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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2015 in all areas

  1. Looks awesome. Insert looks good. Mine came last week but is at the watchsmith getting some gen goodies an an Eta. Sent from my droptop using telepathy.
    2 points
  2. A few very quick camera phone snaps of the unboxing of my new TC 16610 LV that arrived to work this morning. Very happy with the watch indeed. Just dashing out to a meeting so crappy pics will have to do for now.. Will take a detailed look tonight (excuse the excited finger prints! ) -dusk-
    1 point
  3. The Crown Guards don't wear beaver, they wear bearskin.
    1 point
  4. That looks great, I didn't know that TC was making the LV again. The bezel teeth look deeper than the TC 16610 V5 I had last year. Thats a great improvement if they are. The TC watch is so gen like, a really great rep. Enjoy and good health!
    1 point
  5. What a stunning piece mate! Wear her well
    1 point
  6. Lovely! I got my TC LV through today. I'm going to throw a gen xtal on that i had previously bought and maybe get it waterproofed but that's about all I have planned. It's going to be a beater I think. Love the LV too much not to wear
    1 point
  7. My 1 hour old TC 16610LV (not even set the date/ time)
    1 point
  8. The driver's dialogue stolen from davebs, mocking BMECliq almost exactly 7 years ago, on RWI, in the thread renamed "Completely Owned At The Jewelry Store/Watch Forum." Just because you threw in Porsche.
    1 point
  9. Wow. A one of a kind fake 3035 that looks exactly like a gen 3035. What were the tells for you?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. The word? the word? Bird is the word!
    1 point
  12. Had a little time to work on the case a few updates .
    1 point
  13. I believe that this is a big problem on all the forums. A guy starts to go bad, a few folks who have had recent transactions start to complain and then all of the supporters chime in with all their warm and fuzzy stories and their wonderful experiences. Fine, but don't tell me I'm and ungrateful idiot because I complain that the repair guy has had my watch for 5 months, returned it not running or hands fell off, or whatever. The first question I would ask to any of those in the cheering section, "when was the last time you had any dealings with this person"? I would bet that most if not all were customers from far back when the repair guy was turning out good work and had lots of satisfied customers. I realize that there are going to be some folks who have totally unrealistic expectations, expect their 200.00 USD watch to look and perform exactly like it's 25K genuine counterpart. Most of us have realistic expectations though and when you begin to have a pattern of more and more people expressing their dissatisfaction and have legitimate reasons for their dissatisfaction, then the alarm bells should begin to ring. The problem is the cheering section usually is successful in drowning out the folks who are dissatisfied and have legitimate complaints, which usually leads those folks to stop posting their complaints. Now along comes new members, they need their watch repaired, and when they read the threads, they often come to the erroneous conclusion that the complaints were not legit, as those folks disappeared. the cheering section wins another one, at least temporarily, usually until a few of them get burned as well, then they join the other side, but by that time, the repair person has gone on wrecking havoc for a few more months, and more members get burned.
    1 point
  14. My 5514 on a fantastic leather Nato.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Wearing this for the evening
    1 point
  17. The chocolate dials are MkIIs with a very specific coronet.
    1 point
  18. No. ETA is not a Rolex movement. Rolex Watch Co was not a Rolex movement either, until recent acquisition and consolidation. RWC was the renamed Aegler, which made movements for Rolex and Gruen until Wilsdorf invested a significant amount of money in them to convince them to produce movements exclusively for Rolex, hence the name change. Cases have not always been Rolex either. A L Dennison was an early supplier, and Borgel was the producer of water resistant cases prior to theirs being used in 1922 by Rolex. The first Oyster cases were made in 1926 by C R Spillman SA.
    1 point
  19. Good thread for anyone new to read. Welcome to the forum violator. It takes time and much reading. I totally understand where you are coming from. It seems a little overwhelming trying to understand what our very knowledgeable members are talking about sometimes as they see things the untrained eye does not. After a very active year on several forums and much reading and research and maybe more importantly much interaction with experienced members...I am finally starting to identify some of the subtle differences and feel a little more confident in my judgement/appraisal. Obviously not everyone wants to spend that much time and effort on a "hobby" but if you do, this is the best place to learn. Good luck Sent from my droptop using telepathy.
    1 point
  20. does anyone know if this is a fantasy dial? (the Cartier logo at 6 oclock) ive thoroughly searched the web to try and find this dial variation but i can not seem to find it. trusty times website says its replicated from a 1:1 watch
    1 point
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