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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Yeah...seen it before, bit still love it...

    Dunno if you ever heard the one about the philosophy-student and his graduation exam

    The topic was:

    "What is courrage?"

    The students had 8 hours available to write about this topic. One of the students got up after 5 minutes and handed in his paper. This was also the only student to get an A. On the single page he had handed it, there were two words:

    This is!

  2. Have a go at this try on.


    Battery powered ... even.

    Consider it reported... be interesting to see how long.. if ever.. it takes ebay to act!

    Just hope he doesn't get a bid.... that would make two insane people in the watch world.


    Isn't this just a "Buy it now"-auction? just have a look at the low price he has it set to. Oh well, at least you get a Rolex with a glass back :lol:

  3. Good recommendation, Jody. Members do not need to "choke" up their machine with memory hogs/resource hungry programs like Norton/Mcafee/Etc. Security suites or what they are called. Most of these programs are using A LOT of resources and memory on your machine. Get yourself a good anti virus program like Nod32 (Paid) or AVG (Free or paid) and a good firewall like Sunbelt Kerio Firewall (Free or paid). That will stop a lot of your problems. Another good suggestion is to make the browser switch. Use either Opera (My prefered browser) or Firefox (Many others prefered browser ;)) Personally, I use Nod32 (Paid), Sunbelt Kerio Firewall (Free) and Opera and I have never had any viruses or spyware problems ;) But that's just my prefered setup. There are many other ways of doing it ;)

  4. Puggy.

    Its only here and after i fix it i dont get more.

    But i visit like 50sites a day and only place i got error safe was here so this site was only one that the problem came.


    It is purely incidental that this piece of spyware reacts to something here at RWG.

  5. First of all, and I don't know how I can make this any clearer: If you get an Error Safe popup when you visit RWG, IT IS ON YOUR COMPUTER. NOT HERE AT RWG!. There is no help in looking in the "Add/Remove programs" section or program files folder and say that it is not installed on your computer because it's not visible anywhere. That's the basics of trojans and spyware. It is designed so that it should not be found.

    The ads might be the reason for this popup, or there can be specific words in the html-code on every page that triggers this program, but the program is on your computer and not here at RWG. I suggested a free removal tool in the previous post.

    Download this program: Download link

    Start it, click "Remove now"-button and follow on screen instructions.

    Has anybody tried it?

    I wonder why there is only a few members on the forum that are reporting this to be a pain... that for sure indicates that the problem is not the ads alone....hmmm.

    That's because only a few people have this program on their computers. If RWG was the reason for this, all should have this problem, right?;) So again, this program is on your computer, even if you think it's not!

  6. @Dani

    Like Pugwash says, you have not gotten this from this site. Spyware and/or trojans has to be installed on your computer. So it is indeed your PC doing this and it is not BS. The reason your computer is doing it is because it has this software installed and most likely you did not even know that you had this software installed. That's why it's called a trojan; because it sneaks in with another program so that you don't notice it ;)

  7. First of all, let me just make this perfectly clear: You will NEVER get any spyware on your computer from RWG!

    It is impossible to get any spyware on your computer by visiting RWG because RWG does not have any spyware hosted on it's server, no codes to let such programs/active-x scripts execute in your browser, etc. So if you have spyware on your computer, you have gotten it from somewhere else!

    If Error Safe pops up when you visit RWG it is because this piece of spyware is already on your computer and (like Pugwash) said is programmed to respond to adwords/Adbrite.

    If you do a search on google for Error Safe and try to visit their site, you will get this warning from Google:


    Error safe is a "program" that is supposed to make your computer safe and contans an ad-blocker will try to block ads. This is the reason you see it pop up when you visit RWG. Apparently this pice of software is hard to get rid of, as a quick search on google reveals. Lots of forums with posts from people who have problems with it. The best solution to remove this is a program called Webroot SpySweeper (Link to program)

    Only problem is that they allow you to download a free trial that will find all your problems, but it will cost you $29.99 for a registered version that will remove the problems.

    It's either that or sit down and remove Error Safe manually by deleting all program files, windows services and registry changes.

    Edit to add: There seems to be a free solution available for this also.

    Download this program: Download link

    Start it, click "Remove now"-button and follow on screen instructions.

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