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Posts posted by Admin

  1. First of all, let me say that I'm amazed about this discussion. I specifically said that it was not a good idea to discuss our options in the open. Now we have 9 pages with posts about what to do and what not to do. On top of that, you are arguing about our VIP memberships and other minor issues <_<

    I've been working with computers for several years and I've been using offshore hosts for several years. Offshore hosts seem awfully good on paper (or on your screen), but it's not until you actually use them you know how good they are. Most of the hosts located in countries where the laws are not enforced so stricly are also countries with terrible connections with the rest of the world (and I am talking about fiber connections here) = slooow connection. I've had 2 hosts that have actually changed their AUP after I signed up with them (after pressure from lawyers?) and had to move the server again. So the hosting bit is not as easy as it sounds.

    Anywa, we are looking into different solutions right now and will update you as soon as we know what to do. If you feel you have a really good solution or idea to contribute to this problems, feel free to PM or e-mail me and do NOT discuss it on the open forums!

    And for crying out loud, you can mention RWI all you want here and link to it as much as you want :rolleyes:

  2. Any constructive ideas instead of just complaining..?

    I am already working on a solution. And constructive ideas about this might not be a good idea to discuss in public ;)

    Like the last time this happened, I feel that the creation of a photo gallery, where people could place photos of their own watches would be cool. That way, if any members had questions about the watches, they could PM them. It would be a great way to exchange information about the watches seen in the pictures. I would be particularly keen on seeing the watches of a few members who have lots & lots of cool ones- just for information's sake...



    We already have the possibility here for most members to create their own gallery;


    Just sent a pm to Adm about a switchblade forum that I have been a member of for years (for educational purposes only of course!). It is called "The Switchblade Forum" and it is hosted by Delphi Forums. If Delphi allows switchblades, they've got to allow a rep forum. Just an idea.

    The problem here is not that we are a rep forum. It is perfectly legal to talk about and discuss replicas. It's the selling part that is getting us into problems.

  3. Personally I think people have been making our hobby WAY to public, easpecially with all the pieces that have surfaced on TZ. It also seems that the Hublot CEO might be a member here and also a couple of the moderators at TZ. We can only blame ourselves. BUT let us not forget; RWG is primarely here to discuss replica watches :tu:

  4. 1. This is NO joke

    2. Selling replica watches is illegal pretty much everywhere in the world so I don't think you need to be a lawyer to understand that they have ground to ask our ISP for our suspension.

    3. We'll see if we can find a solution to this somehow. Maybe not a new trade area, but another solution ;)

  5. The trading section has been removed. We had to do this to avoid having the website shut down by The Federation of the Swiss Watch. Also, all dealers will be removed as dealers and links to photoalbums, etc will be removed. We are sorry about this and will get back to you with more information.

  6. This has actually been suggested to me by somebody else just yesterday and at first I thought it was a great idea. BUT (not that I think that will ever happen) what if something happened to RWG and the RWG database fell into the hands of some lawyers? Would it still be a good idea to have a seachable archive over sold items here, that could possibly be crossreferenced...

    I'm concidering for and against this, but I think that the members why buy items from other members here can either received any pictures or other info i the sales post from the seller after we have deleted the post.

  7. Well, I'm glad you all appreicate the joke. I'm also aware that in some parts of the world it's not the right date yet, and since we are a global community, the day doesn't start at the same time all over the world.

    Also, don't start updating your bookmarks or other links. There will be a few links that won't work today, because of the changes I had to make to the forum to display this, but it will all be back to normal tomorrow ;)

  8. Well, guys, as you can imagine, this has been discussed a lot in the admin section ever since the thread started. I know some members have aired some concern about the admin being quiet, but I must admit that I take my admin responsibilities seriously and don't jump into these things without discussing it with the great team of co-admins and moderators we have here at RWG. (OK, I sometime so, but not often ;))

    What we have been talking about is many of the same things Neil has mentioned above. We have concentrated on the things we know and left the allogations about other things that can not be proven, like the PP issues, out of this equation. I'm not going to make this a lengthy post (I was, but I just deleted most of it, as most of the things I was about to say have been discussed in the thread), but we all know what has been going on. So let's go straight to the actions that will be taken;

    1. No dealers will be suspended or banned from RWG

    2. Any dealer who wish to remain a dealer at RWG will start selling their watches at RWG. All links to external webshops will be removed from RWG, both in posts and signatures. If a member wants info about a particular model for sale or info about a dealer, they can request it via PM or e-mail to the dealer in question.

    Both the members and the RWG crew expect to see an increase of new watches posted in all dealer sections. More details for the dealers will be available in the dealers area about this policy. The rules for the dealer section will also be updated as fast as possible.

    4. We open up a new "Dealer misrepresentation forum" where members can post about items they think has the wrong description. We do not expect every dealer to be an expert on movements and the technical aspects of his watch, but we expect a truthful description of the watches. If a dealer is not certain of the movement in a watch, this should be posted followed by a picture of the movement or the interested members can request follow-up photos by e-mail or PM. What we do expect is that the dealer will respond to threads in this forum and I do remind you that we have different cultures on this forum, and not everybody appreciates all the fu** and shi** flying around in this thread, so let any discussion remain in a very civil way.

    5. This is where we draw a new line for the dealers. If this line is stepped over, a suspension will be the first warning. One more error, and you are out of here. Regarding this, let me come with a strong suggestion to all the dealers here at RWG to participate in any discussions regarding your problems. Most problems can easily be resolved with fast and hones communications. We are all humans and we all do mistakes!

    Let me just add some final comments to this post, regarding other posts/threads on RWG right now. RWG is here to discuss replicas and have fun with people who share the same (special) interest that you do. We are here to talk about watches and other fun topics. A lot of us have found out that we share many similiar intereste with many members here and many new friendships have been formed here and many more will be formed. Every boards has it's ups and downs when it comes to the "general feel" of the forum. That's just the way things are. TT says it all the time; Where people meet, life happens. And let me just add to that; no matter what happens, life goes on....

    Have a nice day/evening/night wherever you are in the world.


    RWG Admin

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