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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Can anyone point me to an Emoticon of a guy (me) shooting himself in the head?



    Dammit...Defacto beat me to it ;)

    I'd just like to point out that some of us choose to be 'non-VIP' members and yet contribute as much as if we were...........

    Febus makes a very good point here. There are a few members who do contribute to the forum with a donations and have chosen to do this only as a donation and not as an upgrade.

    I hope I have also made it clear that you have a choice; You can support the forum either by upgrading or donate (or both, of course ;)

    I don't like the idea of being a 'VIP'- we're all important. However I'm quite happy to contribute towards the running costs of the board. I think it's a great place and will continue to support it.

    The VIP membership seems to give some of the members a bad taste. Maybe we should change it back to the original name: RWG Supporter :g:

  2. So I'm planning to do a "real" radio show using the RWG radio. This will be at a set time and I'll double the capacity on the server so that we can have 100 listeners simulatniously, if this is of interest. We'll play som music, take calls from members around the globe, etc. Now, RWG is a globale community and it is hard to find a time that fit all members. Most of our visitors are from the US and europe, so I figured a show around 23:00 GMT would be doable, as this is in the afternoon in the US and very early morning in Asia. we would of course record the entire show and make it available to all members. So how 'bout it? Would you be interested in listenining to something like this? Also, if you have any ideas for such a show, members you would like to hear online or interviwed, let me know. Maybe let the members create a list of questions? The possibilities are endless ;)

  3. Any norwegian would know that fish.. It's a special breed of Norwegian Blue Trout.. Dog eaters! Bred in the late 80's to stem the population of dogs peeing in our drinking water. The fish is know for it's extremely quick digestion.. as you can see by that picture, the foot of the dog having already passed through its stomach.

    Indeed...The Norwgian Blue trout is a direct relative to the famous Norwegian Blue parrot;

  4. come on people get clicking, i am off on a clicking marathon, Maybe you could some how let all the members know about this as i was not fully aware that was how it works! from now on every time i click on view new posts i am going to open all the adds!

    I appreciate the gesture and it would be good if more members clicked the ads. But the best thing for the forum is that the membes upgrade or renew their VIP memberships. That way we have a a more predictable income for the forum ;) And we still need more upgrades and/or donations, people. 28 donations received so far. Last month we had 47 generous donators ;)

    And again, thank you to those of you who have donated, upgraded, our VIP members and to the others who contribute to this forum :)

  5. So we get money from all the adds that are shown if we click in them, as long as that site appears in our computor the forums gets money whether we buy from them or not?

    so if i click on 5 adds in a day the forum gets 1 ct (for example) per click??????????????????????????????????????????????//

    Yes. If you click the google ads, we get x cents pr. click.

  6. First of all, let me say thank you to the members who have donated and upgraded. Upgrading your membership and making a donation is of course completely volunteer and it will always be that way. No members should be forced into donation and we all have an economy that may vary from month to month. But I also do not think it is fair that a very small percentage of the members here fund the forum. Also, a lot of people do in many ways contribute great stuff with their reviews, guides, etc. and we all appreciate that (Mabye not enough. Remember to use the "Thanks-rating" when you see a post you like ;))

    But I have to admit that I am a little bit disappointed this time. We've had 1163 visitors here since I started this topic. More than 400 members have read this topic. And the result: 20 members have donated and almost all of them (90%) are already VIP members. 7 members have upgraded their membership. Out of the 1163 members who have visited us today, more than 800 of them are regular members. Please understand that I am not asking for a large donation here. When we have so many members who visit the board daily, it would only require a minor donation from these meners to keep this board running for a long time. The only thing I hope to gain from this is not to have any costs that I have to cover. Yes, I know there are those of you who think this is not your problem; since I started the forum, I should also be prepared to pay for it, the forum should be free, the forum should be funded by the ads, etc. Well, i would love it if that was the facts. I would love it if we could fund the board by ads only. But with the number of people that click the ads, we are nowhere near this forum being funded by the ads, so this is unfortunately not possible.

  7. How will we know if you are not getting our subs, i signed up for a yearly payment i think but if i am wearing the VIP tag falsly then let me know please ASAP

    Your VIP membership will automatically expire since PP does not extend your subscription. So as soon as you see your VIP badge is gone, it' time to contact me ;)

  8. Well, at about 2.14AM (GMT+1) today, the server went offline. At first I thought it was because of a scheduled maintenance at the ISP that I had forgotten about. This was supposed to last for 2 hours, so I went to bed thinking everything would be OK when I got out of bed. Guess this was not the case. At first I thought it was a problem with the server, as I could not access it. When I finally was give access to it, via the ISP's system, the server was working allright, so we thought it was a network/routing issue at the ISP. Anyway, we are back online now :)

    I still hope the members, both the current VIP's, but especially the regular members would go here and contribute to the board, either as a donation or preferably, upgrade their membership. That way you get something back for your money;


    Because of the PP situation, most (if not all) members with monthly subscriptions to the VIP membership has been downgraded and it would help me A LOT if these people signed up as VIP members again :)

  9. Dear members

    It's been exactly one month since I asked for you help, and unfortunately I will have to do the very same thing this month. Paypal has closed the last 2 accounts I had in connection with RWG and they also froze all funds available. All members who have upgraded to VIP memberships will now have their payments automatically denied by paypal and all recurring payments will automatically be stopped. So as last month, I am left without any funds (except for the few members who have upgraded their memberships again, after they have been cancelled). So once agan, I will have to ask for your support and donations. Our hosting bill is due at the end of every monI hope this will be the last month I have to do things this way, but I can not guarantee it.

    This time you can either chose to support RWG via a donation or upgrade your membership to a VIP membership. Because of the recent paypal-problems, I will not share the address where you can donate in public. Just send me an empty e-mail at give@rwg.cc and you will instantly get all the details you need. VIP members can use the link presented below, only visible to VIP members.


  10. Our Radio Is Online, Tune In Using One Of The Links Below


    wmp.pngWindows Media Player

    real.pngReal Player


    livestream.pngLive Stream

    Radio trouble shooting

    You need either Winamp, iTunes or Windows Media Player installed on your computer, or you can use the "Live"-link to listen. You can also open this link in many players;

    Live RWG Radio

    Both the winamp and the itunes links should be working just fine. If you click the Windows Media Player and nothing happens, here is what you should do;

    1. Right-click the Windows Media Player link and select "Save as..."

    2. Save the file to a location on your computer where you can find it again

    3. Find the file and right-click it. Select "Open with.." and then select Windows Media player

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