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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. Lots of opinions here.

    Most tend to agree with Pug , some are in the middle and some on the other end.

    ... one is trying to convince the other. :bicycle:

    Any way.

    In my job ... when you identify a problem you should automatically start working on the solution.

    So for me problem = solution.

    Let's say that the "words" and "terms" that some dealers (or all the dealers) are using are misleading and therefore we have a PROBLEM

    So ... let's assume for a minute that the dealers wont change their "wordings" and "terms" on their sites just because of us and this forum.

    SOLUTION ?? : Are we gonna stop buying watches from them ????   I doubt !!!

    @ Pug:  You wanna be a Crusader ???  (... think before you answer my friend... wont be easy)

    Solution 1: Create a subforum (ask Admin/Admin) ...or use the existing ones - where you and other watch experts can post opinions on trues and lies of every new watch model/release that comes out from our main dealers (6 to 8 of them).   

    A true HELL of a job. :Jumpy:

    Solution 2: Create a pinned Topic (sort of .... Trues and Llies: Newbies read first)  where you can explain all these and others can add opinions too.

    ..... if you (and others thinking the same way) think the the dealers should stop "white lying" to us ... then you got to do something, no ??

    If not, ...we just forget the whole issue.

    PD: BTW, if you decide to take on this crusade (even I dont agree with you in certain things) ... I will be right behind you.

  2. Why you came up this now ???   :animal_rooster:

    Anything particular happened ???

    I think we all (or most of us ) undertstand their terms and what is behind them.

    We all know that the movements are all CHN copies (and in most cases not identical ones). We all know the the crystal is not a true saphire and the AR coating is in many cases not present.

    So as long as we understand what we order  ... let them wright what they want. 

    If there is something new or exotic .... we can always ask them for further details.

    To my inderstanding they are not selling only to us but they also sell to the mass market. So I dont belive that they will accept to change the wording and terms on their sites.

  3. Can some pls guys explain this:

    Both Joshua and Andy have two ultimate POs (45.5 mm) with different prices.

    As an example (from Joshua):

    (1) OMSE10028 Planet Ocean 45.5mm Black Bez Eta 2824-2 Ultimate Ver at 238 USD


    (2) OMSE10031 Planet Ocean 45.5mm Black Bez Asia Eta 2824-2 28800bp at 128 USD


    Are these tow movements different ones ?

    Is not the (1) an Asian copy of the 2824-2 movement ?? so therefore is the same as the (2) ????

    Or is the exactly the same movement but with different rotation speed

    s ??? (new one - (2) with 28800 bph).

    Can somebody clarify it pls ??



  4. it is in all countrys illegal to buy fake watches... not only in germany

    i hope panerai don´t make much trouble. Maybe they send me a warning...

    i never order a new watch... i will no more customs problems... it is to much risk

    if Joshua refund my money i were happy. If not it is ok (it isn´t Josh´s problem, it is my problem)... and i learn from this story.

    fedex is very bad in germany... i have 2 times held a parcel from customs with fedex shipping. A friend has also lost one parcel from fedex by customs...

    No , not in all countries in Europe is illegal buying fake items (... of course selling them it is).

    I am not sure but if recall correct from ther old days , some Europen countries do allow you to own fake items for own use


    Maybe was NL , maybe Nordics ... dont remember exatcly.

  5. While waiting for my PO due this week, I'm trying all the steel watches I have, just to get back used to it. Today is this one:

    Nice ,

    I was also thinking on one of this as an alternative to a green bezel sub.

    Do you mind PM me regarding dealer , watch movement, in and outs regarding the GMT hand etc...

    I will really appreciate it.



  6. Only thing I have to say is .....

    Even if they make 15,000 USD net (tax free :o ) a month ..... that's a lot of money.

    On the other hand, Paul ... used to say that the rep watches business is similar to drug business (lots of money ..... but risky .... police / customs / maybe chinese mafia too , etc....).

    ...... I am sure though that they can affort an extra discount to us. B)

  7. Just curiosity on an old issue.

    Usually we see a new watch model or an improved version of an existing one, once a month.

    In 90% of the cases the first and second version of it are full of flaws. Even though its not the rule, normally they start improving from the 3rd version and on (if they ever get that far ... based on popularity).

    So the question is: How long you wait before you buy a new model that comes out ???

    Personally I believe that it could depend on many factors, such as:

    - How bad you want the watch

    - How good are the first versions of it

    - How implulsive you are with buying watches

    - How new you are in the rep watches world

    - How perfect you want your watch

    - ...... more ??

    I personally want my watches at least 95% perfect ... so that normally brings me down to a 6 - 12 months waiting before I buy the watch.

    As an example: I haven't got the PO even though I like it a lot... I will wait few more months to see if a better version comes out (even though the current/latest one is pretty good).

    As all we know, buying watches early, could either mean ending up with a "non so good version" or loosing money by selling it. :wounded1:

    I am asking this question cause very soon we will see a lots of AP ROOs, IWC Pilots, Breitlings etc....

    So ..... statistically, whats your average waiting time before you buy a new watch model ????


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