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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. AMK, I guess this is the other side of the coin of 'Frantic Enthusiasm ' that you displayed earlier,

    and more than a bit of frustration that Jay did not have the time to research your submission for you,

    despite it going outside of his guidelines.

    I think you need to understand that Jay is risking a bath tub full of cash to bring our ideas

    into reality, so must take the time to make the right decision.

    He has already taken us up on improving the Bond PO, which is just about complete,..

    and has stated that he will replicate more than one on our list, which is only a list of five... :whistling:

    Jay has proven time, and time again that he is a man of his word,.. so let's give him all the time

    and respect he needs to make the annoucement,... after all it's his money on the line.

    If you don't care to participate in further discussions.. that's your prerogative, however if you are

    going to throw rocks into the gears of creativity and fun for others...

    I think it's anti-progressive, and gives a negative impression that can mar us all..... :black_eye:


    Wrong. I will not be frustrated at all if the EBEL is not reproduced.  :mellow:  (.... though is still part of the second open "wet wish list"  :whistling: )

    In fact I will be very happy if the IWC is reproduced by Jay.  :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I am not sumbitting more watches because I and many others members we have already submitted many watches (20+ if you add the deleted ones  :whistling:  ) ..... to be honest I personally consider them enough as a number


    Of course if others want to submit more.... thats fine with me.

    As I said earlier, I still believe that this is a great initiative. 

    I never said that either you or Jay you dont stick to your word ......and if I recall that right, I also said that I am not firing against anybody.

    Sorry you took it that way.

    Not anybody can take a positive critisism.

    Few more words ......

    I was a bit surpised from your comments. :huh:

    I am neither throughing rocks, nor I am negative (...pragmatism does not EQ negativism) in my comments and definaterly I am not anti-progressive.

    Progession is a step-by-step process.  Step 1:Pick the watch, step 2:make the watch, step 3:improve the watch, step 4:pick another watch ...... and so on.

    .... I fell that there is no point to add any further comments or to continue this discussion further.

    You can keep going if you wish.

  2. I dont want to be either sceptic or pessimistic

    <_<  but I think is time to start seeing some results or at least some more specific feedback (which exactly models will be reproduced, when, which intentional flaws , what movement etc..) coming from the original RT polls.

    You all know that like others, I was very enthusiastic about the polls and the idea of having a brand new rep never seen before, but throwing ideas in the air and sending "letters to Santa Claus" (by keep asking new watch models), it makes me feel that we are creating excitement with a high possibility of a later disappointment. :icon_sadangel2:

    I personally have the feeling that we are loosing our time.

    Only with the watches included into the original RT Polls, Jay has more than 5 to 6 new watch models to reproduce. That should take more than 18 months (1 watch/3months). I think that's pretty enough.

    Assuming that Jay starts the work today, only with the IWC and EBEL (apart movement considerations) , he has enough work for the next 4 months. We will start see the first versions of them around Summer 2007.

    I know that Jay has internet access problems (still ???) and cannot work on the first choices. So let's give China the time required to recover connections with the rest of the world and wait to see the results.

    If everything goes OK and according to expectations, I will be the first one to "flood" this board with new watch "wet wishes".

    PS: With the above I am not firing neither RT nor Jay.

    I still feel that it was/is a great initiative and if they manage to properly produce the 2 first choises only of the polls, they will be the heroes of this board and I will be the first to applaud them.  :clap:

    .... but let's see something first.

  3. I will check my email settings, it may be the Spam filter blocking it, for some reason, someone, somewhere, thinks I need a penis enlarger...and I keep marking them as spam to try and stop it. Same for my PM, otherwise I end up overloaded with messages...


    pls send me a pm or an email through here or suggest a way of contacting you.



  4. Apologies The Zigmeister,

    I did'nt meant to either offend you or to intrude a personal area without permission.

    I have tried to PM you first but you have your PM box restricted. :wounded1:

    The reason asking for your email addr is because I have already send you an email (regarding a repair) to the email addr you used to have a couple of years ago but I am not sure that this addr is still valid.

    I will aprerciate it if you can check your email box and If you have'nt got my email, to either PM or email me (trough RWG) your  new email addr.




    Ok .... this is not a complain the "pugwash" style. :whistling:

    It's just an open invitations to all dealers to break their silence and inform us about some new and highly expected watches, if and when they will come (am I naive here ?? - most likely yes :wounded1: ). These watches were anounced aprox 2 months ago.

    There we go:

    1) Breitling Steelfish Superocean (not seen yet)

    2) IWC Aquatimer Chronograph Cousteau Divers (not seen yet)

    3) Chopard Mille Miglia Gt X (existing ones not recommended due to cheap/bad movements and many flaws)

    4) AP ROO (exiting ones not recommended due to many flaws)

    5) HB BB wth black ceramic bezel (not seen yet)

    6 IWC big Pilot (ok, dealers never said that this will come .... was just a rumour from RT)

    Author's foot note: 

    In many cases I have wonderd if they dealers do really know nothing

  6. Dude, the polls ended three weeks ago. :blink:

    ps. It appears all dealers have access to this rep now. Mail your favourite dealer and get a price.

    I know.

    I am just stating this cause this one was one of the canditates with a good number of votes (.... I personally dont like the watch).

    Since now is out , it leaves an empty spot for another watch.

    BTW:   Richard ??? How this goes ???

    Still jay cannot access the forum.

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