To be a true replica collector... you will NEED to accept:
NO replica is 1:1... EVER in the entire history of replica manufacturing!!
They cost less for a reason, replica manufacturers use lower quality materials (steel, titanium, gold plating... etc) and also much lower quality control and craftsmanship.
Sure, some replicas look VERY close to the genuine, but in terms of exact 1:1 cosmetics or quality of materials, no such replica exist.
Another fact: NOT every replica that you purchase will be 100% scratch or dust free inside the crystal when you take it out of the box like on your genuines. WHY?? = Massed produced + low cost + limited minimum resources.
If you are someone that demands a watch to be sent back to China because of a 0.1 micron scratch under the letter "E" of OFFICINE on the movement.... or, send the watch back demanding a replacement because you can see a speck of dust inside the crystal with your hubble 1,000,000,000,000,000x microscope.... or demanding a refund or report to PayPal because your replica is not true 1:1 when compared to genuine... then this hobby is not for you. Stick to buying genuine, they have warranty plus some will replace bracelets, straps or other parts for free under warranty. And YES, they will definitely last for more than a year.
If you want to buy just 1 (ONE) "ULTIMATE, SUPER DUPER 1:1 replica INSERT WATCH HERE"... because you believe that it is the HOLY MOLLY GRAIL of reps.... 2 things can happen:
1. You WILL be disappointed when you find out your ULTIMATE, SUPER DUPER 1:1 replica that you paid 345usd for is not so ultimate super duper 1:1. You will be angry and bitter about it, report seller to paypal, cops, your mum, etc and never buy a replica again.
2. You WILL be disappointed when you find out your ULTIMATE, SUPER DUPER 1:1 replica is not so ultimate super duper 1:1. But, you will be quite amazed on how close it is and feel the love and passion of other members here because they are oh, so close, and share the urge of owning another.... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another............... until you are BROKE!!!!
Once you accept these FACTS and are willing to play the customs roulette and could live with the imperfections in replicas (cosmetics, scratches when new due to poor handling etc).... you will become a true Jedi Warrior.... I mean, a true Replica Collector!