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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, I haven't been on here in years due to just life responsibilities. I joined back in 2006 and was fairly active for a number of years. Really got to know some wonderful people. During my hiatus, I finished medical school - 4 years, did an internal medicine residency - 3 years, worked as a hospitalist for 1 year, and now moving to do a fellowship in pulmonary critical care - 3 more years. I hope everyone is doing well!!! I spent a lot of time on these forums!
    2 points
  2. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  3. I think that one showed up here about 1968. It's got a few miles on the clock!
    1 point
  4. Hi M, I meant my dial needs a proper case, I don’t want to cut the dial feet and go the 28xx route. That’s why I’m following altesporche’s build.
    1 point
  5. This is the Titanium version of the Rubens Barrrichello II
    1 point
  6. Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G928F met Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Trusty has the correct version by the looks of things http://trustytime.store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=37_45&products_id=13693 Not sure why toro has a hybrid version , maybe just to cover up the different movement.
    1 point
  9. I think they are omega hands, I bought a hand lot and they were in the mix. if you can but my the seconds hand for 1k that’s a bargain, last I heard handsets are 30k .
    1 point
  10. I love mine, got in on the KS campaign. I opted for the less expensive quartz but the build quality and attention to detail is incredible. Customer service is lightning fast as well. I'm planning on getting in on the new one they'll be releasing shortly.
    1 point
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  12. Yes right ! The 3646 case set, dial and gold hands where bought from River....He has a store on Ebay and i like to buy via this site, because you can see some clear and good pictures of what you choose ! Here is a link to his store https://www.ebay.fr/itm/Vintage-Welded-Lug-Cail-Dial-Handwind-Watch/132504388099?hash=item1ed9e08203:g:zcYAAOSwG1Nag6dV For the movement i decided to stay on a good old seagull st36 (clone 6497)
    1 point
  13. I’m set on my hour and minute for sure seconds hand I’m not sure. ignore the dial, just to show distance to track accuracy .
    1 point
  14. Pam 372 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  15. Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. I receive several PMs daily from various members, mostly newbies. Most of them wants to know various basic stuff: who the trusted dealers are, which model is the best, do I have this and that model for sale etc. Questions which are harmless in themselves. My gripe is with the feeling that the senders of the questions usually do not display good manners and most don’t bother to say please, thank you or do a basic introduction of themselves. Yes we are a close knit community and we should help one another whenever we can. Yet I cannot help feeling that such exchanges can be much better greased with basic manners and pleasantries, especially when the asker is new and feeling his way around. I used to be a lot more patient with such PMs and will spend time and effort to answer the questions posed, only for most of the guys asking to just vanish without even a simple thank you, after getting the information they seek. Do you guys get the same kind of PMs sometimes, and how do you feel about them or deal with them? I am selective about who I choose to help or respond to these days. It is ok if you’re new and want to get shortcuts to the info you seek. I did that as well when I was new. But it is not ok, in my opinion, not to bring good manners along when you’re expecting someone else to spend time to help you out. Yes this forum exists as a platform for all of us to enjoy the hobby better. So even when you’re new and know nothing, you can still make the exchanges better by being polite and appreciative. It’s like asking for directions and then spending 2 seconds to say thank you rather than just walk away without saying anything at all after getting the help you need. To the newbies, manners maketh man. If you bother to take the time to send a PM and expect a meaningful reply, then please, display less self-entitlement and better manners. Nobody owes you anything and good manners is the grease that keeps the cogs of interaction turning smoothly. Will you take the time to answer the PMs that you send, even if you know the answers? It is ok to ask questions, but not ok to feel that you are entitled to answers automatically just because you’re asking them. I’ve ignored about 50% of the PMs sent to me in the past 3 months due to the self-entitled sounding questions. Come on newbies, if you expect me to respond to you meaningfully, then be better mannered please. Else just post your questions in the forum and let whoever is willing answer them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Kermit Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G928F met Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Thanks! That's what I thought I was seeing. The size and "boldness" of the font looks closer to gen, just minus some of the serifs. But then again, it's 1/4 or so the cost of the gen, so is certainly a good option. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. ARF it´s the ¨name¨ of the factory. Probably A. and R. are the inicial letters from the first, last names of the founder. This is something recent from these latest two years when suddenly so many factories made same/similar models, that somehow we have to distinguish them and in the beginning was v1, v2, v3, but the orders were quite misleading as the latest v was not necessarily the best, and each month there was a new v, there were factories which were already had a kind of name or nickname, for example the Noob factory, which got the name from making beginner or noob watches formerly, than they started the top quality ones, and now we have these similar sounding ¨names¨ which are strange to us, but at least easier to distinguish Currently there are about 25 high end factories and not sure who makes up their names... I am sure no one uses chrono, because it´s more like a decoration, even for the gen, it´s like the 5th button up on your blazer, it´s there, but you never use it
    1 point
  21. Almost two years in the making !!!!! The dial here is a pure beauty with every detail right. Enjoy the pics !!!!
    1 point
  22. If you really take time to think about the matter, I think it’s only ignorant amateurs who leave their chronos running haha. The rest of us generally wear our chrono watches (gen or rep) without engaging the chronos. The quality and finish on the ARF models are generally a lot better. Watches these days are more for adornment than functionality. And chronos are part of the functionality of a watch. We have our phones to tell a more accurate time and of course most of us have timers on our phones as well. The “working chrono” bit is essential for some but I couldn’t care less about it. @blackboxes may like to chime in here as well, being well acquainted with ARF daytonas himself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. no contest, go for the ARF. Not just because of the 904 construction, but also because of the quality and details. @lorenzo1910the movement is essentially a modified A7750 sec@6, but with the chrono function disabled partially (gears and part of movement removed) to achieve the gen like thinness. This also gives it better reliability (ok less so than the A7750 sec@9 but more than the traditional A7750 sec@6). What I did was to have the movement overhauled and install a swiss mainspring into my ARF daytona and bingo, we seem to have a winner in movement reliability (so far!)
    1 point
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