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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. Sorry to hear (and read) another sad story with defective watches send and replacements that never come through.

    You are not the first one my friend. It has happened before (with other dealers too) and it will happen again.

    In similar cases there only two things you can do:

    1) Find a rep friendly watchsmith to get the watch fixed and have the dealer to pay back the diferrence if the amount is significant.

    Finding though such

  2. No matter how you see it ... things are slow ...here and on their respective sites too.

    They only coming with some "old models" with some face lifting done like the new date mag on the PAM024 etc.

    Nothing really new so far.

    Dont believe that this is due to the dealers. The more new models they have , the more they sell.

    I guess is due to production on factories. Is either slow or held.

  3. I don't know your system as well as I know ours, but I think the situation you are in relates to the distinction between seizure and forfeiture. I'll tell you how things work here.

    Customs has the authority to seize any number of things, but once they have seized it, they cannot just keep or destroy it - that would be a bit too much like stealing. They must dispose of it one way or the other via some sort of forfeiture action - in other words, they must resolve the issue of possession.

    If Customs seizes a watch here, they must account for it. It is your property, contraband or not, so they must tell you that they took it, why they took it, and what your recourse is, and give you an opportunity to challenge their position.

    If it were me, I would not make any false statements of any kind - and I would not make any admissions either. I would just send them the check and forget about it. By the way, paying the charge is not an admission of anything.

    I really do suggest that you refrain from following any of the clever, well intentioned, advice. Trying to get cute is a great way to make a little problem into a big problem. Here, making a false statement under these circumstances woould be a felony cognizable under Title 18 USC Section 1001.


    .... sounds wise to me.

  4. Play dumb. I trusted the guy and sent cash. Expected a genuine watch and customs bill when it arrived. There is nothing illegal in that. I'm not sure about what the Swiss law is, but it seems to me that you wouldn't want to admit that you had any intention to import counterfeit goods.

    ..... and what about if they ask him to reveal the seller data ???

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