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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Well, the radio will be back online in about 10 minutes and we'll start taking requests from the members...No call in yet...Maybe later ;)

    Radio trouble shooting

    You need wither Winamp, iTunes or Windows Media Player installed on your computer, or you can use the "Live"-link to listen. You can also open this link in many players;

    Live RWG Radio

    Both the winamp and the itunes links should be working just fine. If you click the Windows Media Player and nothing happens, here is what you should do;

    1. Right-click the Windows Media Player link and select "Save as..."

    2. Save the file to a location on your computer where you can find it again

    3. Find the file and right-click it. Select "Open with.." and then select Windows Media player

    OK, I'll better get those songs loaded up... ;)

  2. Okay, is there a problem with requesting songs, or using the Shoutbox, at this very moment?


    This is what I wrote, twice!

    What the freak! I can't request Gnarls Barkeley or Modest Mouse!! Boo. Pout. :football:

    And I meant it too.

    No and no.....No problems with the shoutbos or anything else, as far as I can see.

    Not sure if Gnarls barkley or Modest mouse is added to the db yet. The database is still being updated from my local computer as this is part of my private collection that I am in the process of "ripping" to the hard drive.

    Edit: Gnarls Barkley - Crazy added. Coming up after U2.

  3. The listeners will pick up as the days go by....

    Sounds good here in carolina...

    Enigma..... SWEET... Good choice whoever requested it.

    That was me :) It was on the default playlist I had before I started the broadcast. Hold on, and I'll lift some of the restrictions on the requests :)

  4. I tried, but was limited to two requests per hour... :lol: May have to log in and change that limit :ph34r:

    Well, you would have to log on my computer to change that ;) Might have to change it, since there are only 10-12 listeners online ;)

  5. The RWG Radio will be online again in 15 minutes with 2 hours of music (and maybe some talk?)

    We will be accepting members music reqcuests. So to requet a song, go here and select from our broad archive of music (Not everything is sorted in the right order, and there are some duplicate songs there, but you shoule be able to find something you like ;) )


    PS The radio is a project under development, so there might be links not working, etc. I hope you at least manage to tune in ;)

  6. Thread cleaned up and all off topic posts removed. Keep it on topic, or I'll keep removing posts.

    Forum rules:

    [5] - NEVER use the REAL name or any other info that can reveal the real identity of other members. If you feel like posting your full real name, please do so, but unless you have a written permission to post somebody else’s name, DON'T!

    [7] - Be nice to each other and respect the RWG admin team and moderators. No personal attacks. In particular, malicious comments that insult others based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or sexual preference will not be tolerated. The fastest way to get removed from the community is to turn a discussion into a personal confrontation.

  7. Love the Shoutbox, Admin.

    Whatever happened to that new feature I noticed in the new system? When you posted a thread, you as thread starter (only) got to see who had read it. Or was that too Big Brotherish for you to let it remain? :)

    I think I wrote this somewhere else, but I had to remove all the extra features that was installed, so this is why it's gone. I am now slowly adding all the new features again, so it will return, in on form or another ;)


  8. Things are finally starting to fall in place after tons of errors and too many hours of work. I'm currently re-installing most of the old features + a bunch of new ones. I have started out by adding a Shoutbox on the frontpage of the forum. It will not show up in any other pages. So go ahead and try it out.

    Later today, I will hopefully finally have the new solution for upgrades in place, so stay tuned ;)

  9. Great! (I plan to fit it to the Italian Primeminister though... or maybe the Pope...) :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I just wonder why not in the Humour section. :g:

    See...just an example of how looney things are in here....Yeah...I know...it should have been in the humour section, but it's here...looney, I say!!! :wacko:

  10. Wow Admin talking about watches, now thats quite rare, i dont suppose you get that much time after keeping this place running though. Just been having a look at the gens and i quite like them, the Day Date with teh glod bezel struck me the most. next were the militare withthe crowns at 6, correct me if i ma worng but most of these are 42mm ish and smaller than most pams?

    hehe...I guess if I was just a regular guy/member, I would be talking a whole lot more about watches. Watches are the reason I started the first forum and is the reason I am still around (and have 40-50 watches :) )

    Unfortunately, running this forum, combined with my real job, sometimes take up most of the hours every day so I don't get to post as much as I would like to do ;)

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