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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Thanks.

    The thing that got me thinking is the fact that trusty time has 2 different version for sale... Otherwise I was assuming they were all the same replica and all have the same functionality...

    As for signing up and upgrading... I'm very tempted to do so, but since it's my first day I just wonder if I'll be coming back here a lot or if this will be another one of my hobbies that last a month or less... I've always loved watches and can't afford the real deal though so I'm pretty sure I'll stick around (making the $10 no big deal...) But I did go to that section and was bummed to see the vendor reviews are hidden until you pay. Not that I don't think it's not worth it though as I prefer anything that keeps sites like this running and full of good info.

    Thanks again for the info.



    Believe you me...you will be coming back here.....and the $10 you just spent on your upgrade.......will be like a drop in the ocean compared to the amount you will spend on buying new watches ;)

  2. Hi and welcome to the forum.

    I believe the black Rolex i cheaper because it is a lower quality watch. Cheaper to produceand/or cheaper parts and thus cheaper to sell.

    Most likely the GMT from Trysty/Wo-mart and Perfect clones (Joshua) is the same watch and the GMT hand is adjustable. All the tree dealers are good dealers. Upgrade your membership so that you can browse through the review section and read the members reviews of the different dealers. Might make it easier for you to decide who to buy from ;)

  3. All members can edit their original topic. The reason you could not edit this topic is because of the changes mad to the dealer review area. The "main" dealer review area has been locked so that no new reviews can be posted there, but should be posted in the corresponding dealer thread. Because of this, the ability to edit these posts have been removed. I have now moved the topic into Rivers forum and you should now be able to edit it without any problems or post a new reply.

  4. Well, like I wrote above, a "major" clean-up in the forums was planned, but I nevet had the time to do it before it was time to bring the forum back online. Unfortunately, more members than I had imagined have had problems with the new software and the new layout. Because of this, I haven't had the time to finish my to-do list, but had to concentrate on correcting errors and bugs. I guess you all understand that's how it sometimes has to be when you make major changes. Anyway, I will listen to all of your suggestions, do some changes, put the board back online and hear what you think ;)

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