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Admin last won the day on May 23 2023

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About Admin

  • Birthday 11/02/1974

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    Right here!

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  1. Admin


    So apparently some of our spam defences have failed today and the board has been flooded with spam posts 🤬 Think I have cleaned up most of it, but please use the report-button if you see anything I have missed 👍
  2. RWG is glad to welcome @CTime and @theonewatches as new dealers here on RWG. Ctime has been here for a short while and Theonewatches has been set up today, so exciting content on the way in their section. You will find their sections in our Watches, Clothing, Parts & Accessories-section.
  3. Unfortunately, no. But we are in the process of addin new dealers and contacting old ones to see who is still with us
  4. As of today, the trade area is open for all members and all members can post their item for sale, WTB, etc. You no longer need a VIP membership to post in this area. As usual; Buyers beware. Use caution on who you buy from, as the forum is not responsible for trades/sales between members.
  5. No. This was due to a technical glitch where a bunch of old sales posts were pinned and this means they are displayed first. This was fixed yesterday 😉
  6. Hi all. It's me. Again. Your "old" admin. Had some terrible news that has forced me to resurface a bit here: I received news a couple of days ago that George, the new admin, has passed away. Apparently he was in a snow mobile accident while on easter vacation in Sweden 😮 I've been trying to get a hold of him for a while as he still owes me the money he was supposed to pay for the forum and haven't been able to reach him by email or phone. Got a call from what turns out to be his wife, who had opened up his laptop and read his emails, where I told him to contact me as soon as possible. I have talked to her 2 times the last days and she was injured in the same accident. Apparently, the snow mobile hit a large branch that was hidden under the snow and they lost control of the snow mobile. According to her the snow mobile flipped around, throwing her off and she is not sure how it happened, but George ended up under the snow mobile and died immediately 😢 Not a person I know very well, as I have only talked to him a few times and dealt with him about the forum, but tragic nevertheless. George removed me as an admin, but since full payment for the forum was not received, I have kept the server passwords and login keys, so I still have full access to everything. I will spend some time to think about what I am going to do with the forum. So it seems you are still stuck with me for a while....
  7. Hopefully, the lights will be on, no matter what happens. We'll see what happens 😉
  8. Hi all. It is your long lost admin, just stopping by to tell you that it is time for me to say a final goodbye to the watch forums and to RWG. Life has thrown me some pretty heavy curveballs for some time and I have been to hell and back several times over the last years. Returning here and seeing that Nanuq had passed away was also a shock! Not going to elaborate more than that, but all of this has for a long time left me with no other choice than to focus 100% on real life and only doing what was necessary to keep the forum updated, either when something broke and somebody reminded me to fix it or when I had the time and energy to pass by and update things. These forums have been an important part of my life for so many years and I have had the pleasure of getting to know people all around the world, so writing this fills me with immense sadness. But there is a time and place for everything! It has been a pleasure being your admin and being a part of so many peoples lives. Now, this also means that I will be putting RWG up for sale. One of those curveballs was a business partner who screwed me over and left me in some serious debt and hopefully somebody will see the potential in a forum with 75.000+ members and perhaps be able to renew the forum and monetize this properly. If nobody is interested, the forum will most likely be closed..... Sale post here: https://rwg.cc/topic/197710-rwg-is-for-sale/ If you feel like (and I only ask of those who can afford it) saying thanks for all the years I have kept the doors open to this home, a donation that can help me with some of my financial challenges will he highly appreciated; https://rwg.cc/clients/donations/2-so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish/ If you prefer a private donation, you can use paypal and send funds to payment@frostbite.pro
  9. Anybody else experiencing this issue?
  10. Upgrade applied. All members are back on our regular theme. If you prefer the other, lighter skin and want to change, use the theme-menu at the bottom;
  11. Hi all Our forum software has been updated to the latest release. Because of this, the regular design/skin of the forum stopped working. Until we get an updated version fromthe developer, the IPB default skin will be used. As soon as we received the update for our regular look, all members will be reverted back. Sorry for any inconveniencec and please use this thread to report any other strange behaviour
  12. Got invited to this today. Signed up, since it didn't cost anything else than submitting my email for now and invite some friends. Looks like some interesting people are behind. I'm a bit of a geek and since the start of the first forum I've been running, I have no idea how much I've paid to paypal, stripe, etc in fees, so new and innovative payment solutions are always welcome. Feel free to use my invite link to sign up if this is interesting to you (only have 1 invite left) and share your thoughts if you have any knowledge of this. Is this the new Bitcoin? Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of credit cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this. Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/B-6TdbV6Q This link will stop working once I’m out of invites. Read more here; https://initiativeq.com Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
  13. Tapatalk should be working now. If not, try removing the fridge light....
  14. Forum software has been upgraded to latest version. If you notice anything not working, please keep it to yourself Or post it here
  15. Hi y'all Sorry for the prolonged offline period, but ran into some issues. All good now, except some missing content that is syncing from our other webserver, so it will be onine again shortly. So now you know, if there are any images, emojis or anything else missing from posts.
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