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Posts posted by Admin

  1. :lol: Pho, I know just what you mean with the first couple of lines in your post. I've got a Korg Triton synth standing right beside me here. Bought it 2-3 years aog to really start making music.......well, it looks like I am better at creating forums ;)
  2. I'm not going to comment on RWI and the reasons they do this, but RWG will not be endorsing any particular dealers, as this will most likely lead to suspicions on the reasons for doing this, no matter what your reasons are. Like the previous posters have said, there is no doubt that both Joshua and Andrew are great dealers, but the opinion of a dealere is all in the eye of the beholder. We all have our own personal opinion about who is the best dealer and this forum is here to provide information so that people can make an informed decision on who to buy a replica from, maybe even buy a replica and then decide who is the best dealer for them. What is a 5 star dealer to you might be a 2 or 3 star dealer to someone else.

    And just for the record: At RWG we have a dealer section where every dealer pay to have his own section. But just because they pay a fee, does not mean that RWG endorse these dealers. The fee is there to fund the operation of RWG, like the RWG supporter fee. Since they pay a higher fee, they get their own section here, and they can do all their advertising there.

    If a dealer starts to get a lot of bad feedback, the dealer will be removed. This was the case with puretime a while back ago. Puretime had some personal problems and could not keep up with his obligation to his customers. So he lost his dealer section here at RWG. Because of our policy of only allowing 12 watchdealers, he has been in line for a spot here ever since he came back and had all his problems sorted out and all his "old" customers had received everything he owned them. This is also the reason we only allow 12 dealers; we try to only have dealers that you can trust. If we wanted to, we could probably have 20-30 dealers here. I get at least 1 PM/e-mail every week from somebody who want's to sell their watches here. But the dealers contacting me have the same watches we already have access to here. Nothing new. So why let them in? Sure, they might be able to offer you a slightly better price, but I think we all know by now that most of the time it is worth paying the extra $5-10 to the dealers we have here. We know them, we know they will deliver and they deliver beautiful watches. And if something is broken or wrong, they will take care of you.

  3. Devander, the hosting setup of RWG has been covered in several threads, but I'll give you the short version here. If this website was legal and everything going on here, legal, it would be no problem using "regular"hosting. Well, it's not. And because of the traffic RWG gets, it's not enough with a cheap shared solution. RWG is running on it's own dedicated, offshore server to be able to handle the 12-15 million hits it gets every month. In addition to this, there is a smaller, dedicated server set up as a reverse proxy to hide the real location of the server. These things cost money and offshore hosting is expensive (don't ask me why...) And ads...well, if members clicked the ads more than they do, parts of the bills could be covered by ads...but this has also been covered earlier in this thread, if I am not wrong....and regarding your logic about pictures...what would a forum like this be without the pictures. Members have a small amount of storage space...when it's used, they can either upgrade their membership and get more storage space or they can use offsite storeage solutions ;)


    I know I am not a supporter yet but I hope it's still ok to toss in my idea...

    At some other forums I have been a member at or even modded they did not have the luxury of member support... costs were footed by adds, sponsors and admin pocket book, so obviously they were very $$$ minded as a neccessity...

    One thing I saw often was avatars must be hosted offsite or at least aggressively size limited (64x64 1000bytes or something) and no animated avatars...

    With only a cheap $100 a year account you can get a TB a month which can cover rediculous amounts of text... but throw in a few pictures on a constantly refreshed page and you will blow up bandwidth in no time...

    Hope that idea helps...

    And for those who are care (not diredcted at Admin, owner is always free to ask what he wants of members, but rather other members), my supporter status will come when it does, guilting me into it won't make me hurry it and I don't believe in buying credibility so don't suggest that to me. Thanks.

  4. Just a word about advs. Some time ago I clicked on an Amazon adv, went there, ended up in buying some stuff (winding boxes), and finally Amazon said they were not going to sell those items outside US.

    I felt quite unspurred to click on advs again, and still I feel this way.

    Hmmm...wasn't aware of this and unfortunately it's not much I can do about it. They don't have any settings that will take into consideration the country you are based in and then display ads that will ship to your country.

  5. Just a really short update:

    There will be a large forum update just after new years and a lot of the ideas in this thread will be incorporated. The economy is ok for now since we have members paying a larger fee for the 1 year membership and I can use this money now, but because of this, the forum will run out of money again in the future. To keep things running smoothly we need about 10% of the forums membership to be RWG supporters. Currently it is at the same level it has been for a long time, about 7.8%. It's either this, or people start clicking the google ads like crazy or buy TONS of stuff from amazon using the ads here :p

    There will also be a couple of new lotteries now and then, so hopefully this will also provide some money to RWG.

  6. There is no real tape :rolleyes:

    After an eternity of intense speculation (okay, twelve hours or so), an anonymous tipster just sent us an extended version of that clip which has apparently been floating around various amateur sites for a while now—and lo, there's nary a "Britney and K-Fed Sex Tape" logo on it anywhere to be seen. Coupled with a closer inspection of the lady in question, we're forced to conclude that x version we posted about earlier today merely stars a vague Britney lookalike—though who knows whether that "real" version still exists out there in the wild somewhere? Either way, we're already starting to lose interest; after all, it's only a blowjob ... and not a very good one at that. As soon as someone sends us verifiable footage of the formerly happy couple getting it on doggie style while some of the more obscure tracks from "In The Zone" play in the background, we'll let you know.
  7. Well, there is also the option of pressing down a "shift"-button and hoding it down when pressing a link in a browser window. This will open any link in a new window/tab depending on your settings.

    For the record; Any links added into a post will open up in a new window.

  8. I've been receiving many e-mails over the last couple of weeks with "broken link-reports" from our link-system. Some of the dealers seem to have very unstable webhosts and because of this their sites may be offline for shorter or longer periods of time. So please do not report a link as broken the first time you click the link. Wait a couple of hours (or more) and then try again. If it's still not working, then you can report it and I'll look into it.

  9. Is it just the late hour, or is the little quick search box (top left) gone? Used it a lot...

    The new skin looks nice, though! ;)

    I'll see if I can add the search box back ;)

    Yaaaa ! Well .. the Holiday Season is Officially, Here ! :yeah:

    Love the design Thomas ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Consider this a "warm-up" (Not the best words to use in the current setting ;)) as there will be some more changes happening here later on. First one in about 14 days (1. december) and another one in the first couple of days in January ;)

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