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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2015 in all areas

  1. I wear mainly Breits, the odd Tag and Pam. Kinda like Big Minty Bear, I don't consider them to be flash or showing off, hell I can't even see them, but wear them as a part of myself. I hate the feeling of not having a watch on my wrist! Not sure what people think of me or my watches, don't really care to be honest, but most are more concerned with making fun of my hair and clothes than taking note of a watch! [emoji12]
    2 points
  2. Hi guys. I'm just a newbie who just wrote some newbic questions for a few times. But those stupid questions are answered by friendly experts of this forum and thanks to that, I could complete my 1016 build. It was just sudden that I just fall in love with 1016 although I didn't even know if there is a watch like that before I enter this forum. I took a look at 1016 pics around this forum and google, I wanted to have both leather and folded 7836 bracelet. My 1016 build spec is as follows. Case - JMB Crown - Rep provided with JMB case set Crystal - provided with JMB case set Dial - Yuki Hands - Yuki Movement - Clone 2824(Seagull) Bracelet - Josh JMB was communicative and he is the one who answered my noob question for the most of the time. I appreciate that Justin. PM him if you want to inquire any good quality case for datejust or exlporer. -JMB : http://www.rwgforum.net/user/24124-jmb/ I'm not sure Yuki's dial and hands are correct enough but I can guarantee that they are well made with sharp&vivid printings. Lume is not bad but not superb neither. I'm saying maybe because I compared my 1016 to seiko divers which has super hyper bright lume -Yuki : www.yukiwatch.com Seagull 2824 clone movement has very beautiful decorations which is always good to have. I've heard they are reliable if I give it a good service regulary as most of other eta clone movement. -An Ebay seller : http://www.ebay.com/itm/321467374718?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Bracelet from josh has good quality and I have some good news for you guys which is not the happiest news for me. I bought the bracelet from josh and I proceeded my purchasing of Aussy spring bars and WSO 580 endlinks because I've heard they fits well with jmb case. Moreover, I heard that endlink of josh's bracelet doesnt fit well with jmb case. So I odered bracelet from josh and also ordered wso580 endlinks and aussie spring bars. However, Josh's bracelet came to me earlier(actually I didn't even received spring bars and 580 endlinks yet. I'm in South Korea which is close to hongkong) and I found that they have really good fitting with jmb enhanced case. It fits without any modification and I just cannot find any unbalanced point. it just fits good. -Josh : www.pf-818.com -WSO : http://www.ebay.com/itm/171022393380?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -Aussie spring bars : http://www.ebay.com/itm/351011434208?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I posted links of each parts for future-coming noobs like me as they would be helpful. now, let me show you my 1016. Photos will tell thounds of words.
    1 point
  3. For any vintage Rolex sport watch collector, I believe there are 2 essential watches that should be part of the collection, a meters-first 5513 and its older brother; the venerable 6538 big crown. Having already built my 5513 grail some time ago, I finally committed myself to begin and finish a big crown project that I can enjoy for years to come. First and foremost, I wanted the right dial. The gilt dial i chose was made by the Chuck Norris of dial makers who might be one of 2-3 people left on earth who can make gilt dials in the traditional way using genuine 1030 plates. Movement is a gen 1030 as is the tube and crown. The mid case was a challenge. I finally decided that the Phong case would work best for me, but it's hit and miss what phong delivers you these days. I have dealt with him numerous times in the past couple of years, and it seems that the quality control is not what it used to be. As such, the case required a relatively high degree of reshaping to get it where I wanted. In fact, I had to completely recut the bevels...this is no easy task. The look I was going for was a slightly aged case that looks like it was worn sparingly over the past few decades. While I could have gone for a more weathered dial, I wanted to enjoy the gilt goodness in all its lovely glory. Perhaps down the road I will replace it with a more age-appropriate one, but for now, I enjoy as is. I had a small issue with the sweep hand and the movement which was above my pay grade to fix. My watch smith rectified the issue and I finally got it all together today. In no particular order, I would like make a special thanks to @lionsandtigers, @cc33 and @Nanuq for their input/advice along the way. Specs: Dial/hands: He who will not be mentioned Movement: Gen 1030 midcase/caseback: Phongster Tube: Gen 800-0 Crown: Gen 8mm Brevet Crystal: Gen Tropic 17 superdome Bezel: Minh Quy Bezel insert: Gen "long 5" insert.. still looking for a matching tritium pearl Bracelet: Gen 7206 with 80 endlinks Gen 2mm springbars Now onto the pics: Very difficult to capture, but the gilt and the cellulose lacquer shimmer as it catches the sunlight: Sitting beside it's younger relative: Obligatory wristshot: And on Bulang leather: All photos taken with my iphone 6+ and unedited.
    1 point
  4. For those who don't know me I used to race Astons and yesterday was sent this great photo of me racing at Brands Hatch a few years ago. The actual shot is approaching Druids. I managed to win this race (the field are somewhere behind) and topped 175mph on the straight. Thsi car is a very special car with 650bhp and weighing 1150Kgs and was very quick! Regards AJ
    1 point
  5. Good evening chaps and chapesses. I had been eagerly awaiting word from a modder as to how my watch was doing when the postman knocked at my door with a package that was too wide to fit through the letterbox. I instantly recognised the country of origins postage marks and my heart began to beat a little more urgently. I took the jiffy bag to my dining table and very slowly and calmly ripped it into a thousand pieces. Nicely cocooned in its own foam coffin was this: Specs: Whoopy dial re-lumed to a nice light ivory colour TC hands JMB caseset with bezel machined to take SK T21 domed plexi ETA 2824 movement Mary WI folded link bracelet Aussie rounded springbars WSO 580 endlinks Hope you like. I certainly do
    1 point
  6. Qu'il en deviennent immortels! Vous allez nous manquer.
    1 point
  7. Honestly, I have to agree - to some degree, in the fight for trying to get something right on you can wind up with headache and heartache unless you engage those that are masters in the craft... I think probably the best vintage sub-homage I've seen, feel free to disagree, is the Steinhart Ocean One Vintage I will be buying one of these!
    1 point
  8. Very very Nice DTM!
    1 point
  9. Ok, now she's complete. Just installed a gen tritium pearl: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Put the big crown on a black horween shell cordovan strap I had forgotten about: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. Sent from my droptop using telepathy.
    1 point
  12. Looks like it's just about finished. While I'm not too happy with the bezel/insert...I'm very happy with the overall build. Everything went together smoothly and I like it on my wrist. It doesn't rise to the quality standards of a "dbane" build...but I'm very happy for a daily beater!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hey it's already Sunday where I live... and I haven't done this in AGES and I definitely wanted to start it... just like the old days! Nice to be back. Wearing my trusted old replica watch that I bought back in... well... I think it was 2008. A7750 still running strong.
    1 point
  15. I was looking for a picture of my old MBW and found this one again. It's too pretty not to put up again.
    1 point
  16. I detect that this thread could get flamey, but for the honest answers. I spend part of my time in the city and some in the country, which definitely changes the types of watches that I see. In the country I have seen a couple of Omegas, My mother wears a Longines and my father had a Bvlgari. In the city on the other hand there are many many watches I've come across, and quite a few rolexes in there. New Rolex: Typically new money, not a guy that is too into watches, sometimes flashy as is most well known (submariner) Vintage Rolex: Understated, generally worn for the wearing and for nobody else, most wearers have a knowledge of watches Hublot: Cares what other people think, will show off their watch, wants to get notices but has no idea of the mechanics behind what they're wearing AP ROO: I feel that these are pretty similar to what I think about hublot, but at a higher price bracket. (Though I say this I am wanting a ROO diver ) AP RO: Understated, sophisticated, classy. I'd associate with an older gent who has it made. Patek: Similar to the AP RO but I would hold this to a more revered level. JLC: Knows about their watches, understated and classy Omega: Up and coming young gent, can sometimes be worn by those knowing a little bit about watches (as is a less obvious choice than rolex) Tag Heuer: Wants a nice watch, doesn't know about watches. Heuer: Probably knows a lot about watches, or has had the watch for many years. Panerai: Muscle man, flashy, lacking in finesse (I know some guys around here will do it but I cannot stand this watch worn with a business suit)
    1 point
  17. When living in Miami Beach I was exposed to a lot watches and had a bunch myself but knew very little about them as did most others. Now I live in Nicaragua where most people don't even own a watch (except some quartz calculators on their wrists) and I am considered a weird character with my "hobby" Rolexes were very common and not even looked upon as something special (unless it was a rare PN Daytona or something similar) I remember buying my first Panerai in 1997/98( I think it was a 199, not really sure to be honest, lost it surfing years before I started learning about watches) and nobody was wearing them then - what I loved about them. But later they became very popular - especially with the muscle crowd (as stated before). And of course the AP ROOs for the super rich and celebrities. While the simpler AP RO represents for me the more sophisticated crowd as do PPs and many of the vintage classics from Rolex, TAG and Omega I agree with Nanuq: I get my hands dirty every day and I wear any watch to do so. Lately I have found that my AP RO 15400 rarely leaves my wrist. I almost don't feel it but I know it's there and it is as reliable and resilient as any Submariner I ever had. I was hoping that the PP 5980 would fall in to the same category but while I love the way the watch looks it feels more delicate ( I think the AP is also the better quality rep just from the feel it has). OK, enough rambling, just one quick profiling list (of course only my personal opinion so please don't feel offended): New Rolex (I don't like any of them): Someone who wants to show he got it but just has no passion Vintage Rolex: For people that understand the timeless beauty of these watches that has been lost in the generations following them Hublot ( I actually like some of them, but would never-ever spend the money on a real one): People that buy a watch purely for the look and status, but know nothing about them AP ROO: You are a movie star or want to be one. Rich kids of instagram come to mind …. AP RO: You got it made, but only the ones in the know will know PP: You better have great offsprings and hope that they won't drop it off at the pawn shop. Because it would be a shame (even if they are ridiculously over priced) New Omega: Yes it looks better than any new Rolex but you are still trying to hard (love my SM 300 co-axial BTW) Vintage Omega (and TAG): You outdid the vintage Rolex crowd in uniqueness and sense of style, but nobody will ever know New TAG: Seriously??? Recent Panerai: I bet you don't know the model number you are wearing, but nobody can blame you. Looking at the PAM history is like reading a list of area codes: 111, 112, 113, 243, 305, 507 ….. (I would love the PAM 785 set though - PreV Retro at it's best) Vintage Panerai: awesomeness - unfortunately clouded by elitist snobbism Chanel and Cartier: Lovely on the ladies, can't really take the guys seriously though that wear them…. I know there are a lot more but I am getting a feeling I might have overstayed my welcome
    1 point
  18. 3789 is what I went for, even though I would like the larer size of the 3799, the faux split chrono was the deal breaker in the end. Both are great looking watches
    1 point
  19. phong is eager to please, have no experience with mq. what I do know, is that they both require a bit of back and forth, case returning, and frustration in order to get what you're asking for. in the end, they usually come through but it's definitely something that can try on ones patience. i wont even deal with phong anymore. not that he isnt a good guy, he is, and like I said, wants his customers to be happy. he just doesnt have control over the outcome of the products he gets for his buyers, its hit or miss and from experience, much more of a miss. so you gotta have patience and ride it out until you get what you want. i'll be having my rep @dbane833 deal with him for me when the time comes to build one of these because I am not as level headed as my bevel cutting friend.
    1 point
  20. Well I too google'd Laura Panerai and couldn't find any watches I liked at all, she should loose her dealership! :-) AJ
    1 point
  21. I Got something about rolex wearing people and yes im one of Them and i Can relate to this Reason why i know its true haha A man was in a horrible crash with his Porsche. When the ambulance arrived, they found him severely injured, whimpering "my Porsche... my Porsche..." The emergency crew then had the difficult task to inform him that his left arm was totally ripped off. To this, he replied in agony: "Oh no! My Rolex! My Rolex!"
    1 point
  22. Nice topic! Again, should we distinguish between contemporary and vintage Rolex? I'm certainly not characteristic of how most people use their watches, but I wear my old watch friends like I wear my boots or jacket: I put them on and forget about them... they're just part of me. It's not devil-may-care, and it's not laissez-faire ... it's more like spending time with an old friend and not feeling the need to fill every moment with witty conversation.
    1 point
  23. That is just porn right there Great job
    1 point
  24. Gentlemen I have not been a member here long. I hope it would not be out of place to ask. Would the admin/mods consider turning this thread into a sticky? Reading this really touches me deeply and is a testament to this forum and I believe sticky would stand as a small memorial to our brother Cats. I like to think his son may stumble upon it one day! Best Paul
    1 point
  25. 1 point
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