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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Welcome back, gang. I hope you like what you see. RWG's new look will "hopefully" provide better readability and a "cleaner" look. Personally, I love the new skin :tu:


    We are as of now removing the 12 dealer maximum rule. This is purely done because of the low activity in the dealer section. We want active dealers here at RWG and not just dealers posting the news on their website. Because of this we will also concider removing inactive dealers and their review areas.

    The dealers will also receive a new special package. More info about this will be posted for the dealers. This includes access to professional support centre where they can follow up all e-mails, all posts made in dealer area will automatically be imported to TRC, etc.

    We will also be loosening up on the "no sex"-rules we have here. No pornography will be allowed, but since we are reopening the looney bin, we will alow people to post pictures cointaining nudity in this area ONLY. Let this be a warning to all of those who consider entering the looney bin while whey bare at work or they have people who can see their computer screen. We wil still not accept any nudity or sexual content in avatars and signatures.


    We will be adding more moderators and admin members to our team in the next few days. More news on this later

    General board changes

    Members are now allowed to use bigger avatars; 250x250 pixels is the maximum size. 250kb is the maximum filesize you can upload as your avatar.

    Apprentice member group has been removed. All apprentice members have been automatically upgraded to members. VIP and members are the only two member groups we now have.

    Forum changes

    Miss understood has gone missing.....

    Member interviews is a new forum in the RWG lounge

    The RWG support forum has been merged with the Introduction/rules forum.

    Photo gallery and photography has been merged into 1 forum

    Test forum has been moved to the Off-topic section

    Looney bin has re-opened.

    Technical updates

    Forum software has been upgraded to latest version, including all security fixes.

    We will be introducing a new article system for the members. This will be a handy tool for some of our excellent reviewers and writes to write articles instead of posts :)

    We are also introducing a new image hosting system. This is similar to the other off-site photohosting services and will offer easy uploading of images and qick access to posting them. This feature will only be available to VIP members

    We have a new upgrade system in place. Please contact me via PM or e-mail admin@rwg.cc for more details.

    We now have a brand new contact us-form that all members can use if they have problems. All support and help requests will be handled through this form

    You like sudoku? Well, we now have our very own RWG Sudoku game installed. You can find in in the links on top of the forum. You can play three levels; easy, medium and hard. You can also choose to time your game and compete for the fastest time with the other members :)

    New PM indicator - You will now see both how many new PM's you have and how many unread PM's you have.

    Who read my topic - This function will allow you to see who has read the topic you have posted. All readers will be added to the bottom of your topic.

    There are still many things that I have not gotten round to updating, but this will be done over the next couple of days. I hope you enjoy the changes that have been done and as I said, there is more to come ;)

  2. This is not where this info is coming from.

    The information presented here is extrapolated from several ISP's edge caches. Nothing to worry about, move along. :D

    Pugwash is of course correct about the above.

    The google ads has a system that analyzes the pages where the ad is displayed (using words from that page) If we create a new topic about viagra or something like that, you would most likely see viagra or medication ads on that page.

  3. Just let me add, Ken, that the current level of donations is more than enough to cover this months hostings bills. Further donations are not necessary, but of course highly appreciated. The rest stays in the bank until next month/next bills.

    And just to add: New upgrade solution is ready. Will be rolled out next week ;)

  4. Dear members. Thank you again for all the donations so far. The donation-system has not been set up to be a VIP upgrade, but was set up to receive donations. BUT if you prefer, I will of course count your donation up agains a VIP membership. Most members who have donated are already VIP members (if the posts above are accurate), so if they want their VIP membership extended, this can also be done. But to do this, please contact me with your pp payment ID and your membername, so that I can upgrade you according to your payment.

    Also, the donations are volutneer and I hope people will understand that we need the money and donate if they feel like helping out. If not, I believe the other members should respect their choices and not make disrespecton posts about other members not donationg. Feel free to call on people to donate in a polite way. ANy other ways may, like teejay pointed out above, lead to people not wanting to contribute.

  5. Dear members

    As most of you know, my paypal account was closed about a month ago. When Paypal locks an account, you are no longer allowed to receive payments to the account. Nobody has been able to upgrade their memberships and all recurring payments have been automatically cancelled by paypal. Basically, I have received no funds from any members this month.

    Because of this, I am forced to ask all members for their financial support via a donation to the forum. I have a rather large hosting bill for our offshore server setup wich is due in a couple of days and without any money it will be hard to pay for this. So if you have a couple of dollars to spare, if you like the RWG forum, if the RWG forums have saved you some money or if you have another reason, I ask that you concider a donation to help the forum stay alive.

    Because of the recent paypal-problems, I will not share the address where you can donate in public. Just send me an empty e-mail at give@rwg.cc and you will instantly get all the details you need.

    Thank you!

    RWG Admin

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