's

Or...if there are some really good pics maybe a big watch table "mess" like that pictured at one of the more recent GTGs. There was a pic with a big pile of PAMs...it was quite impressive. Vintage...new...unusually large, etc.

I know sticking "weekly" types of questions and stuff in the date portion of the calendar might be more of an issue for cost, as that entails not using standard calendar layouts and more of a custom print job. I have no idea what the cost difference might be.

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great idea lani. I like the horilogical fact idea.

I used to have a daily 'fact or crap' calender. everyday was a different question and you had to guess fact or crap.

Maybe me have a weekly horilogical 'fact or crap'. We could have a weekly thread that ties in with it even.

another thought would be to have important dates in watch history. kind of like when they put the holidays on. for example on october 23, 2008 rolex unveiled the gaytona II. obviously that wont happen for at least 2 years but if we could find say the release date for the first rolex gmt, we could put it in the calander. we would only need 20 dates at most. just a thought though.

Exactly... great idea. But do it with RWG (or just general rep) history as well. Example: The Zigmeister's first post, first ban, first HBB photo released, etc...

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how 'bout adding a couple of girls with watches pics? artistic pics though... a timelime with watch/board highlights at the bottom?

How about you just google "naked girls" and have fun while us grown-ups put together something for the entire community to enjoy. This calendar will be something I want to hang in the living room and so help me if there are girls in it...

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How about a small section of "OMG-that is the WORST disaster"/ Rep/ attempt that we have or have seen on ebay, canal street etc...

-Title it "what not to do"--- or better yet, put them on the cover and have nothing but photos of everybodies best...

my 2 cents..


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How about a small section of "OMG-that is the WORST disaster"/ Rep/ attempt that we have or have seen on ebay, canal street etc...

-Title it "what not to do"--- or better yet, put them on the cover and have nothing but photos of everybodies best...

my 2 cents..


Following this, I'd like to see an "evolution of the sub rep." We all know the plain submariner is one of the most popular timepieces. So why not examine its past? Start with photos of poor reps, and then move onto the highest quality available now - MBK, noob, nympho, etc... eventually reaching a picture of the gen!

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Come on, that's not really needed... Okay, Corgi's post certainly read as being condescending, but, that could just have been one of those times when humor does not translate into text as intended, there's no need to make suggestions that he's gay or dislikes women. That's just uncalled for. I recall when I posted some canvasses I had drawn with silhouettes of nudes, and the overwhelming response is that people liked them, but couldn't buy them for display, due to the female elements of their household. I would think Corgi's comment to be along the same lines. Without meaning to put words into his mouth, I would suspect that he means he feels that a calender about watches only needs to be about watches, the pure hobby, which could be displayed. Nudie calenders, on the other hand, are not necessarily 'home use', but 'garage and workshop' material... Just my perception on those thoughts though... :)

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vlydog Posted Today, 03:46 AM

In the community spirit, how about some GTG shots

Toadtorrent Posted Today, 03:43 AM

Or...if there are some really good pics maybe a big watch table "mess" like that pictured at one of the more recent GTGs. There was a pic with a big pile of PAMs...it was quite impressive. Vintage...new...unusually large, etc.

Great idea Guy's... although I am wondering about any pics that would expose faces.. but the shot of the Pams spread out is .... "Snap !" :1a:

@Teejay...Thanks TJ.. I'm sure your graphic expertise will be needed at some point and time. :)

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Following this, I'd like to see an "evolution of the sub rep." We all know the plain submariner is one of the most popular timepieces. So why not examine its past? Start with photos of poor reps, and then move onto the highest quality available now - MBK, noob, nympho, etc... eventually reaching a picture of the gen!

Corgi.. I think this would be better served as a normal Post.. this would be a project you may want to undertake.. it will take a good amount of research.. and time.. and IMO would do better as a well done research post .. with the possibility of being pinned than in a calendar.. great idea btw..

go for it..

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Come on, that's not really needed... Okay, Corgi's post certainly read as being condescending, but, that could just have been one of those times when humor does not translate into text as intended, there's no need to make suggestions that he's gay or dislikes women. That's just uncalled for. I recall when I posted some canvasses I had drawn with silhouettes of nudes, and the overwhelming response is that people liked them, but couldn't buy them for display, due to the female elements of their household. I would think Corgi's comment to be along the same lines. Without meaning to put words into his mouth, I would suspect that he means he feels that a calender about watches only needs to be about watches, the pure hobby, which could be displayed. Nudie calenders, on the other hand, are not necessarily 'home use', but 'garage and workshop' material... Just my perception on those thoughts though... :)

I think .. like all our disagreements.. it boils down to a misunderstanding,.. I'm sure Chino meant tasteful images.. and Corgi has a point too.. so no right or wrong in this issue.. jus a communication breakdown..or testsoterone overload.. whatever the case .. can we chaulk it up to what it is.. A Misunderstanding amonst friends... B)

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I think .. like all our disagreements.. it boils down to a misunderstanding,.. I'm sure Chino meant tasteful images.. and Corgi has a point too.. so no right or wrong in this issue.. jus a communication breakdown..or testsoterone overload.. whatever the case .. can we chaulk it up to what it is.. A Misunderstanding amonst friends... B)

Oh for sure, I'm sure nothing was meant, I just thought there was no need to suggest Corgi was gay... Personally, I'd cast a 'no girls' vote as well, simply to keep the project entirely work and home safe :) As before, just let me know what you need me to do, and, if I'm able, consider it done :)

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Come on, that's not really needed... Okay, Corgi's post certainly read as being condescending, but, that could just have been one of those times when humor does not translate into text as intended, there's no need to make suggestions that he's gay or dislikes women. That's just uncalled for. I recall when I posted some canvasses I had drawn with silhouettes of nudes, and the overwhelming response is that people liked them, but couldn't buy them for display, due to the female elements of their household. I would think Corgi's comment to be along the same lines. Without meaning to put words into his mouth, I would suspect that he means he feels that a calender about watches only needs to be about watches, the pure hobby, which could be displayed. Nudie calenders, on the other hand, are not necessarily 'home use', but 'garage and workshop' material... Just my perception on those thoughts though...

Sure TJ,

I just made a humorous suggestion regarding girls (not even "nude girls", check my post) and Corgi attacks on a sudden and bitter "grown up" answer? Then I could take out of it that I'm not a grown up, that he's a pretty bitter and angry person, that he may be gay (which is nothing bad, I do have gay colleagues and friends... specially girls :) ) and that he doesn't like any female figure, dressed or not, as easy as he imagines that a girl in a watch calendar must be nude.

Sorry about this, I won't add any more to this thread as I don't want to go personal on a board so important to me and that is a motive of lots of laughter and joy. Bitter people won't get any more of my time as a plain member. Any more to add to this subject that wants to be said to me please use the pm function.

I'm all about the calendar and the ideas you guys have posted, even the bitter ideas if they sum up.


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Sure TJ,

I just made a humorous suggestion regarding girls (not even "nude girls", check my post) and Corgi attacks on a sudden and bitter "grown up" answer? Then I could take out of it that I'm not a grown up, that he's a pretty bitter and angry person, that he may be gay (which is nothing bad, I do have gay colleagues and friends... specially girls :) ) and that he doesn't like any female figure, dressed or not, as easy as he imagines that a girl in a watch calendar must be nude.

Sorry about this, I won't add any more to this thread as I don't want to go personal on a board so important to me and that is a motive of lots of laughter and joy. Bitter people won't get any more of my time as a plain member. Any more to add to this subject that wants to be said to me please use the pm function.

I'm all about the calendar and the ideas you guys have posted, even the bitter ideas if they sum up.


Lanikai, I apologize that my comment has derailed the thread so. I didn't mean to write a personal attack against anyone. I think the 'girls girls' thread is precisely there to serve the purpose of housing whatever female-oriented images aficionados of such content prefer. Chino, I find your accusation to be extremely inappropriate and I won't even reply to it, because it's such an outrageous thing to say to someone, that I don't think you meant to write that at all.

I've often heard the term "watch porn" used here... what could be better than that? We have some immensely talented photographers here on the forum and I would be content if the photos were of watches exclusively.

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Sure TJ,

I just made a humorous suggestion regarding girls (not even "nude girls", check my post) and Corgi attacks on a sudden and bitter "grown up" answer? Then I could take out of it that I'm not a grown up, that he's a pretty bitter and angry person, that he may be gay (which is nothing bad, I do have gay colleagues and friends... specially girls :) ) and that he doesn't like any female figure, dressed or not, as easy as he imagines that a girl in a watch calendar must be nude.

Sorry about this, I won't add any more to this thread as I don't want to go personal on a board so important to me and that is a motive of lots of laughter and joy. Bitter people won't get any more of my time as a plain member. Any more to add to this subject that wants to be said to me please use the pm function.

I'm all about the calendar and the ideas you guys have posted, even the bitter ideas if they sum up.


As I said, I agree, Corgi's post could have been taken in a condescending way, I admit, it did seem harsh when I read it, but, I also understand that tone does not always translate as the author intended, so, remembering what folks said about my nude canvasses, I bore that in mind. I was simply pointing out that your suggestions about Corgi's sexuality or view of women, was uncalled for, so I felt obliged to stand up for Corgi. That is all. Case closed. Back to the calender :)

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Corgi Posted Today, 08:30 AM

Lanikai, I apologize that my comment has derailed the thread so. I didn't mean to write a personal attack against anyone. I think the 'girls girls' thread is precisely there to serve the purpose of housing whatever female-oriented images aficionados of such content prefer. Chino, I find your accusation to be extremely inappropriate and I won't even reply to it, because it's such an outrageous thing to say to someone, that I don't think you meant to write that at all.

I've often heard the term "watch porn" used here... what could be better than that? We have some immensely talented photographers here on the forum and I would be content if the photos were of watches exclusively.

Corgi,.. there is nothing to apologize for.. IMO it is purely "cultural" .. not speaking for Chino .. but as a latino Male.. the "Machismo" like part of the anatomy... as many friends I have at the gym are very much in to the "Mui Macho" .. that is jus my opinion.. not a reflection on "stereotyping"...

you two will find the same path eventually .. like many of us after "dueling".. we find that our common interest superseeds disagreements..

we all are obsessed with timepieces.. so Peace to da both of ya.... B)

Remember Gang.. this is a "Calendar".. some idea's here are GREAT... but IMO would be better served as a post in Essay form .. such as the history of the Submariner Rep.. and other topics that would take pages to compose..

Other idea's such as TMG's "Trivia" "RWG History" could be noted on the dates they really took place..

I'm not saying to make it plain and mundane.. keeping it simple for our first edition does not mean it has to be boring ..

We can go with the 12 month format .. and work a little, year round for the 2010 edition.. seeing that we only have a couple of months left in 2007 .. my suggestion is keep it very simple for our first edition and build on it .. otherwise we will not have enough time .. it may not make everyone happy which is alway's hard to do..

As our "Pilot" Calendar it should work out jus fine..

thoughts ?? (I hope I don't regret ending with that statement,.. say's to self..) :rolleyes:

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I say we run a photo contest and use the top 12 picked images for the calendar. The picked winners will receive a 1 year platinum membership. We can add historical facts on the winning piece that is photographed.

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