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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. So what we have so far (update 4):

    Most likely do QC and do not Dropship:

    - Narikaa

    - TTK

    - Precious Time

    Under Doubt:

    - Pure Time ???

    - Silix ??

    - Ruby ?? (can we have another coinfirmation on this pls ??)

    - Sash ???

    - River (???? I think he is lately sends out himself)

    I agree with the comments of some members here that "QC" and "No dropshipping" do not necesarrily go together ......

    - You may have somebody else doing the QC for you (!!!???) and then Dropships for you.

    - You may not do Dropshipping (dealers distributes and ships personally) and not doing any QC at all.

    Well since I am the author of this topic (... though not the first bring it up) , my thoughts behind it was/is to identify these dealers who:

    - Check personally the watches before sending them out. Checking personally means , visual inspection , bezel function , movement , crown locking , winding, date turning, clasp etc...

    - Then ships out himself.

  2. But all dealers above have always been very responsive when there was a problem.

    In my case was also the same. All of them very responsive.

    Though ..... during 2006 and 2007 ... I have spend more than 160 USD on returns.

    I am even willing to pay 10 to 20 USD more on th std price to have the watch personally inspected.

  3. So what we have so far (update 2):

    Most likely do QC and do not Dropship:

    - Narikaa

    - TTK

    - Precious Time

    Under Doubt:

    - Pure Time ???

    - Silix ??

    Remember: QC and no Dropshipping means: Better watches , much less returns , less money spend , less risks.

    What about: EL , River , King, Paul, ???? etc.....

  4. So what we have so far:

    Most likely do QC and do not Dropship:

    - Narikaa

    - TTK

    - Precious Time

    Under Doubt:

    - Pure Time ???

    - Silix ??

    - Joshua ???

    Note: I personally think Joshua dropships ..... I have received 2-3 defective watches from him ... out of 8 to 9 purchased. Still good rate

  5. From Angus and Jay ..... do you guys have a personal experience that these two are doing QC and do not dropship ???

    How many watches you have ordered from them ??? One or two watches does not really counts. Two watches can be a pure coincidence (....that they came up right .... and that does not necesarrily means that any QC is done and no dropship performed).

    Four, five watches and above .... and if all or most, came up right ... yes then you maybe able to sugest that do not dropship.

    Both (angus and Jay) are very good dealers but I have never order from Jay and only a couple of watches from Angus to be able to say with confidence.

    Guys, the purpose of this topic is who does QC and does not dropship in order to avoid getting faulty watches.

    Faulty watches means: Waist of time , waist of money, more money spend to fix it or send it back and chances that customs get's you.

    The "excuse" (some dealers use that) that was "damaged" during transport is a rather cheap excuse and hard to believe (all the dealers pack very well ... bullet proove packing).

    So to me there are only three ways to find out (and being able to say) that this or that dealer does QC and does not dropship.

    1) - You have a personal knowledge on this due to your relation with the dealer.

    2) - The dealer has publicly and repeatedly claimed that does QC and does not dropship.

    3) - You have got a sufficient number of watches from the dealer, lets say 4 or 5 and above, to be able to say and the percentage of the faulty ones was less or equal to 1 watch (20%).

    IMHO, anything else is either a pure suggestion or coincidence.

    .... trying to save money and time .... at least mine

  6. well, I am a sort of impulsive buyer...when I see something that I like I go ahead without thinking too much and I buy it...it's for the clothing as for the watches...in generally for whatever can be bought...it's only after the payment done that i start thinking...

    this month I have already spent all of the budget to spend on reps...bought a PAM127 fully modded for 350 + WU taxes + custom fees...bought a PAM217 fully modded for 330$ + WU taxes + custom fees...and today bought the PAM111 fully modded for 500$ + WU taxes and expect to pay some custom fees....also bought today two PALP crowns for 85€ + WU taxes...and tomorrow I am going to pay for a modded PAM111 for another portion of $$...

    at the start of the month spent almost 1000$ on reps...and today+tomorrow another 1000$...after the 1st 1000$ spent I told myself that I have to stop spending for some time on reps, plus I got a notice that have some unexpected expenses of 2000$, so I definitely had to calm down...but couldn't resist on all of those beauties...

    now i feel happily bad...strange feeling...and thinking that I have to explain that to my GF that it isn't still aware of all of it...DAMN!...i feel already bad...

    but hey, I'll have two more beauties in my collection...how that could be bad?...and the PALP crowns will make my reps even more beautifull...

    Life is good...like a "famous" member would say..."watches" section and dealers photoalbums are bad...

    but after all, I am working really hard so I can afford all of this...right?

    any other impulsive buyer without cash on this board?

    Need doctor assistance or this



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