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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. How do so many morons co-exist in one space without creating a black-hole in the vortex of the universe which eventually sucks all forms of intelligence into it?????

    Anyone who understands dealers, KNOWS that from time to time they MUST (MUST...all CAPS) change online identities for security reasons.

    ANYONE here who thinks, considers, suspects, presumes.... that EDDIE is getting out of the business, is... um...CLUELESS

    ...And, btw, .... have a nice day!

    .....its a posibility ....though if you do that you dont clear stock as River does.

    BTW: pls dont use bold and/or capital letters unless you are shouting.

  2. Well, Eddie and River leaving the building......leaves me sad. I've only been in this game three years and remember buying a lot from Eddie. Half the fun was the email back and forth between eddie or river. Never knew if I got the best price or someone else did.........but I was happy with the product and that's all that mattered.

    It's also true that life changes and people just move on. Sometimes it just takes a little push and you're somewhere else.

    I'll Miss them both...........especially Eddie's "thoughtful" comments.

    I feel exactly the same. I know both Eddie and River since 4 years now (even though I didnt had any transactions with them last year) .... I have always consider them not only as dealers but

  3. the 2893-2 movements will not work for Rolex GMTs as the stack is wrong. The GMT hand is on the bottom, and will not clear the dial markers. The only option would a hand swap where you fitted the hour hand on the GMT wheel, and the GMT hand on the hour wheel. This of course would have the GMT hand as your hour and and vice versa.

    I know but I rather have the wrong stack with a watch that it works rather than having the correct stack hand with a problematic movement (mod 2


  4. Does anybody knows if are any dealers around who carry GMT watches with 2893-2 movements ????

    They 100% better than the 2836-2 modified

    The modified movements give problems .... the whole thing is geared around the GMT hand ... and because of that the hour hand does not correctly points the hour ... etc...

  5. It will be nice to see this with superlume ...... though I think what we say ...... counts little.

    We all know that CHN rep makers are deaf to our wishes.

    ..... and dont worry about the price. With superlume or not , when this watch comes out (around March), .... it will be expensive .... so control your excitment.

  6. My crown has the same big gap, but that's the least of my issues...

    it runs +6 minutes a day and it stops nightly whether charged or not. flav, i tried msg'ing you but for some reason i can't on this board (and replicacollector is down or something). are these repairs something you'd consider attempting (for a price, of course)? i think my email should be visible. i'd love to get your opinion on course of action.


    If you can find a rep friendly watchsniths near you, you can try to see if he can fix the +6 min overrun and the crown problñem (the 

    majority of the watchsmiths are not rep friendly).

    Anyway , if you can find one, give it a try to see if can be fix

    ed locally ... its allways better than sending the wtch back.

    If the price of the repair , try to agree withg a dealer a discoun

    t for a future purchase. Some they accept that.

    If no such a watchsmith around or price too high ..... you are only left with one option.  Send it back.

  7. Hold on, let me ask my Elf friend here if he's had "reality confusions".... He says no.

    Its becuase for him (the Elf) its the only reality he knows ... but for you is not ... so that what is called "reality confusion" .... or  am I confused .... :g: .. .... I need a morning coffe "reality" before I get further "confused".    :bangin:

  8. In preparing my Planet Ocean for some photos to show how close to the case the crown should go, I noticed that my crappy pearl looks bad because the metal surrounding the lume is recessed. I thought I could remove the insert and push the pearl through and fix it. This was not to be, hhowever as these photos will show.

    Me .... responsible .... :wounded1:

    BTW , they use exactly the same system (rachet etc...) with the RX SD or SUB.

  9. @ Pug: Thanks for the pics. Yours looks good. The crown on mine never went that far. It leaves that 1-1,5 mm gap before the watch case.

    Even though my pics (shitty camera or shitty me who doesn't know how to take good pics with macro) ... what I was saying ?....ah .....yes..... in my blurry pics you can see still the gap.

    @ff: thanks for your pics too.

    Watch went back already (I only kept it for a day-in pastic).

    20 USD for a register mai to CHN.  :angry:

    The dealer (...if such dealers will ever exist) who will pay back the return postage fee of a defective watch returned...... according to my "Dealers Classification table", will immediately fall in the EXCELENT dealer category. So far none of our best dealers fall in to these category.   :(

    I have also asked the dealer if all the latest POs have crown problems .... he refused it categoricaly.

    Lets see how the replacement will be.

    I will keep you posted here.

  10. Everquest. Been playing it off and on for over 6 years and it's still more entertaining that most games out there.

    Is that RPG for on-line play only ???

    If yes , watch out .... some people they that is seriously addictive and to some people (especially to youngsters) can lead to severe "reality confusions". :black_eye:

  11. In future.....I WILL NOT supply anyone who does NOT have access to a watch repairer.....( I'm fed up with members who 'bleat' that the watch is losing 30 secs a day and can they send it back to be regulated .....the answer is NO......go find a 'smith or learn how to do it yourself....I'm a supplier.....not a service agent.....and if you don't have someone who can do it in your home town.......GO COLLECT STAMPS....sending a watch 18000 miles around the world and thru 3 or 4 sets of Customs is a NO BRAINER.....).......these are mechanical items......not quartz watches.......they REQUIRE constant attention.....servicing and handling with care.....if you're not prepared to take that into consideration.....GO BUY AT WAL-MART OR JOSTY AND THRUSHY......just don't pester me....!


    Only 3 comments / questions.

    . I am glad you are now fully recovered from your illness.

    . What I would like to see from you personally are the "exotic" watches. In the old days you were the Mr "Exotic watch man".

    You presented for the first time here (....well, in the old RWG) the 1st Radiomir with date , the PAM panda, the PP and so many to name.

    You had models that nobody else had.    Are you going to start (...or continue) doing so ???

    . I can understand your view on the "loosing 30 secs" issue, and I agree, but you will take a watch back if lets say: the bezel doesn't turn , or date doesn't change, or a sec sub dial hand is loose inside the dial, crown is popping up....etc......   No ???

    Watchsmiths, in the majority of the cases do not undertake this kind of work/repair on reps.

    Some people can fix that themselves , but dont forget that these members do no represent more than the 20% of this forum.

    The rest can only do strap changing and brasselet adjustment (...I am one of them :whistling: ).

    ..... some members dont even go that far.

    Glad to see ya back ... alive and ready to kick   :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  12. I have a similar problem with my brand new 45mm PO, from day one the crown did not screw back. I could not wear the watch. At the end I sent it back to Andrew it cost me 28.00 dollars


    What's going on here ...... all the ultimate 2824 POs have crown problems ???

    Got excatly the same problem, same story, watch went back.

  13. Someone commented on Andreas idea.......I told him.....watch for the guys that give a bad review on a dealer.....suddenly disappear from the dealer's Xmas card list....when he has a hot item that everyone wants.....suddenly it's......"I'm afraid that item is out of stock....permanently"......LMAO....!


    That reminds a bit of Maria ..... the watch Nazi .....   "No watch for you"    :hitler:     

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