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  1. Returned in Fantastic shape, fully waterproofed, adjusted, new crown from my good friend Micky (SSteel) and looking magnificent on her gen OEM long divers strap glowing nicely in the half light. Thanks Micky Regards AJ
    4 points
  2. Rolli's FGD - 055 Rare Dial Artwork in Swiss Oem Quality and Standard: hello everybody, and again we want to introduce another rare dial artwork the 055 in swiss oem quality and standard. dial was made in switzerland. the 055 with tabacco color, a real artwork made by a high grade oem swiss dial maker. the oem standard and oem rules say, only to use high end materials and high grade machines, all these facts must be in swiss quality. materials only from swiss companies which also are developer for the well know products for the watch making, also the machines, cnc machines from almac swiss, absolutely fast runner with 5 independent spindles and perfect for recessed indices milling and for all dial applications, also for movement parts etc. all watch brands with in house production factory work with this special swiss almac cnc machine. all our dials were made on this machine. all the swiss oem dial maker have an expensive high grade machine park and be guided by ingineure. basic material is finest brass alloy , punched to a round plate with 1,0 mm and welded the unitas 6497-1 feet. indices cnc machine milled, processed the surface to a thickness of 0,97 mm and the indices-edges were rounded polished, to get the coinage stamp effect. and then on the surface the fine glass beads blusting, and after the cleaning procedure the galvanic silver coating. since one and a half years I got the original 055 color, berlac AG switzerland is the producer and developer of top high grade-A world wide best paint. so i got the original development of the original 055 pantone color, and they developed the best paint quality. this paint mixed with thinner for a perfect spay effect was applied in matt made by the oem swiss dial maker. after a drying time in a 150 degrees celsius oven, next days was applied the fianal zapon varnish with satin sheen finsih. now the dials have a final thickness of 1,0 mm. now the dials could go to swiss rc tritec for indices fillings with the C3 triple power Grade-A super Luminova. all indices are filled with this high grade_A luminosity by swiss rctritec employee by hand with the stylograph . the standard shape hands are also filled by rc tritec with C3 triple Power high grade-A super luminova. Note: from the hands, the old paint and lume material were completely removed by my swiss oem dial maker , then they got a new special oem berlac textured matt black paint burnt-in, same like all oem black pam hands. my dial maker has a special paint spraying equipment for hands. after this process the dials went to the swiss printer, for the printing steel cliché, and for the final lettering print, also with swiss berlac paint in high glossy peal white. this was a small introduction to the oem manufacture, i already studied for years all these single procedures and steps and could train and instruct the dial maker for the important details, also i trained the engineer and graphic designer for the vector graphic on auto cad for all the important sensible details. we had a genuine dial and high resolution scan all the time as basic for the profuction. now you see the result, it's a real artwork. enjoy the attached pictures. NOTE: send a PM for details !!!!!!!!!!!! regards Rolli
    1 point
  3. Been absent for some time now so I'll start one off! Missed this place White 1680 for me today Have a good one gents! Sent from my !Phone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. No pusher on 1520 There is a screw which you have to unscrew like two turn before you pull the crown out, The stem should be on setting position before you touch the screw When you put back turn the screw back, pull the crown once, push back and tighten the screw again If you unscrew to many turn you may damage the screw and need new one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. + 1, wear what you like
    1 point
  7. Similar journey, Small gen collection when I got here. Rolex wearer since the late 80's. Joined here to try some of the new modern Rolexes with the idea I would test them and buy the gen of the one I really liked.....and at one point had about 20 reps with pieces coming and going all the time. Then the franken phase of doing moderate to high end builds. Then lately back to gens. The "taste" that changed the most was the shift to vintage Rolex. As long as I have collected watches, I could have saved myself a lot of money if I would have known I loved the vintage pieces 20 years ago when you could still get them for reasonable prices. As for others noticing my watches, it rarely happens. My friends and co-workers know I am a WIS and frequently ask, but in public it is pretty rare. I do a lot of presentations in front of large groups and every once in awhile someone in the audience will ask about a watch or on the rare occasion when I run into another WIS. Usually that happens when traveling. I do tend to only wear watches that I can afford whether gen or build. Even when I was buying OTB reps, I usually wore models that I could afford to wear the gen of. Not that I really care, or that most people would even know the difference. Even as a WIS, I never really knew how much PP cost until I did some research, I mean I knew they were expensive but in reality many models cost more than I would have guessed.... Wear whatever you like!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Necrobump for case project please Adrian
    1 point
  10. Here is my 6265 built. We all know the pros and cons of this DW daytos, but leaving aside the few flaws, I like to focus on the strong points.
    1 point
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