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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2014 in all areas

  1. I figured using the best sub title would act as a great trap for the newbies. Lol like shooting fish in a barrel, lol! We can fill that thread with anything they need to read. Haha "How to catch a newbie"
    2 points
  2. Lazy Saturday morning in Gdansk (Poland) with my Pam164
    1 point
  3. With no indication from the OP about budget, model preference (vintage, modern), movement choice, flaws he can live with, flaws he cannot, ability to accept gen parts, etc., it is a waste of our time. If one really wants the "best sub" one should at least narrow down the ref model. If he can't even ask if he wants a 116610 or a 5513, our answers would be as meaningless as his question. By at least spending 15 mins to just research Rolex models (whether on this forum or from another website/book) would serve him best rather than buying a model on one persons recommendation and spending $400 on a DSSD only to find out it's not for him. That would be a disservice to him. Genevaroth, what's the best sandwich I can buy for lunch today? Please hurry, I'm hungry.
    1 point
  4. But I have caved(glad I did) and modded it via Domi AR (a must for an more amazing clarity hence look on the face of it)and LOW BEAT and WP(tested and passed 5 bar). He was awesome as I stopped by his place during my business trip and got it done in 1 hour. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Who sells the best car? What colour is the best colour? What school is the best? Who's sells the best shoe? Where can I buy the best fork?
    1 point
  6. He probably said what I am currently thinking
    1 point
  7. Hi Guys Decided to have some fun with my time served Bronzo and gave her a brushed finish for a change! Have a great weekend (Come on Europe :-) AJ
    1 point
  8. So what are you doing here sir, just trolling for a fight? First off, I don't think the vast majority if us take ourselves too seriously, or are we pompous guardians of the facts on reps. But what we are serious about is knowledge, and that extends to reps and genuine watches. We have realized over the years of participating in both rep and genuine watch sites, is that knowledge can only be learned by reading and research. And another factoid that may surprise you is that most of the members here not only own a bunch of reps, they also own a large number of genuine watches as well, and I'm not talking about a watch box full of Timex's and assorted department store and Walmart watches, but some very expensive brands like Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Omega,etc. AFA the guy/gal who wants to quickly buy a watch and not get scammed or receive one that is "utter rubbish"to quote you, I would advise that they spend their 400.00 USD on a new mid range genuine watch. They will get a new watch, a warranty and peace of mind. What of course they won't be able to do is show off their new "Rolex" to all their friends at the local bar. If they are serious about buying a good rep, then stick around and learn like we all did. All forums,of every ilk live or die by member participation.I heartily welcome any and all who are willing to contribute by participation. I will eagerly share my meager knowledge with them. If however they are among the "hit and run" crowd, I have no time to waste on them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Lazy Saturday morning in Gdansk, Poland
    1 point
  10. Pardon me saying so, but I have never understood this argument that you repeat here now. Aren't references to other brands/models fairly irrelevant? Should I thread crap all sales on forums and state - "for this money, I can get a GEN Fossil/Seiko/G-shock/Iphone" whatever..? E.g, if someone is selling a heavy franken vintage Daytona, all gen form worth similar to a Ferrari but parts worth also being like gold in the bank - is it relevant how much a shitty gen entry model like the Pam 111 costs? But yes, that watch over at RWI is crazy overpriced to get back on topic
    1 point
  11. And ill still say, for that price, you can get a GEN Pam 111 , a bit Extra and you can have a Hulk Rolex, and some other Gens
    1 point
  12. I wandered into the local Apple store this evening to see what the 6 and 6+ felt like hands on. The 6 is a very nice size upgrade from my 4S. The 6 actually feels like a shop demo phone that some places still use - in that it feels that slim and light you think it must be a fake one until you swipe the screen and it works It's an equivalent size to my old Nexus 5, tiny bit smaller, but the look and feel of it leaves the Nexus dead in its wake. The interesting one to me is the 6+. I've always felt that the 4S, the Nexus 5 (and the 3 and the Dell Streak, and the Nokia 720) are too small to use for anything much other than phone and texts (unless you've got the eyesight of a 16 year old!), in an emergency I'll use them for email and web. So I've also got a current gen iPad to use alongside the phone, which is great, but big, and means two things to carry. The 6+ is great in portrait and landscape modes, and is big enough and displays enough readable text to be able to replace the iPad for 99% of what I use the iPad for. Bingo! So I'll be going for a 6+ and flogging the 4S, the 3S and the iPad which will pay for a sim free 6+.
    1 point
  13. Cats Get that Bucket list out and unlike the majority of people dreaming of things they want to do, go do them as time is the single most precious commodity we all have. My sincerest and warmest regards to you and your family Andy
    1 point
  14. If you want a really nice Seiko gmt, get the Grand Seiko. Sappire bevel. Giddyup. Ok so it's 10x the cost. But u can afford it
    1 point
  15. V2 on Bomberstrap (strappedfortime) with a real Sub in background
    1 point
  16. Congrats, the Blackbay is one of the easiest to wear allround watches in my opinion. And the rep is beautiful. Both bomberjacket leather (strappedfortime) and Bradystrap sailcloath are ways to go and make it much lighter to wear. Waiting for the pics:)
    1 point
  17. 5 straight days! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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