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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Ken, I must say that I do think you deserve to win. You have contributed quite abit to this forum, and I guess karma has paid off! ;)

    Congrats my friend...Well Deserved!

    And yes, this is the best watch forum on the planet!


    Karma?? I guess it helps to buy 20% of the tickets also ;)

  2. Why would anyone speculate just becaues a mod won... twice :whistling:

    Just kidding :) Good to see the raffle went well!

    BTW I am confused... the next lottery will have no limit on tickets but will only have 500 tickets available?

    Well, the script that I use needs to have some numbers to be able to generate lottery tickets. I have to set a number range and the script generates the lottery numbers in between these two numbers...Doesn't have to be 500 tickets...I can set whatever I want, but the script needs a set number of tickets to relate to. Not sure if that is a good explanation....If not, let me know and I'll try better...it's 2.25 am here now...I am off to bed, so don't expect any replies until later tomorrow (my time ;))

  3. After a record selling lottery (the lottery was initially sold out after 90 minutes) we have some winners;



    The winners of the free tickets will be contacted by me when the next lottery is about to start. The members who won a 6 month free membership will have this added to their account within 24 hours.

    And just for the record, since I am guessing there will be some speculations since a member of the moderating team won the first prize: The moderators are allowed to participate. They have seeked the members approval before we arranged the first RWG lottery a long time ago. If anybody has any doubts about the automated lottery script that selects the winners, I will be glad to take them on a tour and show them how things work, and how the only thing I do is push a button where it says "Draw winners".

  4. Hi T:

    Thanks so much for going through the extra effort to give me the option of the "nothing" theme again. I know you work VERY hard to do nice things like the decorations so I appreciate it when you go out of your way from someone who just likes it as simple as possible.

    Extra work on your part and I honestly appreciate it.



    No problem, buddy ;)

  5. Logged in, and no tickets avaliable :( ??

    There are still some tickets available, but they are on hold. This is because some members has reserved their number, moved on to pay but never finished the payment process. The members have been contacted and I will hold these tickets for 30 minutes from now. If no payment is received, the tickets will be made available.

  6. Not to be a party pooper but is there anyway we can get an option to shut off the Christmas or winter decorations. When the winter stuff went up we had the option of sutting it off, but now we only have the option of either Chirstmas or winter, can we get our plain old nothing option back?

    Hi T

    Sorry, not today. The regular RWG skin has been removed for maintenance and is unavailable. I'll see if I can set it up as a backup skin or something, so that you can choose it ;)

  7. Well, as you can see, we have been in the basement, blown some dust of some old boxes and picke out our christmas decoration. We hope you like it. (If you don't you can use the drop down menu at the bottom left to change back to the winter theme.

    Due to refurbishing, the RWG theme will no be available for a month or so. It will return in a new and improved flavour ;) Because of this refurbishin there might also be some services that will be unavailable for shorter periods of time. These will hopefully all be back when we have finished our work.

    Christmas lotteries

    Every week until christmas we will be arranging a new lottery. This first week, we have 70 tickets available. The next weeks we won't have any limit. We will make 500 tickets available every week and then draw a winner at the end of the week ;)

    Many of the dealers have said yes to sponsor prices and others we have not asked because they have already contributed many times earlier. No matter what, we would like to thank ALL our dealer for being a part of our great hobby.

    This weeks prizes: http://lottery.rwg.cc/prizes.php

    Click the banner or use this adress: http://lottery.rwg.cc to go to the lottery.

    If you have not participated in the lottery, you this is what you have to do;

    1. Register


    Fill in your preferes username and a REAL e-mailadress. Our automated lottery script sends the winner notification e-mail to the adress you have provided here

    2. Log in


    Enter the username and e-mailadress you just registered

    3. Select your ticket numbers.

    By holding down the CTRL-button, you can select as many as you want.

    4. Pay

    Continue to pay via paypal

    5. That's it. Now cross your fingers and wait. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    RWG Christmas Gift

    Just another link for the donation button, for all of you who think RWG has been a really good kid this year. All x-mas gifts will be listed on our donations page.

    I think that's about it for now. If you have any questions, feel free to contact a RWG crew member :)



  8. I intended to continue contributing, but didn't see the point..

    If one of the reasons this site operates is to protect us from scammers, why run the risk with the google adwords?.. Half of those sites when you click on the link are Grade1 A++ scam sites, effectively getting advertised at the top of the forum.

    I thought that this forum was run by contributions and / or a WIS admin?

    If that's the case, what's the need for the google adwords (apart from making extra $$)?

    I know some people will take umbrage to this post, so I would say sorry in advance, should anyone complain.. The Adwords are not serving any purpose at all as far as linking to the types of sites we get warned about here.

    Like I have said before; The current number of paying members does not cover the monthly costs of the current server setup. If I was to pay the costs of the site out of my own pocket, I would close it immediately. I could never afford it. I did this without any problems when the site was hosted on $20-50 pr. month servers.

    I've also said this before, but a site like this, that generates over 15.000.000 hits per month, using a database intensively, and has anything from 120-200GB of traffic each month can't use a cheap shared hosting solution. The ISP would simply tell you that they can't host you and you would need to find a dedicated server with the traffic RWG has. We would simply use all the resources on the server.

    A little story: I first got into the replica forums 4-5 years ago. The first forum opened up 4 years ago (TRC). It was then hosted on a server I had in the US, on one of my subdomains. This went fine, until I got the first legal notice from Rolex (GAF) that I had to shut down. My ISP also gave me 48 to remove the site. That's when I first registered the TRC domain and found another server. After hosting in on cheap US shared servers (For those of you who do not know what a shared server is: it's a server that several customers share) for a long time, I got tired of getting the same legal notices every other week + the traffic was growing fast, so I looked for other solutions. Offshore servers was the way to go, but these things are expensive. A shared server was enough in the beginning, but as traffic grew, I outgrew the shared solution and had to find a dedicated offshore server. Finding a quality provider with little or no downtime wasn't easy. And it's the same in the server industry as elsewhere: quality does not come cheap. But after running replica forums for 4 years now, I have found a setup that I am comfortable with and that I feel gives both me, as the admin of these sites, and the members, the protection that is needed.

    The Google ads are there to cover some of the cost with the site. They don't provide much, since people seem to forget to click the ads they find interesting, but they are a part of what keeps me from paying for things out of my own pocket. When it comes to the issue of the ads displayed, I have no control of them. Google adsense displays ads based on the content of the site. But if you see an ad for any scam sites, please send me the link, and I will block them from any more displays here.

  9. If this is your first purchase, I would go for the 2 asian. Nothing less satisfying thatn having only 1 watch to wear ;) Jokes aside: The asian watches are usually a great place to start and usually gives you a lot of "bang for the bucks" :)

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